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Title: Tricky mind [Print this page]

Author: LaoTzu    Time: 2015-3-23 22:30
Title: Tricky mind
Hey Arthur,

This happening again.....GM always cheats players, force us to use gold every event.
Event for crusade, stage 4, YOU put WENJI with BIG TROOPS?? WTF is that??

if you are really GM, try to be realistic.
Dont use tricky way to suck our money like that.
Do with honour way, there no point you got our money like this.
The money you gain be easily gone... whoooospp.. gone with the wind....


Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-3-24 01:53
That wenji is ur ppl wu bro laotsu.. Belle.s17.. LoL.. Go ask him fire his wenji.. Hehe
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-3-24 03:32
How does talent of Wenji work?
We dont have her on our server yet so never seen
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-24 11:25
Sir, we never use any tricky and the thing u mentioned it's hard to pass, we'll forward to our staff,thx for ur understanding and try to increase ur heroes' power, thx

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