Title: Any college students? [Print this page] Author: Stevyamda Time: 2024-11-27 18:19 Title: Any college students? Edited by Stevyamda at 2024-11-27 19:18
Hi, any college students here?
Author: Stevyamda Time: 2024-11-27 21:49
There are tons of students around here. I’m a student in Kingston myself, and finding a decent place that doesn’t cost a fortune can be a struggle. From what I’ve seen, Kingston Property Management places have a good handle on student rentals. As I see, they usually get the whole student thing—like weird schedules and specific move-in times—better than most landlords.Author: qihisy Time: 2024-11-30 21:46
The dog portraits I commissioned exceeded all my expectations. The artist took the time to understand my dog's personality and captured it beautifully in the artwork.Author: Dasik22 Time: 2024-12-5 03:41
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