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Title: Car tax [Print this page]

Author: Anevenow    Time: 2023-4-10 21:58
Title: Car tax
Hi all, must have missed something about the price increase, the wife just had her car tax renewal letter, gone up to £180 for little ford KA, what with fuel prices, insurance increases she is thinking of selling.

Author: Darenbug    Time: 2023-4-10 22:12
Car tax going up year in year, electric cars are getting taxed, low emission cars are getting taxed higher, now there's the additional tyre tax and brake tax to come.
Author: Eristanjoro    Time: 2023-4-10 22:28
Hey there, I just stumbled upon this post and found it really interesting. It's crazy how each tax policy seems to have its own set of loopholes and exceptions, isn't it? And with Brexit, things seem to be even more complicated. It's frustrating how the government seems to be misleading people with claims of ""taking back control."" But there are some online tools to help with taxes, like check stub maker. Have you checked it out? It can be super helpful with keeping track of income and deductions. Just a thought! As a new member of this forum, I'm excited to learn more from everyone here.

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