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Title: Save WU [Print this page]

Author: Detective    Time: 2015-5-16 22:28
Title: Save WU
We need merger s21 with s27... come n give us any support or suggestion..thanks
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-16 23:11
No, no i don't like this idea
Better to save Qiang, Nanman and Shanyue
They have only 1 city in each server
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-16 23:45
merger s21 with 27?so it will be server 48
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-5-17 22:08
I agree with u bro..it will make our server balance
Author: siauchie    Time: 2015-5-17 22:09
I agree too... merger us immediately
Author: hkt    Time: 2015-5-17 22:12
wow that is a great idea....GM, when will u be able to realize it?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-18 04:00
put wu in museum
Author: Goruk    Time: 2015-5-18 13:09
hkt replied at 2015-5-17 22:12
wow that is a great idea....GM, when will u be able to realize it?

It will be done after you quit.

Your suggestion has been noted.
Just trust us.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-18 14:19
hkt replied at 2015-5-17 22:12
wow that is a great idea....GM, when will u be able to realize it?

Thx for your advice. We will take it into consideration.
Author: Dhafe    Time: 2015-5-18 20:58
Title: RE: Save WU
Red225 replied at 2015-5-18 14:20
In my country wu like doggie for wei lol..

Wow.. what a brave Red... Doggie ya? Hhmm.....

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-18 21:16
vote for banning red
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-19 01:24
vote for banning red too using bad word, insulting another country
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-5-19 12:50
Emilia replied at 2015-5-19 01:24
vote for banning red too using bad word, insulting another country

Oh yeah not matter if my acc banned lol...i just write true condition in country s12.
U think if my acc banned is it over hahaha....poor you
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-5-19 12:52
Dhafe replied at 2015-5-18 20:58
Wow.. what a brave Red... Doggie ya? Hhmm.....

True condition...like this so shu  talk like this
Author: JeKris    Time: 2015-5-19 17:58
Yeah GM.... I agree if we merger. .. so it can balance 4 three kingdoms...

ty GM
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-19 18:09
JeKris replied at 2015-5-19 17:58
Yeah GM.... I agree if we merger. .. so it can balance 4 three kingdoms...

ty GM

Which server are you from? Do you mind the time gap between these two servers?
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-5-20 10:02
Did gm think gap level between shu wu n wei lvl when merger s21n s22?
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-5-20 10:07
Did gm think about number of player shu wu n wei in s21-22? The answer is no
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-5-20 17:49
JeKris aka nakan suzan from wu s21
Author: nan8ch    Time: 2015-5-25 21:02
the coward always ask for merger lo....is that fix the inblance problem??? i hate player who ask for merger...ifu stuck on the game. just quit or move to another server. dont ask merger like a pussy wkwkwk
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-5-25 21:38
nan8ch replied at 2015-5-25 21:02
the coward always ask for merger lo....is that fix the inblance problem??? i hate player who ask for ...

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-25 23:12
Fellow players from S21 Wu,

Everyone who suggest merge are majority from S21 Wu. You killed your own server and now want s27 die with you? Not a smart ideal.

Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-25 23:20
Absolutely not.... s27 is Healthy. .. go merge with another inactive server closer to your rank... Gap is not nearly comparable
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-25 23:23
siauchie replied at 2015-5-17 22:09
I agree too... merger us immediately

You all have no clue what you are talking about. .. please focus on your own server and leave s27 out of this discussion. .. server 27 is healthy and does not need a merger. .. we spend money daily and the competition is good
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-25 23:30
MR GM. .. please do not punish s27 for the problems at s21.... we remain active and healthy. ... s21 problems may very well need addressed but s27 is not the solution. ... the gap is too large. .. why try to kill our server to save them? They've already demonstrated that they cannot create and maintain a healthy environment. ... s27 is Healthy. ..Gap is too large between us
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-25 23:32
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-18 14:19
Thx for your advice. We will take it into consideration.

Please Mr.GM... do not create unnecessary problems in s27... gap is too large. .. this is a terrible idea
Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-5-25 23:42
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-25 23:32
Please Mr.GM... do not create unnecessary problems in s27... gap is too large. .. this is a terrib ...

Agree. Strong Wu not easy to come by and everybody wants to maintaine their advantage.
Therefore, please merge strong Wu with a strong Wu. Just let the weak Wu server die off slowly or weak Wu please join the stronger Wu server.
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-25 23:56
Please Punish S27 by merging it with S1 or S7
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-26 00:16
GAP TOO BIG... PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOLUTION TO HELP S21. .. This will hurt s27 beyond recovery. .. then you have created a scenario where you lose active good customers in both. .. please Mr GM do not try this again. .. look at the balance sheet for s27... all are spending. .. why ruin that unnecessarily? it will not encourage more spending. .. it will crush morale in s27 and you will still have the same problems. .. bad bad business MrGM
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-26 01:39
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-26 00:16
GAP TOO BIG... PLEASE FIND ANOTHER SOLUTION TO HELP S21. .. This will hurt s27 beyond recovery. .. t ...

Don't worry too much, S27 player will get 200 gold compesation
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-26 03:09
Wu not yet saved?maybe by now already passed away... hurry call ambulance

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