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Title: server one-sided [Print this page]

Author: freeman0048    Time: 2015-5-7 16:21
Title: server one-sided
Are all servers one-sided, favoring one country? Can there be a limit where one country cannot have more than twice the players of the other two countries combined? This would make competition a little more fair.
Author: COTK-Nancy    Time: 2015-5-7 17:41
Hi sir, most time the strongest country appear naturally and is not decided by anyone. Your advice has been heard though, we will try to make the server more balanced.
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2015-5-7 20:45
Almost in every server, Shu is strongest, not only because they have high VIP player but because they have more player than Wei or Wu. If GM really want a balance server, just give a better choices for new players
In my opinion, a server that Shu is dominant so when a new player choose Wei or Wu, they will receive double gold reward. ( 200 golds become 400 golds ). But if they still choose Shu, their bounty reward will reduce 50%. Force new player to avoid Shu.

Author: freeman0048    Time: 2015-5-8 04:06
Saanganwar, that's a good suggestion also. If this doesn't change, every server is gonna keep overloading with shu and people are going to stop playing. I think it's simple, say there's 5 Wei and 5 wu, shu can't have more than 10. They can add more once there's more Wei or wu. New players can go to another server If they still want shu.
Author: LieSan    Time: 2015-5-8 10:15
if u want to challenge come to s27 wheres wu dominant lol see by yourself

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