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Title: Honour of Playing Games [Print this page]

Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 16:40
Title: Honour of Playing Games
Even this just a game, but can show who really you are.
Player cheating that show itself a cheater.
Make clones that show itself inability & doesn't appreciate itself too.
It's not just about win or lose.
If you got victory is great,
But if lose please learning something about it & don't blame or accused something.
Don't so childish.
So...please play gentle.

Author: kirkmaiden    Time: 2015-4-1 21:27
i agree with u.. i hate unfair game play.. every country have clone but having too many is a issue.. i hope all can clear their own clone so that we have a fair game play..
Author: BigAss    Time: 2015-4-1 22:47
Nicely said bro Sean
Totally agree
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-1 22:53
I'm.respect to you kirkmaiden, and others Wu players who playing fair.
Wu s21 have strong player, you, kongxien, Hussein etc...and new force from s22.
Let's play with honour...
But in world chat it's okay to taunting each other...that's just for fun n more

Author: kongxien    Time: 2015-4-3 09:33
Dih jd malu di puji sean...pisss
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-3 11:00
Sir, playing fair is important and if u find someone who used clones, u could provide us and we'll try our best to check it, thx
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-3 12:14
kongxien replied at 2015-4-3 09:33
Dih jd malu di puji sean...pisss

You oftenly captured me when I gaining iron n exp at Wu territory
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-4-3 16:23
Yup,.game just game,..
Win or lose event nope.
Peace n respect to wu,shu n wei player..
Author: Eddychandr    Time: 2015-4-6 10:55
You all are trully heroes guys...lets us play gently and not blaming other countries
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-6 11:09
Nice comments all
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-4-6 11:47
kongxien replied at 2015-4-3 09:33
Dih jd malu di puji sean...pisss

Wkwkwkwk... Thats my man bro... Sohib aing tah
Author: kongxien    Time: 2015-4-7 10:58
arifin replied at 2015-4-6 11:47
Wkwkwkwk... Thats my man bro... Sohib aing tah

Lol..siapa yah?
Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-4-7 17:53
To all those grieving players who are bullied by clones, please join us at S7 wu. We welcome you.
Author: raihanbahtiar    Time: 2015-4-7 18:01
Came to s32 new server a loot of fcking clone shu and wu only looser using that that strategy how shame good game like Cotk because clone
Author: z.Z.he    Time: 2015-4-7 18:49
Look at s32 a loot of fcking clone at shu and wu.How shame game such cotk become bad because use that strategy. no more fun cos that loser.

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