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Title: after merger between s25 n s28 [Print this page]

Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-5-22 09:26
Title: after merger between s25 n s28
WU soon be ghost town... 40% ppl want to quit now... wtf our gm

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-5-22 09:27

Please send us screenshots I want yo see how it is after merge
Author: evefie    Time: 2015-5-22 13:35
gm...... pls merge properly next time....... dont victimised another server again......
Author: Goruk    Time: 2015-5-22 15:38
Shu became imba after merger, poor wu & wei. Thanks to this stupid merger.x
Author: pandora    Time: 2015-5-22 19:42
When you stated "want to quit", it does not mean they are quitting... usually merge requires time to adapt. But people who does not want to adapt to changes always argue and blame others.

Give it time...
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-22 22:46
after merger
Author: Goruk    Time: 2015-5-22 22:54
Edited by Goruk at 2015-5-22 22:56
mrblt replied at 2015-5-22 22:46
after merger

50% shu that online.. imagine if 100% online.
There is no orange and blue in map...except base that cant be capture.
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-22 22:57
Edited by mrblt at 2015-5-22 22:59
Goruk replied at 2015-5-22 22:54
50% shu that online.. imagine if 100% online.
There is no orange and blue in map...except base th ...

how do you know 50%, do u hv spy on us?????????
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-5-22 23:45
Shu so funny. Always take screenshots to help their argument.  Merger is ok more people to kill at least. Shu almost always partying now and can even party both Wu and wei at same time. Top 9 in arena are shu lolz. It could be worse i suppose. We could have been merged with s29
Author: mrblt    Time: 2015-5-23 00:01
ok we party at dongxing now, wanna join????
Author: Goruk    Time: 2015-5-23 00:18
mrblt replied at 2015-5-22 22:57
how do you know 50%, do u hv spy on us?????????

Why shld i spy kid? Im playing as wu in s25..lol. Only stupid believe you ss..
Author: LiuShan0    Time: 2015-5-23 04:19
i'm from SHU S29, everyday we have party in wei and wu, just choose which one country we want, especially for farm some iron, siege, feat and killing box
Author: remix    Time: 2015-5-23 17:10
see after s25 and s28 GM is it not unfair and not balanced

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