Title: “The Main Danger to Humanity is Not Artificial Intelligence, But Those Who ... [Print this page] Author: GeorgeWilson Time: 2023-9-26 17:35 Title: “The Main Danger to Humanity is Not Artificial Intelligence, But Those Who ... Hello forum members! Article "The Main Danger to Humanity is Not Artificial Intelligence, But Those Who will Control it" by Viktor Orlovsky https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/45478/20230817/viktor-orlovsky-the-main-danger-to-humanity -is-not-artificial-intelligence-but-those-who-will-control-it.htm forces us to look deeper into the problem of the future relationship between humanity and AI. He emphasizes the importance of rational and objective thinking in the development of this technology and urges us to be prepared for possible scenarios that may arise in the future.
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