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Title: Crusade [Print this page]

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-3-29 05:11
Title: Crusade
This was my set up in crusade:


And this how far I managed to get with LOADS of luck (I made 3 blocks):


Dear developers please make the last stage easier I cannot beat it in any way.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-3-29 07:47
Stage 1-7 low clon intiv ppl.. Stage 8 spasial gen.. Stage 9-10 more stronger/intiv clon ppl..
Juat set up ur horcrux.. And crusade more easy
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-3-29 08:37
ukaman87 replied at 2015-3-29 07:47
Stage 1-7 low clon intiv ppl.. Stage 8 spasial gen.. Stage 9-10 more stronger/intiv clon ppl..
Juat ...

Ok, thanks for advice, but I am top10 on my server and this is the last stage
Dont think anyone except our top player can clear that
Also look at the difference in troops
If I become stronger, that stage will become harder
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-3-29 16:15
SteelBarr replied at 2015-3-29 08:37
Ok, thanks for advice, but I am top10 on my server and this is the last stage
Dont think anyone ex ...

Wow my arena rank only top 50 on my server.. .. Ur much stronger than me.. But i daily clear crusade every day.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-30 19:36
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and this has been forward to our staff, and we need to discuss carefully, pls give us some time, thx for ur understanding and at the same time, you could try your best to enhance ur hero's power which may be a great help to u, thx
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-4-14 04:36
Edited by SteelBarr at 2015-4-14 07:01
Athur replied at 2015-3-30 19:36
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and this has been forward to our staff, and we need to disc ...

Dear Arthur,

I really tried my best at enchancing hero power but instead of me being able to clear all crusade stages I get the following on stage 7 out of 10 in crusade:


I dont think it is possible for me to get those heroes in one day and without them I wont be able to kill those. In addition they constantly block me
So, please, do sometging about crusade.
Also once again I hope to to see S. Xiang event next weekend

Best wishes,
Barr S30.
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-4-14 05:09
Please wait, soon we(and Aladdin's Genie) will fix your problem soon about the crusade
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-4-14 07:00
Emilia replied at 2015-4-14 05:09
Please wait, soon we(and Aladdin's Genie) will fix your problem soon about the crusade

Ahahah, thanks!
Are you one of GM now? :p
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-14 11:31
SteelBarr replied at 2015-4-14 04:36
Dear Arthur,

I really tried my best at enchancing hero power but instead of me being able to clea ...

Sir, this problem has been forward to our related staff and will be discussed seriously, pls don't worry, thx for ur understanding
Author: holyswordmaan    Time: 2015-6-24 15:11
ya i hope gm consider this stage 8 heroes too.they r really hard to beat and sometimes i see them in stage 9 and 10

Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-24 15:26
Edited by FanofBabes at 2015-6-24 15:30

1st your troops is so freaking low!
2nd your lvl so freaking low!
3rd you got D Chan and D wei the big Ds!
How are you able to get D wei when I cant!?!?!
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-24 17:04
holyswordmaan replied at 2015-6-24 15:11
ya i hope gm consider this stage 8 heroes too.they r really hard to beat and sometimes i see them in ...

Thank you for your feedback.
Author: holyswordmaan    Time: 2015-6-24 18:25
another problem in crusade is i always see z.liao with plain terain didnt u designated him as a mountain talenter?
Author: LCS    Time: 2015-6-25 04:51
Edited by LCS at 2015-6-25 04:52
Emilia replied at 2015-4-14 05:09
Please wait, soon we(and Aladdin's Genie) will fix your problem soon about the crusade

based on ur gen lvl i think u r at lvl 100-102. Its time to get gjia then those stage 8 mystical loop will be easy to be beaten auto on. I saw my all vip0 friend did it. Good luck
Author: LCS    Time: 2015-6-25 05:00
Dear Arthur
this stage 8 from lvl 94 n up are a loop a blackhole which made player to give up and retire. u n i want this game to survive dont u? dont thank me. Dont consider it. Dont discuss to ur team.just just fix it. Its only a click on the game pogramm. Thx for ur attention . S25

Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-6-25 05:16
The spesial player from s30 make a thread and many visit & gm comment.. In another thread noone showing... LoL
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-6-27 03:43
Hahaha my crusade more than that..troop on 11k,,hero,cao2,liubei,luxun,wenji,z.fei..never pass in 2 month
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-29 11:29
Crusade is still crap at stage 8 and beyond.  Can you record our complaints again chen. It seems to be helping
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-29 17:23
LCS replied at 2015-6-25 05:00
Dear Arthur
this stage 8 from lvl 94 n up are a loop a blackhole which made player to give up and re ...

Sorry but we need to discuss before deciding whether to change it or not.
Author: Sbs    Time: 2015-7-15 01:04
Gm you make crusade more and more difficult . If you think make people rc to make hero stronger . You are wrong . Maybe i will retire soon if you dont fix this soon .

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