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Title: MERGER WITH s30 and s27 [Print this page]

Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-6-4 11:02
Title: MERGER WITH s30 and s27

Author: Rawn    Time: 2015-6-4 12:25
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-6-4 17:48
Wake up PEOPLE!

I am not sure if anyone would want to play with that guy exoticzz. Cause what he has done in Wu S29/30 is the following: he took one title and wasted all Official Orders (ODs) then he left it straight after, took next title and wasted all ODs again untill country was left without ODs. This has happened short after reset and poor Wu country was left without ODs for all events, now leaving them any chance to win. I would only understand that if he was an alt of Wei or Shu or if he was just not smart.

My question to all those people in Wu whoSe coubtry that guy is requesting to join: Would you want to play with someone like him? My guess is: no.

So, dear exoticzzs30, before asking to merge with another country sort out yourself first.

My remark: despite this guy, there are really good people in Wu s29/30 so just nvm him and those guys need to merge with strong Wu for balance.
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-6-4 23:57
All you guys in other server, S27 Wu need you. S27 Wu King Morock will treat you like his god son and give OD at 50% non stop so that you level fast. Come to S27 Wu now before it is too late
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-6-7 22:13
Funny thing after I wrote on the forum that he wasted all ODs he did the same last night! so smart
Author: HiImLee    Time: 2015-6-8 10:44
i support this merger , it would be a real fight of three kingdoms rather than boring to see wu unengaged
Author: seowseow66    Time: 2015-6-8 16:28
Join Wu @S27
Author: seowseow66    Time: 2015-6-8 16:29
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-6-11 05:53
seowseow66 replied at 2015-6-8 16:29

Please, take that guy Exoticzz to your server
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-11 13:07
SteelBarr replied at 2015-6-11 05:53
Please, take that guy Exoticzz to your server

ah i don't need Eroticzz for my server. he will seduce many males hero
Author: LiuShan0    Time: 2015-6-11 13:11
i have concern about this, but S27 with us (S29 and S30) had much different time, so how we can chases our growth in the same condition with S27? i have a suggestion why not merge S27 with S21 that will be more challenged for S27
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-6-12 17:00
LiuShan0 replied at 2015-6-11 13:11
i have concern about this, but S27 with us (S29 and S30) had much different time, so how we can chas ...

The thing is s29/30 have many strong vip players , there need to be a strong wu server and s27 happens to be the only one , thats y somebody created this topic. I dun see any point of merger if merged with any other wu server
Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-6-12 23:28
Merger s29 with s30 make it happend thx
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-13 02:33
exoticzzs30 replied at 2015-6-12 23:28
Merger s29 with s30 make it happend thx

this advice has been noted,
thnks for your understanding
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-13 02:34
youyou replied at 2015-6-12 17:00
The thing is s29/30 have many strong vip players , there need to be a strong wu server and s27 hap ...

so if i join them then i will become one of weak non vip players, aw blushing
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-13 02:34
LiuShan0 replied at 2015-6-11 13:11
i have concern about this, but S27 with us (S29 and S30) had much different time, so how we can chas ...

how about with s1?
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-6-14 10:43
We in s23 need merger again gm.pliss merger with s27
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-15 18:31
Hishigi replied at 2015-6-14 10:43
We in s23 need merger again gm.pliss merger with s27

Thx for your feedback. It has been noted down.
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-6-17 21:30
GM Chen,

Why you only reply when people ask you merge S27 and S23. Do you not see that all these mergers in past is creating new problem?
Author: LCS    Time: 2015-6-19 04:33
thx for ur enquire...im sure GM will note and deeply consider it. just wish GM will act ASAP. if GM may consider...come merger with us at S25/S28 d more d merrier. thx

Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-6-19 12:24
Seowseow replied at 2015-6-17 21:30
GM Chen,

Why you only reply when people ask you merge S27 and S23. Do you not see that all these me ...

Because in s23 high vip is retired so gm want high vip s23 comeback with merger s27 .High vip s23 very bored.no challenge
Author: seowseow66    Time: 2015-6-19 13:04
Ah I see thanks

I once have a garden of pot roses. 10 pots in fact and I put them in different place. There were 3 pots at my front door.

One day those 3 pots of roses were inflected but worms and my front door looks ugly. Not wanting to waste these 3 pots of roses and also to avoid making my front door looks ugly. I bought another 5 pots of rose to put at front door.

Now  with 8 pots of roses my front look nice like a rose garden. In fact I though those 3 pots of roses with worms will recover one day and make my front door look better. But now those roses with worms are hidden by my new 5 pots of roses. So I happy with it and looked forward to the future with 8 pots of nice roses for a better front door.

1 week have past now. Instead of having 8 pots of nice roses. All 8 pots have worms now.

Lesson of this story is. Solve the worm problem first for long term revenue. Short term revenue solution is good to tell your boss things are going well with your plan. Long term will still be problem be cause the problem is not solve. You should be worry if you take the short term solution.

As a player I do not see any future will older served keep loosing player. But keep seeing new server appearing to just become dead server again later. Same story repeat itself. Then they merge the old server to create more problem.

So I really can't be playing from S7 to s17 to now S38 hoping that you come out with a solution. When I keep hearing merger as the way to go. To me merger means either start new server or give up. So now I can only see a good game that I can never enjoy to the last because there is never a good plan or solution to save it.
Author: seowseow66    Time: 2015-6-19 13:14
Also please listen to Alibaba CEO Ma Yun. Be nice to the strange. The stranger is your customer when you friends and family refuse to buy from you.

Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-19 23:02
Yo GM tell you what

Merge s25/s28 with s29/s30 best option baby

You can create more servers after that merge
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-19 23:38
merge all into 1
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-19 23:49
FanofBabes replied at 2015-6-19 23:02
Yo GM tell you what

Merge s25/s28 with s29/s30 best option baby

Please fan of babes don't say that. They may actually do it.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-19 23:56
millertime replied at 2015-6-19 23:49
Please fan of babes don't say that. They may actually do it.

They will do it don't worry

It's for the better you know
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-20 00:09
Hahaha yeah, be careful fan of babes you already cause one bad merger don't start a second one. You must really hate your fellow wu players. Then again merge was not fully your fault those idiot gm's did their research supposedly and still did the merge. You should be asking for s27 merge that way wei actually defend langya from wu more then shu. Of course if you merging s27 would spell doom for wei. Shu will be fine of course. Gm always take care of shu
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-20 00:14
millertime replied at 2015-6-20 00:09
Hahaha yeah, be careful fan of babes you already cause one bad merger don't start a second one. You  ...

Hmm I asked for merge yes but I never said any server GM just merged as I'm not a cash user.

So even if I'm like this guy asking for S27 merge it wont happen cuz S27 wont want it anyway.

So might as well ask for something that will happen which is s29/s30 + s25/s28 merge
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-20 00:24
If that happens i quit. I am pretty sure s29/30 shu dominate. We both know how our server is. Only way you will enjoy this is if you get off on torture
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-20 00:28
Btw u that Wei Miller is it.

Tell Wei when siege pls defend your cities instead of hitting Wu la always give Shu win so easily.

When siege Shu city all in Shu dont come disturb Wu la.
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-20 00:42
I can try
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-20 01:30
millertime replied at 2015-6-20 00:42
I can try

don't ever try
just spam all your foods,ro,clones for defending every place fanofbabes battling
Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-6-21 04:25
Barr ure is my fans lol... Every i thread somethings u must showing hahaha.. Were diffrent country u doesnt understand what problem we have.. So take care ure self country hahahaha wu country doesnt need u...

For admin please see wu never wins event... Sekalipun gak pernah apalagi event siege.. So please merger with s27 thx if u dont believe try play 1-7days in my server u can see wu never wins any event lol this is not balance with another country right...
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-21 05:14
exoticzzs30 replied at 2015-6-21 04:25
Barr ure is my fans lol... Every i thread somethings u must showing hahaha.. Were diffrent country u ...

does wu country need me and my devs team?
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-6-23 13:46
A few have already heeded the call to join S27 Wu. We welcome the rest with open arms.. Come S27 Wu for some fun
Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-6-26 19:02
Seowseow replied at 2015-6-4 23:57
All you guys in other server, S27 Wu need you. S27 Wu King Morock will treat you like his god son an ...

Make it happen bro.. Wu s30 need some back up
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-26 19:18
exoticzzs30 replied at 2015-6-26 19:02
Make it happen bro.. Wu s30 need some back up

Either you r too dumb or too desperate to understand what he is trying to saying lmao

Dream on merging with S27, come merge with S25 and u can cry your ass off instantly.
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-6-27 03:26
Hishigi replied at 2015-6-19 12:24
Because in s23 high vip is retired so gm want high vip s23 comeback with merger s27 .High vip s23  ...

High vip?ah i beat u already in contest..im not vip
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-6-27 03:29
Seowseow replied at 2015-6-23 13:46
A few have already heeded the call to join S27 Wu. We welcome the rest with open arms.. Come S27 Wu  ...

Who are you?hahaha..ign in S27?
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-6-27 11:04
Edited by 9a8b7c6e at 2015-6-27 11:21
kakashi444 replied at 2015-6-27 03:29
Who are you?hahaha..ign in S27?

he's ex-warrior
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-6-27 14:14
kakashi444 replied at 2015-6-27 03:26
High vip?ah i beat u already in contest..im not vip

Lol i am not vip.elite2 shu s23 yg high vip.

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