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Title: OD trick [Print this page]

Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-20 15:11
Title: OD trick
I ask GM that can we OD a city which is not burning
Eg: wu attk 90% of the map and can shu or wei od to Jianping without burning (at war) it,
GM answer yes. And guys GM already say this is not hack tools. Anyone know how to do it? Pls share

Im not making up story, i got the burning screen shot and gm reply screen shot. Need any clarification pls state out i can gladly provide
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-5-20 15:17
If u lose susps barbar quest.. U can move to city exp 50% like od..
Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-20 15:27
ukaman87 replied at 2015-5-20 15:17
If u lose susps barbar quest.. U can move to city exp 50% like od..

My bad forget to me tion. I did mention to gm it is non event time meaning not event time. And gm insist can and not hack.
Any idea how?
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-5-20 20:33
Ahah you cannot
Author: Soundz    Time: 2015-5-21 01:01
You Know this GM now become Lazy again ?

They only replied when people ask them to reduce gold price..

Now he back to Old Athur in Chen ID..

Never Mind, I can answer for you.

GM-CHEN = "Thank you, your info already recorded"

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-21 13:13
ukaman87 is right.
In that condition, Commands is available.
For what happened in your server, would you pls post the screenshot here? Thx. Pls erase your personal info when posting to protect your privacy security.
Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-21 17:52
This is the screen shot as you can see shu is at Handan fight guard and out of no where, wei can stand at Mianzhu.

Facebook gm keep answering me that yes no matter how long as long as od cast they can fly there anytime. For god sake i been telling them that no wei or wu come near shu for the past few hour. And i really give up on that reply
Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-21 17:55
Chen, based from your people we can. And now you tell me we cant. So whats going on? Who is the one correct lolx.

Demand clarification thanks
Author: pianpian    Time: 2015-5-21 22:56
still no answer huh ?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-21 22:56
thanks for your attention,i will note this complain then inform the devs team
Author: COTK-Nancy    Time: 2015-5-22 16:41
I think here's the possibility. If two countries are fighting in Mianzhu and their war was close to end, and suddenly one country send OD in Mianzhu, the place can burn again. No matter how far the country seems to be away from Mianzhu, it can fly there.

Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-5-22 17:37
Phew forget the od trick let's talk about why wei has no cities left. Good balance Game u have here gm chen
Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-22 22:43
Nancy i guess you miss read what i type there.. For an hour no wei is at shu area....well why is it you all trying make something bad look legit...? Before answer question with all respect please read the history chat before continue thanks
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-23 01:18
i only read once and i understand
maybe some of "you" should play and experiencing by "yourselves"
Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-25 21:51

Sorry the number you dial is unreachable......
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2015-5-26 21:46
all the expert player (play more than 1 weeks) know what this questions means,and yet your title is GM ,but you dont know what it means ,lol better your team go in first and training in 1 month playing from start GM.
even i read it just once i know what this post up to

RECRUIT ORDER and OFFICIAL ORDER can be do it just when there is a city burn ,whether the id that burn the city inside it right now (recruit order) or the official order holder sent the order so the country that burning the city can come right away in to there

note it : must be burned by the opponent !!!!!!!

then this post means why suddenly in a peace calm and nothing happend area in mianzhu ,suddenly can burned but no any road to there for a long time ,only shu city arround there??? and they was going to handan and suddenly the road close in mianzhu (but no road from wei to go there because above road from tongguan was closed because i believe that is shu road to handan,and middle was shu also get it all from the picture i see,then where is this backroad wei have so they can be in mianzhu without any work out to make a road there???

dont say that we dont need road to go there,i understand if once we there we dont need to make road again ,just FIRST PENETRATE but still need the first penetration to mianzhu ,not just pop up in the middle of peace area ????
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-27 03:54
maybe i should lead some yellow roof castle and try to give official order and or mandate when enemy burning their castle
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-27 11:50
ry4i7 replied at 2015-5-26 21:46
all the expert player (play more than 1 weeks) know what this questions means,and yet your title is  ...

Thx for your reply...
According to the screenshots that player posted here, the road to Mianzhu is so blocked that only many online players who have Recruit Order or Official Order can make it.
Author: Fatrix    Time: 2015-5-27 12:41
Edited by Fatrix at 2015-5-27 12:43

Gm are you serious? Despite another player give me the idea of what im trying to ask yet you answer differently?

We already say
1) no enemy in mianzhu , no one burning or duel in mianzhu
2) no path open into mianzhu.

How can enemy even jump from their capital city to mianzhu. Ok you answer me you can use offical order to go there. Please please please tell me under what condition we can launch official order?

Need any one of your team mate any gen or aegis in that particular city and its burning then you can launch official order right?
The question is there is no one at mianzhu.... For god sake **HOW** they official order into it?

Please answer direct to the point and stop jump here and there which not solve the problem.

Initially on facebook your people(other gm) answer firmly that can be done and its not hack and when i ask how and teach me, i never get respond. And when i post here another gm say we cant. And now another gm answering the answer to a different question. Please will you mind re-read one more time before answer again?

With respect,


Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-27 15:21
Fatrix replied at 2015-5-27 12:41
Gm are you serious? Despite another player give me the idea of what im trying to ask yet you answer  ...

Thx for your patient reply.
Penetrating to Mianzhu before is one of the explanations.
But if it remains peaceful for a long time and the way has been long blocked before. During event time, that can not be done by Recruite Order or Official Order.
If you are suspecting those two Wei players in screenshot were using hack tools, would you pls offer us the accurate date and time of the screenshot for us to check? Thx a lot.

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