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Title: evaluating medal of honor [Print this page]

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-25 23:35
Title: evaluating medal of honor
Edited by FockYerDodder at 2015-6-25 23:41

first of all i am just nobody and not representating my server nor my country
i love this medal of honor event why is that,of course give exp buff and some vouchers(which i don't need them )
the problem i don't like from medal of honor event is :

1.i am so jealous to see others which can farm guardsman at enemy cities near capital(50% more exp).it doesn't mean i don't want but i can't move more than my capital
so the difference during these event held for 3 days let's say 10m foods they burn to fight with guardsman,while i am busy defending here and there,all my country cities on fire (almost 24/7 but with this event make them rampage )

2.clone epidemic not yet cured so this event really helpfull for  clones to become stronger,i saw huge number of them stay in my country 10%,30%, with auto off which took forever to clean them out.. regret to say that my puppetmaster not as good as them(in number and capabilities to move the puppets)

3.maybe next medal of honor event should altogether with bonus food (not like hour reward i am too lazy to collect those 50k foods),even i burn all worship,swop hourly trust me the food we got it is not enough,make some improvement that food and exp thingy based on % of chief level

4.after experiencing some newer server
s35(শিশ্ন from shu)
s36(daydreamer shu country)
s37(oh.wow shu country)
s38(TOILET from shu)
my teams said based on mathematical calculation,chemistry reaction,astrology prediction it is is a good time for me to take my leave before C.N (closure notice)comes

anyway i love to have many friends even i love to troll,flame,junk,post whatever i like in almost every thread or starting a thread
nothing to say goodbye,for everyone who still play don't forget to watch your own health,don't neglect your family,also don't too addict into the game (selling your kids and or maybe wife just to get some fund for recharging)

for all GM and his team happy enjoying by reading every thread/post which contains compliments,complaints,curse words
for other who alike me keep your hard work make the forum always hot like as always and as it should be
ah nothing else i end this right here and right now you can't meet me in game and in forum anymore

Best Regards
06-06-6666 6:66 PM
use brain mofo

Author: Heyshellsucks    Time: 2015-6-26 00:08
Shit i missread with Ejaculating,,,
Author: Heyshellsucks    Time: 2015-6-26 00:13
Please dont leave this forum fock..  Miss you..

That not clone master to blame because the others country have high vip and your clone only free players..

Cant hold them..

Im experience this thing everyday fock..
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-6-26 18:15
I vote to make you GM
Author: Heyshellsucks    Time: 2015-6-26 18:44
this GM so smart, just make a contest and all money will come even they on Vacation...

Nice Bussines in here

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