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Title: Donation [FOOD] [Print this page]

Author: curseknight88    Time: 2015-4-21 11:30
Title: Donation [FOOD]

I often see player stll lack of resource especially for the food
Therefore, for the convenient of those players it should be a feature "DONATE" from one player to other player.
The player who donate his/her food resource get reward such as experience

I sincerely waiting for your feedback HEYSHELL and opinion from other player

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-4-21 13:28
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2015-4-21 14:21

After discussion, I regret to inform you that there might be slim possibility to open commerce function between players at present. You can gain food in weekend gift or buy it in limited sale. Thanks for your understanding.
Author: Captain    Time: 2015-4-22 15:25
If can open trade among players , cotk get no income wkwkwkwkwk
Author: curseknight88    Time: 2015-4-22 15:53
Captain replied at 2015-4-22 15:25
If can open trade among players , cotk get no income wkwkwkwkwk

What I mean is, only for food resource that can be tradeable
I think COTK still earn a lot of money even thats happen
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-4-23 11:49
curseknight88 replied at 2015-4-22 15:53
What I mean is, only for food resource that can be tradeable
I think COTK still earn a lot of mone ...

Your advice has been recorded, thanks.
Author: Tomanil    Time: 2015-4-24 11:59
I like the idea but it can be open to abuse by alternate accounts that exist purely as food/resource farms. Even with the option of paying gold.
Author: curseknight88    Time: 2015-4-24 14:27
Tomanil replied at 2015-4-24 11:59
I like the idea but it can be open to abuse by alternate accounts that exist purely as food/resource ...

okay, that's possible but, I want to ask you how much food those alternate account can produce food resource in a day or a month?is it worth enough to make alternate account just want to get a small amount of food (in condition you are a pure silver user a.k.a vip 0)?or it can be those alternate account spend gold/money to produce food resource abundantly to supply their main account if that happen, COTK sill earn a lot of money from those alternate account. COTK still in profitable side whether my suggestion is permitted or not. Why I said both situation still profitable for COTK because if this suggestion passed/permitted the point of satisfying player will be increasing rapidly and COTK still earn a lot of money.   
Author: curseknight88    Time: 2015-4-24 14:28
Tomanil replied at 2015-4-24 11:59
I like the idea but it can be open to abuse by alternate accounts that exist purely as food/resource ...

okay, that's possible but, I want to ask you how much food those alternate account can produce food resource in a day or a month?is it worth enough to make alternate account just want to get a small amount of food (in condition you are a pure silver user a.k.a vip 0)?or it can be those alternate account spend gold/money to produce food resource abundantly to supply their main account if that happen, COTK sill earn a lot of money from those alternate account. COTK still in profitable side whether my suggestion is permitted or not. Why I said both situation still profitable for COTK because if this suggestion passed/permitted the point of satisfying player will be increasing rapidly and COTK still earn a lot of money.   
Author: Rico19816    Time: 2015-4-24 14:52
hi GM,

i already play OL game for a long..
u need to make feature like TKO that was support by Karogame..

1. They can make a trade between 3 kingdom, like food, silver n wood --> for this u need market feature for that.
2. Every event they give free gold to all user, not should big number just need 5 - 10 a gold/event.
3. For combination equipment they give some of free middle equipment with high force, than if anyone can more force need to upgrade free or used gold.
4. They have a limited people to chose shu, wei and wu for make balance, example : wu, wei and shu you put 200 people can enter. its will make balanceing the game like TKO management use.

i think u should be try that game, maybe u will give some new surprise to all new or old player at this game and also can maximize people to play this game.

thank for consider this suggestion.

Rico - Shu S29
Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2015-4-24 17:48
Rico19816 replied at 2015-4-24 14:52
hi GM,

i already play OL game for a long..

Hi, Rico, that sounds very interesting and we think it will be a great help for us, we'll gonna take that seriously

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