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Title: Pls GM merge s26 with 27 for fun game [Print this page]

Author: aerumpael    Time: 2015-6-27 15:25
Title: Pls GM merge s26 with 27 for fun game
Pls GM merge s26 with 27 for fun game
Author: IbrahimAA    Time: 2015-6-27 17:39
Yeah it's not balance game in s26 ,Wei and wu can't stand in front of shu. It's been long time since any of us win event two month or more . So please consider merge us with stronger Wei and wu thanks .
Author: Nightwing    Time: 2015-6-27 18:05
S26 . . Wei & Wu players are gradually quitting unless there is a merger !
Shu occupying the whole game and nobody can stop them !!!

Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-6-28 11:01
On s27 wei and shu is alliance,they like a lover
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-6-28 11:09
If merger s27-s26shu become more strong too... Plz think that..lol

Author: exoticzzs30    Time: 2015-6-28 11:26
Merger s27 with s29 this will be looks like 3 kingdoom not 2 kingdoom looks like now...
Author: Benk    Time: 2015-6-28 12:30
Me bored in s26 , because wu never win to event. I suggest all wu-wei resign at s26....
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-7-2 02:47
Dont merger with us Wu S27..bored..wei and shu there play like shit..they like couple..gay couple
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-7-2 02:57
Remember who start first..when they strong they make clone n spy to our country..he said wu like trash..say you can beat us n buy our mom..now they lose n cry cause wu more strongest than they?and now play like coward..insane!!
Author: Miyevets    Time: 2015-7-2 09:55
kakashi444 replied at 2015-7-2 02:57
Remember who start first..when they strong they make clone n spy to our country..he said wu like tra ...

Only a few were cocky and arrogant.
If you view the loud few to be the voice of all.

Then let me give you an example:

I see you and couple other wu27 talk a lot on forum bitching and moaning about the shu wei alliance.
So.... Wu are whinning little bitch faggots.

Is this true? No... But that's how your logic works.

Either way, dont be a little bitch kakashi44
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-7-2 10:41
s26 can try merge with s29/30 again lol , wei is still wrecking ass despite merger haha
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-7-2 12:08
Miyevets replied at 2015-7-2 09:55
Only a few were cocky and arrogant.
If you view the loud few to be the voice of all.

Ah bitch say bitch....when we still weak we we try it hard no coward play like u..hahah..wei ask we to ally but we refuse cause we play not like bitch hide on ally underwear!!!then wei search for shu to ally?hahaha..dont say bitch if u play like bitch
Author: Miyevets    Time: 2015-7-2 13:14
kakashi444 replied at 2015-7-2 12:08
Ah bitch say bitch....when we still weak we we try it hard no coward play like u..hahah..wei ask w ...

Learn to speak english before you try to disparage me with it, you ignorant shit.

Go cry me a river, I just told you to stop viewing the loud few to be the voice of many, but all you could focus on is me calling you a little bitch. (Which you are)

Good for you for not having an alliance in a game. Makes you feel like tough shits in the real world I bet.

You're pathetic.

Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-7-2 13:50
Miyevets replied at 2015-7-2 13:14
Learn to speak english before you try to disparage me with it, you ignorant shit.

Go cry me a riv ...

Who now u are best for english?but really i dont care!!u still coward like a shit..hahaha
Author: Miyevets    Time: 2015-7-2 14:01
kakashi444 replied at 2015-7-2 13:50
Who now u are best for english?but really i dont care!!u still coward like a shit..hahaha

Big talk from a guy who has someone else rc for him.

Youre talking like shu and wei made an alliance to fight you! You make me laugh.

Keep talking because shu and wei didnt make alliance to face you.

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-7-2 14:36
youyou replied at 2015-7-2 10:41
s26 can try merge with s29/30 again lol , wei is still wrecking ass despite merger haha

True that we still rock, but we get to deal with tons of alts everyday.

Just some loser in life create alts and play accs of players who left the game.
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-7-2 14:42
Miyevets replied at 2015-7-2 14:01
Big talk from a guy who has someone else rc for him.

Youre talking like shu and wei made an alli ...

Dont care n u still coward..
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-7-2 14:50
Miyevets replied at 2015-7-2 14:01
Big talk from a guy who has someone else rc for him.

Youre talking like shu and wei made an alli ...

Nah..sorry i to serious with the game..sorry but not personal to you..
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-4 17:02

Thank you for your feedback. It has been recorded. We will merge S22 and S27 soon. Keep an eye out for our update announcement.

Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-4 22:17
Solusi merger both s26&s27 with s16... More fun.. LoL..
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-7-10 00:28
Now all your dream come true,wu has been bully by wei and shu
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-10 01:20
9a8b7c6e replied at 2015-7-10 00:28
Now all your dream come true,wu has been bully by wei and shu

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-10 20:32
9a8b7c6e replied at 2015-7-10 00:28
Now all your dream come true,wu has been bully by wei and shu

Congratulations now you get a taste of being bully
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-7-11 01:47
Seowseow replied at 2015-7-10 20:32
Congratulations now you get a taste of being bully

Thx ; P

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