Heyshell Games Forum

Title: The First Server Tournament Is Coming! [Print this page]

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-31 14:16
Title: The First Server Tournament Is Coming!
Dear players,
The Server Contest of March has been brought to a successful close, and this week the First Super Tournament is coming! In last Server Tournament, sima was the top 1 player, while Suwandi became the second and sihoki and Graymyron ranked the the third and fourth. The top 16 players not only earned honor for themselves but also won rewards for their country. This time, the Super Tournament is going to be more exciting and competitive. Come and cheer for your favorite players and enjoy yourselves! Let’s fight!
Event Time:
★Open: 12:00 a.m. Apr 2nd
★Eighth-final: 20:00 p.m. Apr 2nd
★Quarter-final: 20:00 p.m. Apr 3rd
★Semi-final: 20:00 p.m. Apr 4th
★Final: 20:00 p.m. Apr 5th
Requirements for players: the top 16 in the Third Server Tournament.
Cheer Scales: S1-S30 (countries in the server tournament)
Note: Participants should be above Lv.75
Players can cheer for the heroes based on contest information before tournament, and watch the game when playing. You may find more details in the following link.
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... ighlight=Tournament  

Group and Schedule:
★  The top 16 in the Third Server Tournament will be randomly paired.
★  Schedule:
Eighth-final, best of three sets
Quarter-final, best of three sets
Semi-final, best of five sets
Final, best of five sets
★ When the top 16 are in game, they can double vouchers for the game they are playing;
★ Except for the top 16, all players above Lv.75 can cheer for the top 16;
★ The top 16 can cheer in rounds in which they are not playing;
★ In the end of Super Tournament, players will get rewards according to the final rank;                                   
★ In the end of Super Tournament, other players in the same country and server as the top 16 will get different-class rewards.

As the First Super Tournament after the version update, this tournament is a test competition and may have unexpected BUG and jammed server. Please be patient with the situation described above, we will try our best to cope with all the problems and avoid them in the future. Thanks for your support and understanding.

Information of rewards are as followed:
Individual rewards for top16: (based on rank)
Rewards for the country: (the top 16 will earn rewards for other players in the same country)

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