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Title: Wu s27 Conquerer Recruiting [Print this page]

Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-12 11:31
Title: Wu s27 Conquerer Recruiting
Hi Mates,  

Wu.27 needs some active players from the Heyshell Universe to come help us defend against a ShuWei Alliance.

Unbelievable,  Dishonorable,  Dirty tactics are perpetrated upon the righteous,  honorable warriors in Wu27 daily. .. Shu has created an army of clones while Wei just upgraded their country primarily thru use of Shadows. .. During Any World Event you will see Shu allowing Wei to win or Wei allowing Shu to win so both can attack/defend Wu for one another afterwards. .. Even during Events like Suppression,  ShuWei will forsake their own Event to come sabotage our efforts.... The entire concept of 3 kingdoms is lost in our server. .. it's Wu vs the Alliance at everything. .. the only time ShuWei will attack one another is when they are trying to cut off supply lines from Wu... It's a ridiculous sight to behold. .. Liu Bei and CaoCao are rolling over in there Graves right now ☺☺☺

So if u want to try an exciting server with lots of twists,  s27 is definitely  entertaining. ..  And Wu could use some experienced players to come fight against the tyranny of a ShuWei Clone riddled Alliance.

Long Live the Kingdom of Wu.27 ☺☺☺☺

Lee aka ZoeZoe

Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-13 04:25
Only for fun ShuWei. .. All is fair in War brothers and sisters ☺☺☺☺

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