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Title: how to use trinket work???? [Print this page]

Author: DaRkRiDeR    Time: 2015-6-18 17:49
Title: how to use trinket work????
How can use trinket work for super jade?
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-6-18 18:20
1 jade 1 scroll combie tada your super jade is out
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-18 19:29
You can combine Super Jade in Lv. 1 Trinket works with Jade, Super Jade Scroll and certain amount of bowlder.
Author: LCS    Time: 2015-6-19 04:00
1. 1pcs jade
2. work scroll lvl 1 in resource then voucher
3. super jade fragment in  resource then voucher
4. bowlder
5. combine in tech trinket work
6. actived with gold
7. polish skill its free once a day or or bowlder or gold
8. once all skill are full u get hidden special skill which is quoting GM by probabilities of..... mine quote is smal tiny winy micro nano

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