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Title: Asking some help about Begginer's Guide [Print this page]

Author: allure    Time: 2015-7-7 23:05
Title: Asking some help about Begginer's Guide
Hello all,

1. I'm looking for some advices about leveling fast to get lvl82 and T.S. Ci in time for the begining event.
I've found this excelent thread The Beginner's Guide gameplay for newcomers - How to get to lvl 72 quick thanks andrewwilliam3. But is incomplete to get lvl 82.
So I ask what is your advice to get lvl 82 in time, I got only time for H. Zhong bonus.

More questions,
2. What is the best use for gold for non-vip or small-buyer?
3. About cost-benefit Feat Chests, what is the smart choice?

4. Who are the best Gen's until we get T.S. Ci and X.H. Dun? I've played with W. Chou, H. Zong, Zhu Rong and Z. He, perhaps is better option use Pang De instead of Z. He?
5. What is the lvl target/range for constructions, without vip is very slow lvl up, at least for me. I intend start a new server with a small contribution to get VIP, to upgrade faster, but first I want understand this game a bit better.
Some people says lvl20-30 wood and silver, almost no iron. high food highest barraks but I dont understand very well how they get iron, silver and wood cuz I'm allways without it for techs, or other stuff. and they worship only for iron? but.. we need so much iron for arms.
6. How you balance your armaments and gems?
7. I really don't understand how initiative works. I see players in Arena with supose worst Gen's then me and very higher iniative. like +600 when my Gens's BR (dunno if s the correct name, then yellow number in each Gen when we want to fight).
8. How you refine? when you really use advance refine?

I'm reading a lot threads to get all my answers, and I'm asking in country chat to, but in forum a lot threads but I don't find the answers. In country chat, is a bit boring sometimes cuz allways some language that I don't understand at all. Hope the english chat rule could be use...

I have a lot questions to make, I'll stop for now

Thanks in advance, and PLEASE, help me to be a better player.

Author: rainy    Time: 2015-7-7 23:36
i really want to try my best in giving answer but i am not too keen if it's exposed in forum


Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-7-7 23:45
recharge so can become invincible
Author: allure    Time: 2015-7-8 00:10
rainy replied at 2015-7-7 23:36
i really want to try my best in giving answer but i am not too keen if it's exposed in forum

S7 Shu ...

Send PM then
Author: allure    Time: 2015-7-8 00:11
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-7-7 23:45
recharge so can become invincible

Great idea

for sure you know some great tips, can you share them with me?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-7-8 00:45
allure replied at 2015-7-8 00:11
Great idea

for sure you know some great tips, can you share them with me?


Author: allure    Time: 2015-7-8 07:02
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-7-8 00:45

lol you have a % of the recharge I see.
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2015-7-9 13:15
come to wei s25 bro....
we ll share all what u need
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2015-7-9 13:16
come to wei s25 bro....
we ll share all what u need

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