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Title: COTK Server Merger S25&S28 on May 21st [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Nancy    Time: 2015-5-19 14:15
Title: COTK Server Merger S25&S28 on May 21st
To maintain a quality in-game environment and increase player interactions, we will carry out a server merger for COTK starting at 12:30 on May 21st, 2015 after maintenace. The merger will last approximately 2 hours and the servers involved are S25 and S28. These servers will be temporarily shut down during the merger. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.
Players‘ current game progress will not be affected after the merger.Players can still log into the game like they used to.
I. Please be aware that the following will becompleted during the merger.
1. Characters fall into the following three categoriesat the same time will be deleted:
a. Lower than level 30
b. Not been logged in for 30 days
c. No Gold recharge records
2. For duplicated names, here are the solution
a. Duplicated character name will be added the old server number as a suffix, for example, Arthur.S5
3. All events will be reset/deleted after the merger.Remember to claim all unclaimed rewards before the merger.
4. If players play on several servers and their different characters happen to be on the same new merged server
a. He will have to choose a character before log ingame.
b. Recharge on Heyshell will need to choose a default character
5. Cities in the world map and city guards will choosethe data from target server (the old server).
6. Supplies will choose the data from target server (the old server).
7.Country level and EXP will choose the higher one of the servers.
8. All heroes will send back to the capital city.
9. All shadows will be cleared and return free shadow times.
10. Officials in Palace will be cleared.
11.Arena rank data will be cleared.
12.All the data in Rank (Kills, Duel Rank, Siege) will be kept and combined.
II. Free Merger Gift Pack
S28 launched later than S25, players higher thanLv 75 from S28 will get a gift pack.
Gift pack = Days difference * (10 Gold, 30K Lord EXP and 100K Food)
And Gift pack for S28 is 200 Gold, 600K Lord EXP and 2000K Food.(Max Day difference is set to be 20 days.)
III. Exciting Events
We have variety of fun and exciting events coming upafter the merger! Be prepared to be thrilled!
IV.Feedback Gathering
If you have any suggestion or expectations about theserver mergers, please mail us : cotk@corp.heyshell.com
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
COTK Team.

Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2015-5-19 15:29
May i know why u do this merge?

Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-5-19 15:31
Omg... not merger s27 n s28... why merger s25 to s28... haizzz
Author: ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞    Time: 2015-5-19 15:31
i'm just curious why 20 day difference worth 600k lord exp?i think at any level normal player in a day can get more than 600k lord exp
Author: Sel    Time: 2015-5-19 17:11
terrible decision, we asked for merger with s30 or s27 why merge us with s25? sooner or later wu players will all quit.
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 18:00
Dear GM i from s28 wei it is not fair to merge with s25 as s25shu is the strongest and in s28 shu also the strongest if you merge togther with s25 with s28 s28 wei will be alot of trouble more ppl will leave the server on s28 as s25 and s28 shu both is over power we really hope you can merge with s30 as s30 is balance why you merge s28 with s25 that make more ppl leave the game due to shu s25 and s28 overpower can you pls dun merge with s28 to s25 instead of merge with s28 with s30 there is more balance s28 wei alrdy so many strong player leave alrdy i hope you can make a correct decision to merge s28 to s30 not merge s28 with s25 thanks you very much
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-19 18:11
remix replied at 2015-5-19 18:00
Dear GM i from s28 wei it is not fair to merge with s25 as s25shu is the strongest and in s28 shu al ...

Sorry the decision has been made. And s25 Wei is also pretty good.
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 18:14
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-19 18:11
Sorry the decision has been made. And s25 Wei is also pretty good.

GM Shus25 got 4 to 5 ppl got zhou yu and even one ppl got cao cao and s25 wei even one zhou yu also dun have
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 18:19
And Dear GM we keep asking from s28 to merge with s30 why you all dun merge with s30 instead merge with s25 and s30 if we merge they will be more balance i can 100% confirm merge with s25 our case will be worst and make more ppl leave

Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 18:26
shu s28 over power ?????????????
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-19 18:27
remix replied at 2015-5-19 18:19
And Dear GM we keep asking from s28 to merge with s30 why you all dun merge with s30 instead merge w ...

The decision is made based on many aspects, including data, country balance and others...
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-5-19 18:39
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-19 18:27
The decision is made based on many aspects, including data, country balance and others...

Can you please share those aspects which you take into account

So far I find it to be a terrible decision...
Author: Sel    Time: 2015-5-19 18:44
at most wei and wu will just all quit this game and let shu play with npc lor =P
Author: ginbiui    Time: 2015-5-19 18:45
S27 s25 good merger hahaha why s28 OMG
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2015-5-19 19:06
What GM really want is more suffering for Wei/Wu
Take it for granted
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-19 19:23
this is a bad merger. decision made on what basis? wu 25 is ghost country. 90 percent castles idle. i fr wu28. u sending all wu28 to die cos of a imbalance s25 mainly due to wu. pls reconsider. after merge is 28 wu vs 25+28 shu wei. still imbalance, merge for what? we driving players out. pls think it thru. i not vip but still invested more than 200usd..... gm sacrificing all wu 28 players? create another imbalance server then go merge with another again...... what SHIT is this?
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-19 19:26
i dont mind losing. but pls think it thru b4 u do the merger...... it's really crap management in terms of merger.
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-19 19:34
test. where is my posting?
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 19:34
GM shu will be the greatest advantage is it best to merge s28 to s30 this is balance no one will complain alot of ppl complain is a bad mergers it is very unfair for our s28 wei and wu you say it is balance but we all really think is not balance the best case as ppl suggest is s28 merge with s30 and s25 merge with other server than will make balance and more ppl will join back the game and continue to recharge to play GM i know you all also do not want ppl to quit this game our poeple just want to have a fair game at the game so i really hope you really understand and listen to our advice do not merge with s28 with s25 instead merge s28 to s30 due to lot of unfairness
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-19 19:37
gm. pls do your homework....... seems like u guys dont know what is happening......
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 19:39
GM if it is a fair merge i will not complain since like so many also agree with me
Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-5-19 19:57
Wu s28 not enough ppl n weak.. merger with wu s25 ghost town... wtf... gm want wu s28 all quit to play?
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 20:05
not enough ppl n weak????????????????
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 20:08
mrblt replied at 2015-5-19 20:05
not enough ppl n weak????????????????

s28wei also
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 20:14
remix replied at 2015-5-19 20:08
s28wei also

wei not enough ppl i agree, but wu??????
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 20:22
mrblt replied at 2015-5-19 20:14
wei not enough ppl i agree, but wu??????

ya i can see you all also no enough
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 20:23
GM pls really do not merge with s25 that will make lot of ppl feel unhappiness and just quit the game
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2015-5-19 20:58
wu strong in s27, please merge S25 with S27
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:16
Edited by remix at 2015-5-19 21:17

GM can say some words lot of ppl are complaining due to unfairness that giving shu more power we alrdy so weak want us become more weaker at least merge with server like s30 to get a balance can do some research go inside the server and take a look how shu s28 and shu s25 are dominating and owning
Author: Sel    Time: 2015-5-19 21:16
i agree s25 with s27 and s28 with s30
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:19
Edited by remix at 2015-5-19 21:23
Sel replied at 2015-5-19 21:16
i agree s25 with s27 and s28 with s30

ikr this are the fair decsion by players as you know your job are to make players enjoy the game but you make poeple feel unhappy unfairness and want to quit pls do something of the merger pls really i also not happy alrdy
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 21:24
Edited by mrblt at 2015-5-19 21:27

Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:27
mrblt replied at 2015-5-19 21:24

dude this one is last time now we are saying now and i know you are s28shu so you hope can merge with s25 shu to become more stronger and bully us
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 21:30
remix replied at 2015-5-19 21:27
dude this one is last time now we are saying now and i know you are s28shu so you hope can merge w ...

your country bully us everyday, party at Mianzhu
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:32
mrblt replied at 2015-5-19 21:30
your country bully us everyday, party at Mianzhu

no not everyday hello is you shu bully us keep party on our zhaoge tdy afternoon we have hard time clearing
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:34
Edited by remix at 2015-5-19 21:35

this is now situation how strong is s28 shu and GM you still want to merge us to s25 more worst
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 21:34

Author: Sel    Time: 2015-5-19 21:37
shu got like 3X more players than wei and can easily party both wu and wei at the same time.
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:41
GM just to prove everthing is tdy and is 5 min ago due to uploading the screen shot see how strong shu28 was
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 21:59
Dear GM this is the lastest one situation getting worst
Author: asaa    Time: 2015-5-19 22:12
hmmm not balance merger
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-19 22:22
Balance merge.. S28 wu strong. = =
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-19 22:29
Shu 28 alot people left,i remember we keep got bully by wei n wu for 2 months!! Now we grow as teamwork.. We not strong,but got teamwork,let me tell  u remix, we only got 14 player at shu,wei got more than us.. Need to remember remix,shu28 can be like this because keep got bully by wei n wu.n we lvl up fast.
Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2015-5-19 22:36
I agree,u only talk bout being bully by us shu s28, how bout in the past 2 month? You guys bully us, but look now, thanks to your bully, shu s28 is stronger than before.

Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-19 22:48
Franky replied at 2015-5-19 22:29
Shu 28 alot people left,i remember we keep got bully by wei n wu for 2 months!! Now we grow as teamw ...

you know all our strong players leave only left few of us dun believe you can see and you all got so many ppl and pls dun lie
Author: shivabnp    Time: 2015-5-19 23:03
S28 Wu strong?.. We just have 2g.jia, others all low player, not high vip... Shu s28 have tons clones n have a lot high VIP... If merger withs25 , shu will more strong 1side, wei n wu vs shu also hard
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 23:08
Edited by mrblt at 2015-5-19 23:10
shivabnp replied at 2015-5-19 23:03
S28 Wu strong?.. We just have 2g.jia, others all low player, not high vip... Shu s28 have tons clone ...

can you prove it???, we have no clones
Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-5-19 23:08
Shu S28 have alot clones ..... please delete all.. it will more good for all.. ;)
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-19 23:10
Simple,if SHU got alot clones,just banned.. Main id and  clone id also can banned.. U can ask GM to check mr sivabnp. But i wanna ask GM to check other country also.who got clone just banned.. Yeah yeah
Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2015-5-19 23:14
Top vip, yes. Shu 28 got a few top VIP. But cloness? U sure?Just check it, but dont get shock if wu or wei is banned.
Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-5-19 23:14
Gm cotk  very stupid... dont know how to said... haizz...
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 23:15
how about this player, they always together

Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-19 23:16
shu keep got bully by wei n wu,thats why alot people top up n become top vip.i think thats worth,if cannot be strong,top up for wad.xixixixii.. Tx for beeing bully us before..
Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-5-19 23:16
Ok all.. stop here... useless comment more in here... stupid gm cant cure.... let him like...
If not happy,  just quit to play... so easy...
Author: Bajingan    Time: 2015-5-19 23:43
hi, king shu28 here.... as i can remember since playing this game, we shu suffered alot... 1 player got banned from false and unproven prejudice, thts one of our top player, we didnt protest... lots of our big players.. when i was just a newbie, left bcoz of everyday everynite we got bullied, we didnt whinning... all that we can do, we comeback from scratches to still keep up playing and getting stronger... we still like this bcoz of u guys wu28 and we28... thanks for being stronger from us.. thanks for burning our selfestime to stay playing as a team...
and now GM planned to merger, u guys whinning... lol... such a shame...
all i can say, GM doing the job, we hv banned player, its GM decision... and now GM merger, u guys protested...
prove ur words that saying we have tons of clones!!!! dont just in words.... dont whine like a puppy, talk like a man...
thank you... false prejudice can harm urself.... PLEASE GM INVESTIGATE THIS... CHECK IF WU28 WEI28 ALSO HAVE CLONES OR NOT!!!!!! I urge GM to do what GM need to do....

thank you

Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-19 23:55
long live the king
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 00:03
At the end,we still merge, the end
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-20 00:06
nungging ji nungging
Author: asdqweryjnbbbb    Time: 2015-5-20 00:22
Edited by asdqweryjnbbbb at 2015-5-20 00:29

Hi Remix have a look at this, and did u hear us complaining? This photo was around 2 months back
Author: Bajingan    Time: 2015-5-20 00:26
anjrit... jgn nunggung disini... wkwkwkwk bs lecet semua
Author: Deliboi    Time: 2015-5-20 00:27
Pls merge S25 S26 S27 S28 better. Then tourney the older servers can kill more.
Thanks GM
Author: sarah44    Time: 2015-5-20 06:15
Sel replied at 2015-5-19 17:11
terrible decision, we asked for merger with s30 or s27 why merge us with s25? sooner or later wu pla ...

Loll were almost all gone now

Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-20 06:57
asdqweryjnbbbb replied at 2015-5-20 00:22
Hi Remix have a look at this, and did u hear us complaining? This photo was around 2 months back

Because our strong player keep leaving now you all have so many ppl is very unfair and you all party us we also nvr complain just that now merge to s25 plus shu 25 also so many ppl that why we complain you have the greatest advantage then we will have very hard time is not that I want complain it is very unfair
Author: shivabnp    Time: 2015-5-20 07:01
mrblt replied at 2015-5-19 23:15
how about this player, they always together

Are u sure they 1person?...lol.. That nickname from Cotk, u need ask to gm... Lol

Author: Rico19816    Time: 2015-5-20 08:37
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-19 18:11
Sorry the decision has been made. And s25 Wei is also pretty good.

Hi COTK - Chen

Why not merge S25 until S30 for make a great war..
cause i already bored with S29 thats no one enemy left..

Rico - S29
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-20 09:02
Rico19816 replied at 2015-5-20 08:37
Hi COTK - Chen

Why not merge S25 until S30 for make a great war..

yes please merge all then open new server
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 09:39
remix replied at 2015-5-20 06:57
Because our strong player keep leaving now you all have so many ppl is very unfair and you all par ...

Ask ur member to come back then,thats not GM fault. U keep ask GM help u merge with strong wei server. s25 wei also strong.but u also dont want..
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-20 09:49
Rico19816 replied at 2015-5-20 08:37
Hi COTK - Chen

Why not merge S25 until S30 for make a great war..

Thx for your patience. Changes will be made.
Author: Sel    Time: 2015-5-20 10:22
its not the first time to purposely merge the servers to make shu even more powerful that caused the server even more unbalanced, now unfortunately s28 became the new victim.  
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-20 10:26
no need merge wu with wu or wei with wei............ why not merge all s25 s28 and maybe s27 into one server. server vs server. more fun. s25 becomes shu s28 becomes wu s27 becomes wei...........
Author: Miller    Time: 2015-5-20 10:58
Are we really arguing about clones in s28? From what I have seen I did not think there were clones. I know for a fact no one does it in wei. I don't think shu or wu are guilty either. If someone is cloning then please stop. I would be surprised if we have over three clone accounts in the whole of s28 but maybe I am optimistic? The reason why remix is upset is because s28 has been decently balanced in my opinion compared to other servers. Yes shu did get partied a lot in the past but you guys got stronger for it and about a month ago before many top wei players quit we had a fun balanced server. I think we just want to experience that kind of balance again and are worried Shu will become too dominant after this merge. Wu is really going to suffer and I highly doubt we will ever experience that balance again. Even if wei can fight back shu it will be no fun because I think wu is in trouble. Yes s28 wu is strong but not strong enough to go against merge wei and wu more then likely. I hope it works out though and the gm's did their homework and we find balance again. Guess we will all know soon.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 11:06
If all complain about wu will suffered,lets put s27 into merge, s25,s27,s28.. Lets go for it..
Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2015-5-20 11:17
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-20 09:49
Thx for your patience. Changes will be made.

What Changes do you mean, Chen?
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-20 11:22
H.Y.Cen replied at 2015-5-20 11:17
What Changes do you mean, Chen?

For those servers that are confronted with big problems, we are checking and solving.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 11:24
If not merge s28 and s27. Maybe that can make them more happy..
Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-5-20 11:29
Edited by exoticzzs30 at 2015-5-20 11:32

what about the fate of our server in s30????? its not fun anymore s30 WU will walkaway...

Author: H.Y.Cen    Time: 2015-5-20 11:34
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-20 11:22
For those servers that are confronted with big problems, we are checking and solving.

Okay. To be honest, We shu S28 are ready to merge with any server and even no merge also fine with us.

Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 11:35
exoticzzs30 replied at 2015-5-20 11:29
what about the fate of our server in s30????? its not fun anymore s30 WU wil ...

Miller act thinking about wu,but ask gm merge wif s30. Samething wif make shu n wu quit.hahaha... Sometimes i dunno what he think,keep complain about event,now complain about merge.. I really not understand what he think..
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-5-20 12:34
Edited by Hishigi at 2015-5-20 12:45

Wu28 very strong.so shu and wu imba.wei???????good decision GM.so 2 war country.i think good merger s28 with s30.s28 shu and wu strong.s30 wei strong.so imba war
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 12:46
Hishigi replied at 2015-5-20 12:34
Wu28 very strong.so shu and wu imba.wei???????good decision GM.so 2 war country.i think good merger  ...

Better put s27 inside.. More imba,xixixixi
Author: Goruk    Time: 2015-5-20 13:59
S25 wu has less than 8 active.. if this merger happen and shu from both country strong.. Wu will die, player will quit. I know because im from s25 wu.
Thanks for this stupid decision.
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-20 14:17
lol thanks goruk. this is what i was trying to tell gm for last 2 days. they making things worse by merging. do homework gm......
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-20 14:52
zachy replied at 2015-5-20 14:17
lol thanks goruk. this is what i was trying to tell gm for last 2 days. they making things worse by  ...

ikr they say they made decsion alrdy cannot be change what is that lol
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 15:30
If want strong go recharge.. This condition same with shu s28 before.. All recharge n can win,xixiixixixix
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-20 15:35
seems like you like be personal franky......... try be objective...... we trying to solve prob....... not creating a personal war.....
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 15:38
I think no need to solve the problem,gm wanna merge with who,just let them do it,so no nned to complain too much..
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-20 15:39
cotk is team game..... not individual...... 1 vip 10 player cant fight 10 vip 1 players.....
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 15:40
Yeah,as i said,gm got his job,let them solve this.. We just play n play,complain too much like a girl
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-20 15:41
merge with S26 Wu.

all tip top Wu player there, join force with us
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-20 15:42
i only asking gm..... not you..... so what is your prob?
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-20 15:48
Franky replied at 2015-5-20 15:38
I think no need to solve the problem,gm wanna merge with who,just let them do it,so no nned to compl ...

pls you all shus28 get the advantages as i said if change to you all merge to a noob shu server you sure you will not complain cfm you also will complain right now we are talking of fair play but you all got so many advantages so you all happyily say dun nid solve and merge we were upset and we ask gm to solve so no nid to ask you not to complain we are not your slave we all feel free to talk becuase you all got so many advantages but not wu and wei is it when we want to complain want to ask u cfm the ans is no we want to complain you cannot stop us so you also go back play your game dun see thischat simple if it is a fair play like the server is balance we all also will not complain it is simple
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 16:05
remix replied at 2015-5-20 15:48
pls you all shus28 get the advantages as i said if change to you all merge to a noob shu server you ...

So now no merge,no need to talk anything,muahahaha.. We keep play like before.. Ow yeahhh.. Mwah mwah
Author: zachy    Time: 2015-5-20 16:06
read properly lah........
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-5-20 16:13
Ohh,if like this,s28 shu no recharge then,waiting for u grow.. Then we fight again baby.. Yeah.. We make it balance
Author: Rico19816    Time: 2015-5-20 16:45
maybe need to merge with S29, S30 and S31 also GM..
we already bored..
Author: Sel    Time: 2015-5-20 17:53
Edited by Sel at 2015-5-20 17:55

yea have fun playing with npcs then like what happened to s29 shu.
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-20 19:30
The gm do not understand the players that why poeple quit
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-20 19:31
After so many ppl complain they still want merge
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-5-20 22:27
Hi all,

TBH after looking at all the posts..

Actually this merge is a balanced one.

See from the screenshots Shu S28 is being bullied, while S28 Wei n Wu are quite tough..

As for S25, Shu is the strongest, Wei n Wu are equally bad just that wei got more players thats all..

Therefore, I still see a balanced in this merge..

To S28 Wu,

S25 Wu when the around 10+/- players active especially when our King is active we can push all the way up to WeiXian ..

I'm looking forward to this merge, might be good might be bad for all 3 countries..

Till tomorrow have fun on your last night of your servers

S25 Wu,
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-20 23:24
FanofBabes replied at 2015-5-20 22:27
Hi all,

TBH after looking at all the posts..

blade they give you fake information that was long ago when now they are the strongest and they got lots of active ppl cmerge alrdy more shu player alot of high vip plus for wu and wei will be very difficult is not balance  trust me

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