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Title: RC for all new player [Print this page]

Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-4-14 12:09
Title: RC for all new player
To all new player, just to concern your wallet before you start playing COTK.

please click the link below and read carefully
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... page%3D1&page=1

After that you can decide this English version game is worth it or not? mine answer is not worth it! refer To all great Player across the server!

Premium update cost = $1
Second update cost = $3

which one is your choice?

will you choose $1 or $3

Quick answer of mine is $1. How about you?

Shu S15 &S18

Author: uuhh    Time: 2015-4-14 12:18

thanx for sharing...

well of coz wan cheaper gold price la...

as usual chinese version is alwiz cheaper... sigh i wish i know chinese but i am banana...

otherwise i play a lot chinese server liao...

alwiz payin premium price for english server... well dun mind paying a bit extra if they r

realli good n gif us good support ...

Author: zha0yun    Time: 2015-4-16 00:27
Artur did u delete this thread too? lol

SYSTEM:  PanerBruno has just Completed His Furious Suit and on Killing Rampage

PanerBruno lv 105  vs  Artur BendOver lv 69  

Author: Levantsarch    Time: 2015-4-16 17:46
Lol artur edited the date of the posting, and hide it on the last page

But here we go,
UP !!   

Author: uuhh    Time: 2015-4-16 19:47

LOL... the GM hav such free time of doin such things...

well i got to gif it to them...

at least the GM here is more hardwerkin n is still around...

the game i play... the GM isnt there... n hardly replies any shit...

unless it realli threatens their income...

then onli they ll surface...

sigh sigh...

Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-4-16 21:06
yea uuh the gm is busy with one agaist thousands of us..

more over the thread that he think unpropriate for him which is important to us..will keep it lay down...

i thought this thread had been deleted..but still show it here means he still got many probs to solve..

cool arthur know how to hide the thread..just go to last page and shoot it up to first one and let other player know


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