Title: Door lock number pad stopped working [Print this page] Author: Stevyamda Time: 2024-12-18 19:02 Title: Door lock number pad stopped working The door lock number pad on our 2018 I5 DS36 stopped working suddenly. I seem to recall seeing a post where it was suggested to look for the fuse. Can someone advise the steps to troubleshoot? Author: Stevyamda Time: 2024-12-18 21:04
I’ve read that it could be something simple, like the batteries running low. Have you tried replacing them yet? Sometimes, even a small change like that can make a huge difference. Another thing to check is whether the code is entered correctly – sometimes, the number pad can be slightly sensitive. If none works, you might want to reset the lock, but ensure your code is saved first! You can usually find the reset instructions in the manual. It could be a faulty sensor or wiring issue if it's still not working after that. Check the model online and see if anyone else has had a similar problem. Here's a link to a guide on troubleshooting locks like yours: 3 digit code lock troubleshooting.
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