Title: Can guojia rebound Lu Xun skill? [Print this page] Author: MrKeLv1N Time: 2015-6-15 01:17 Title: Can guojia rebound Lu Xun skill? Can guojia rebound Lu Xun skill? A mate of my server face Lu Xun in battle during personal server competition but couldn't rebound.. It should be 100% rebound isn't it? Or am I making a mistake? Please assist thank you.Author: FockYerDodder Time: 2015-6-15 01:32 Edited by FockYerDodder at 2015-6-15 01:33
my personal experience,once before i think i saw guojia can rebound luxun skill but now he can't anymore... maybe luxun become better,or guojia become worse
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here is the link http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3089 don't worry this poll will last for next 10 years maybe if not deleted or heyshell permanent closure Author: Aelmans Time: 2018-8-16 16:58
Yes he is right you should tried to Rebound Guajia to luxun Skills. If you are using old version than It must be working. Well hope you also check out my tips here on https://typemyessays.com/ There must be any other way to Rebound Gojia and also to rebound Luxun Skills.Author: MengYi Time: 2018-8-20 15:39
No, there are certain hero that his/her skill is unreboundable. For example : ZhugeLiang, Luxun, SunJian, Jiaxu, Awaken Zhang Jiao, JiangWei, Awaken ZhouYu, Awaken HuangZhong, Awaken ZhuRong. Author: LeaveIt Time: 2018-8-22 20:12
My hero MengYi still alive. Yes yes yes. I hv seen all ur guides before. Very helpful for the old days. When everything still hard to doAuthor: aldryan1 Time: 2018-8-29 13:04
guojia 100% rebound enemy skill, but lu xun have talent 100% skill cannot rebound. Author: MengYi Time: 2018-8-29 21:37
LeaveIt replied at 2018-8-22 20:12
My hero MengYi still alive. Yes yes yes. I hv seen all ur guides before. Very helpful for the old da ...
Author: Mitchum Time: 2018-9-13 20:25 Edited by Mitchum at 2018-9-13 20:26
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Best Inexpensive Sewing Machine Brands Author: WillSchroder Time: 2023-9-22 23:06
It seems like you're referring to something related to a video game on the site https://ny-lawyer.com/ or a specific context that is not immediately clear from your question. "Guojia" and "Lu Xun" are characters from the Dynasty Warriors series of video games, which are based on the historical novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." Each character in the game has unique skills and abilities.
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