Title: Brake problems [Print this page] Author: Feest Time: 2024-9-6 05:06 Title: Brake problems For the past few weeks, I've been hearing strange noises when braking. It's especially noticeable when I slow down quickly. The sounds are like grinding, and it's starting to worry me. I'm afraid the issue could get worse if I ignore it. Can anyone recommend where to get the brakes checked and repaired if necessary?Author: Jakarda Time: 2024-9-6 06:34
I had a similar issue a few months ago. My car started making unpleasant noises when braking, and I kept putting off going to the service. It turned out that the brake pads were very worn out and began damaging the discs. I went to Starlight Automotive https://starlightautomotive.com/, and they not only quickly replaced the pads but also checked the entire brake system. Their service is excellent: everything was done professionally, and the prices are reasonable. I highly recommend getting it checked before the problem worsens, especially if you're already hearing strange noises. Better to prevent serious issues!Author: Feest Time: 2024-9-6 07:10
Thank you so much for the advice! You've convinced me; I need to deal with this before it gets worse. I'll reach out to them soon!
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