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Title: Truth about shu,wei,wu [Print this page]

Author: maya    Time: 2015-4-1 11:57
Title: Truth about shu,wei,wu
WEI (loyal) because they dont use clones

WU- (Brave warriors) they never stop fighting till wu secure

SHU- (Cheater,Liar and stupid) they keep using Hacktools (Shadows) and clones..they good at it..

Top server clones here S22/s21 SHU Clones
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 13:56
Edited by SaistSean at 2015-4-1 14:05

Wu have many clones, ign 6430, .6430, YsMilan, YunusMilan, wuoke, etc...
Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-4-1 15:29
Edited by elva2104 at 2015-4-1 15:30
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-1 13:56
Wu have many clones, ign 6430, .6430, YsMilan, YunusMilan, wuoke, etc...

YsMilan is not a clone. He have an id in S21(YunusMilan) and his other in S22 (YsMilan). Both s21 and s22 merged so yeah. And also he created the 2 ids before merge. About 6430, this guy is a silent killer. Never said a word in our chat before so we dont know anything about this guy.
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 16:10
Edited by SaistSean at 2015-4-1 16:17

Silent killer.
But it's okay...
We have also 2 similar but both was different person.
Maybe u can join in Shu s21 BBM group, or LINE GROUP Shu s21&s22 to check how many players at our country(but there's many players not join too)
Author: maya    Time: 2015-4-1 16:13
Haha just admit it shu loser. Gm athur already saw the evidence..shu have clones +vip. Why keep lying to ur self. People already know. Hahah
Author: maya    Time: 2015-4-1 16:15
Im proud to be wei. Very2 loyal. Not like shu loser. A cheater
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 16:20
Edited by SaistSean at 2015-4-1 16:25

You all lose cause less people n Wu using to many clones...ups.! That's the truth..
Cheating? Lol... just talking and accused without proof.
Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-4-1 16:25
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-1 16:10
Silent killer.
But it's okay...
We have also 2 similar but both was different person.

Yes a silent killer haha XD
No one in our s21/s22 wu know who is this guy.
Nice, a LINE group but no thanks. I dont think you all will welcome a wu player like me in

Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-4-1 16:28
Wei no clones? Then who is frost, frost., .frost, ..frost?
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 16:45
Maybe s21 n s22 can make social media.
Every player in 3 countries can join.
We can make a boundary...
Author: Johnson888    Time: 2015-4-1 16:52
Hi all... Whether its clone or an extra I.D., we are still having fun playing in a game... why get so heat-up and having so many nonsensical comment? I mean be wise how u post. In a position that it dun offend those who play sincerely without any cheating. I am one of them. From Shu-S21 Johnson888.
Have fun in playing. I agree we might have more players online daily but what's fair? In life nothing is fair right...? That depend on how you look at thing in a certain angle. Life is full of wonders. ^_^

Author: maya    Time: 2015-4-1 17:09
Oh shut it..shu always a cheater hahaha remember wei send a pic of shu clones and shu talk about clones+ vip..athur gona band those clone anytime soon. Dont worry its gonna be oever soon u will see soon enough when shu not enough clones to guard during event
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-4-1 17:24
Zzzz my problem is why my xiaoqiao don't have niple??????
Author: maya    Time: 2015-4-1 17:27
cause clone of shu
Author: elva2104    Time: 2015-4-1 18:57
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-1 16:45
Maybe s21 n s22 can make social media.
Every player in 3 countries can join.
We can make a boundary. ...

Sure if the players all agree because i think some dont wanna share their contacts for their own privacy.
Im ok with your invitation just afraid  that your group wouldnt like me in ^^'''
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-1 19:21
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-1 13:56
Wu have many clones, ign 6430, .6430, YsMilan, YunusMilan, wuoke, etc...

Sir, which server are u in, and we'll check it, pls don't worry, thx
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-4-1 20:10
Ow please check the Zhao clan in s21 n s22 shu ,don't need lb to def ,just need Zhao family
/clan to def wu n wei will failed to win siege, wkwkkw
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 20:51
Please check all clones in s21 n s22.
Make sure to check  it right.
Because perhaps similar name is not clones, but both is different person.
Author: Wenyuan    Time: 2015-4-1 22:34
Yea make sure u ban all the clones, spare the Wei and Wu clones though, or they'll keep complaining
Pls dont BAN these players from Wei s21/22, frost, ..Frost , Frost.
They're obviously not clones and Wei does play legitly
I'm not complaining, but GM,pls quickly do a clone check and prove us innocent, and to shut those mouth up
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-4-1 22:44
jusjeruk2 replied at 2015-4-1 17:24
Zzzz my problem is why my xiaoqiao don't have niple??????

Nice post ever
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-2 11:56
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-1 20:51
Please check all clones in s21 n s22.
Make sure to check  it right.
Because perhaps similar name is ...

Sir, thx for the info u provided and we'll treat that seriously and pls don't worry, thx for ur understanding
Author: yunus_milan    Time: 2015-4-3 17:26
Heyy im owner id Ys-milan s22 n yunusmilan Both them is not a clone.. im login from my facebook.. its real id
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-3 18:08
yunus_milan replied at 2015-4-3 17:26
Heyy im owner id Ys-milan s22 n yunusmilan Both them is not a clone.. im login from my facebook.. it ...

Sir, ok, if u find who use clones, u could just tell us and we'll check it, never use clones, just be fair play, thx for ur understanding and have a nice day
Author: yunus_milan    Time: 2015-4-3 19:01
If u dont marger s22 n s21 which may be two id active I can play in a server ... if u want to ban my ID. please give it back into s21 and s22 as they were not in marger
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-4-3 21:40
Unus anus ingus wkwkwkkw
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-4-3 22:08
Ngamuk dy
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-4 01:23
Author: relog    Time: 2015-4-6 01:25
maya just cant accept losing. stupid ppl posting 'bout wu wei n shu in general. if u see clone, just give report to gm.
Author: xelox85    Time: 2015-4-6 09:03
What is clones??? Those wu gens with auto off??
Author: Eddychandr    Time: 2015-4-6 10:41
I also have an id in s7 and s22...so...do you guys mean i am clones?LOL
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-4-7 19:13
I never really complained about clones , but here are our brave clones , so please spare me the bullshit , 40 minutes to move 3 cities , that is just bullshit , real players you rock , rest of those clones with auto off , you are big losers .
carry on
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-7 22:44
Geez...  Mr.LB was a.clone?

Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-4-8 15:18
Why making fake strories,thosee player not clones,maybe u pissed cause u cant get in anymore 50%,dont make me laugh..
new player from s19 came to join wu s21 s22.. hahaha so desprate la L.b..useless brain..we auto off cause we want too..its not ur game..its not ur dady's game,its not ur mama's game either..its for everybody,u dont like the way we play auto off not our problems,thats urs.. brainless man
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-4-8 15:38
Lmao wu auto off and shu called wu player auto off a  clone?hahahaha glad seeing Shu so deseprate even though Athur lying ass about baned shu clone gladly wei player doesnt like shu player lying bastard. btw L?B keep on making new clones+ VIP okey?????????
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-4-8 15:39
SHU CLONES+vIP okey okey?? L.B means Lying bastard
Author: Wei♡Wu    Time: 2015-4-8 15:46
Wkwkwkw i like wu player,they help us during event and give wei point,shu winning every event when they use clones and def. 150 clones plus 90 active player+ vip
Author: Lolita    Time: 2015-4-8 15:53
Wu player have rights auto off,im wei player if im auto off shu called me a clones too?i auto off when we def our gates. Same like wu player they auto off when they def their gates. Trying to get in 50% and u cant making up stories doesnt fix your problems just make clones+ vip like u use to be. Like always. Shus21 s22 top player making clones+vip
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-4-8 15:58
Hahahaha shu player.. i pretend i didnt read shu complain. Makes me laught it hurts my stomach
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-4-8 16:08
\o/ replied at 2015-4-7 19:13
I never really complained about clones , but here are our brave clones , so please spare me the bull ...

Hi Arthur,  Appreciate if you could take a look at this.

Please refer to \o/ post
Author: dragwer    Time: 2015-4-8 16:14
Yeah so many clone on shu S21/S22 , GM please baned all clone
Author: kevin1425    Time: 2015-4-8 16:16
When i see shu player....all shu is auto off.it 's means all shu is clones....
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-4-8 16:20
Omg LB afraid of us (wu n wei)..loll
Author: jericoo    Time: 2015-4-8 16:21
Hahaha calling us a clone
Author: husein    Time: 2015-4-8 16:40
LB want to banned clone or to erase autooff fitur?? you wrong thread, here bout clone,.. if want to complain bout auto off, make new thread,..
nice be s21/22 big famz,.. cheer all and have fun go  mad.
Husein WU
Author: xto    Time: 2015-4-8 19:07
This game is good but failed for heyshell cant block cheat auto bot play.... cotk good n failed game.!! Hope gm fix it

Author: husein    Time: 2015-4-8 19:48
xto replied at 2015-4-8 19:07
This game is good but failed for heyshell cant block cheat auto bot play.... cotk good n failed game ...

nice one,.. yes human versus boot that will kill us..
Author: kongxien    Time: 2015-4-8 20:26
Ada apa ini rame rame? Wkekwkekw
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-4-8 22:59
jusjeruk2 replied at 2015-4-1 17:24
Zzzz my problem is why my xiaoqiao don't have niple??????

GM please make all woman super hero naked... hahhahha
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-4-8 23:01
jusjeruk2 replied at 2015-4-1 20:10
Ow please check the Zhao clan in s21 n s22 shu ,don't need lb to def ,just need Zhao family
/clan t ...

bro.. shu have like almost same id but diff ppl... etc Kongming n Khongming both from shu21 but they r eaxactly diff ppl.... also with zhou family.... last month ago we have condom family with kondom sutra also durex... but this time only durex still active ppl.... also thats u said zhao family they r totally diff ppl

Author: h3rm4n    Time: 2015-4-8 23:37
kongxien replied at 2015-4-8 20:26
Ada apa ini rame rame? Wkekwkekw

ada mamarazi yg foto2 anak wu pas lg jaga gate n auto off.... dia bilang yg auto off tu clone..... lucu benar nih org.... s33 akan diluncurkan..di sana byk yg pasti auto off di hari pertama...clone semua itu..banned..banned... wkwkkwkwkw  
Author: NoahZ    Time: 2015-4-9 00:09
Sssttttt...jgn hiding....
Author: neo45    Time: 2015-4-9 10:49
shu have so many clones, please fix it
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-4-9 12:28
arifin replied at 2015-4-8 22:59
GM please make all woman super hero naked... hahhahha

Now my zhenji don't have niple to what the .......
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-4-9 12:34
arifin replied at 2015-4-8 23:01
bro.. shu have like almost same id but diff ppl... etc Kongming n Khongming both from shu21 but the ...

Hahha Zhao family from s22 shu only ol when event n auto off , u all ask why wu auto off? Ask shu s22, who  start fist auto off  trend, can u imagine 2hours boring movie watch clones auto off vs auto off in siege event? Wu s22 already watch when shu n wei ally in s22
Author: zhugezai    Time: 2015-4-9 15:51
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-9 19:01
neo45 replied at 2015-4-9 10:49
shu have so many clones, please fix it

Sir, which server do u mean, pls be more specific so that we could check it for u, thx
Author: kevin1425    Time: 2015-4-9 19:10
Shu in s22 and s21...it's many clones...
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-4-9 19:47
Athur replied at 2015-4-9 19:01
Sir, which server do u mean, pls be more specific so that we could check it for u, thx

Hi Athur,

please take a good look at this post.

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... 61&fromuid=7692
Author: NoahZ    Time: 2015-4-9 21:57
All is telling this clone,that clones...
Are you all not tired?
Author: Hiel    Time: 2015-4-9 22:53
Oiiii peace and love ...
Author: neo45    Time: 2015-4-10 14:53
Athur replied at 2015-4-9 19:01
Sir, which server do u mean, pls be more specific so that we could check it for u, thx

shu s21/22 have many clones
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-10 18:18
neo45 replied at 2015-4-10 14:53
shu s21/22 have many clones

Sir, we'll check it, pls just be patience, we deeply know how important it is to keep fair in the game, pls give us some time, thx for ur understanding
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-4-10 18:26
Athur replied at 2015-4-10 18:18
Sir, we'll check it, pls just be patience, we deeply know how important it is to keep fair in the  ...

Will u be checking these screenshots as well?

http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... 61&fromuid=7692

Author: Detective    Time: 2015-4-13 21:12
who is auto off is clone? really? how about this....i can't believe it...but it is true....
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-4-13 21:20
Dear mr arthur,please use detective to check clone...
Author: Stellar    Time: 2015-4-13 22:02
Edited by Stellar at 2015-4-13 22:04

You guys are funny. Seriously everyday talk about clone.. Auto Off.. There are 126 Wu players from Wu that i saw in City Siege event at Hoqiu. I personally believe if you can have that numbers you should be able to go any 50%. If lets say there isn't any clone. All you need is unit the strength and just push 1 side.
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-14 01:11
Wu upset because Shu always OD at DongXing every night.
Shu have many exp at Dongxing.
Thx for Wu because always giving many iron & exp for us.

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