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Title: ARTHUR STUPID [Print this page]

Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-30 20:54
why shu clone no band idiot
Author: Detective    Time: 2015-3-30 22:18
Clone  = Tuyul
Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-3-30 22:25
Omg kukumi what happened to you lolsss
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-3-30 22:31
Ok lets sort things out
1) u have an account in shu, means ur a spy, that also means ur a clone, which means u should be banned
2) stop using people's name in forums and try to sabotage them,dont be a kid
3) u used my name in forum to scold Akvum,seriously, dont be childish
4) pls go back to ur wu and cry,we're only joking about clones,thats what we always do in s22,seriously,no country have more clones than wu.
5) dont hide behind a random person name and spam forum,show ur real name if u dare, since u know kukumi, u must be from s22 wu
Last but not least, GM, pls ban the IP of this idiot who uses people's name to spam forum,this isnt kukumi,it's someone using his name to try to sabotage him,he used my name and warlord's name before

Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:31
kukumi really a loser   haters gonna hate ... clone user talking bout clone
Author: tono    Time: 2015-3-30 22:32
bro here have some wine
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-3-30 22:35
hell yeah,clone or main id there's nothing wrong about it
if can do it then don't complain and whinning here
Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-3-30 22:37
Edited by jericoo at 2015-3-30 22:44

OH my
Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-3-30 22:38
Edited by jericoo at 2015-3-30 22:42

Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:38
lol jerico ... so funny
Author: kelvinzz    Time: 2015-3-30 22:38
oh come on WU, grow up!
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:41
^ +1 Kelvin
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-30 22:42
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-3-30 22:42
Jerico, since ur here, it means ur the idiot whose been using all our names huh, how old are u?
9? Anyway, which word/phrase did i say not to ban shu clones? Pls copy and paste
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:42
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:44
Give him Zang Ba wenyuan lololololol
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:47
*Edited* lol Jerico LOLOLOLOL
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-30 22:49
Edited by SaistSean at 2015-3-30 22:50

I want learning about auto off in Google...
HEY...there's Wu s21 appears first...
Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-3-30 22:49
Hahah enough
Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-3-30 22:52
Please stop blaming us s21/s22 Wu.
Even I myself dont even know and still trying to find out who this 'kukumi' guy is
Im also guessing its a clone using all our names to post random shit here
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-3-30 22:55
^elva : better u find him bro/sis go look at forum ,, all post almost Kikumi ... looks like he's already frustrated , and alway blamming us Shu s21 n S21(Merger) Cheers* ~
Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-3-30 22:55
Hahaha this picture make me laugh..very2 funny hahaha
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-3-30 22:57
Jerico ur English makes me laugh
Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-3-30 23:00
Yes i know... im asking s21 and s22 wu now. So far no one knows who is this 'kukumi'
Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-3-30 23:01
Ok teach me teacher..ur very2 good in english..
Author: Detective    Time: 2015-3-30 23:04
Please choose from, you like tuyul which one
Author: Detective    Time: 2015-3-30 23:21
or you guys like this one ? check it out
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-31 11:42
Sir, pls give us some time and we'll check it, something that has not been done now doesn't mean we have not taken any steps to solve it, thx for ur understanding and pls do not post repeatedly
Author: BigAss    Time: 2015-3-31 12:46
Who is kukumi anw? Never even saw her/him
and please keep peace here man.. wu dont even know who this kukumi is.. especially me dont even know lol

RoyalArse / Centurinox

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