Heyshell Games Forum

Title: GOLD WAS USED WHEN GOLD TIPS ARE ON... [Print this page]

Author: google    Time: 2015-7-9 06:53
What happen was that i had 22/25 free Worship and i start spamming the Worship in FOOD. BUt THEN i only clicked ar around the most is like 20 times and when i look my Gold dropped from 25 to 4. And there was no notice to ask me to click OKay for using the gold UNTIL i had 4 gold.  And there is no way that i CLICKed the OK button without me knowing. GM please take BACK MY FOOD and give me back my 21g. I NEED MY GOLD FOR REFINE!!!! MY GOLD PROMPT WAS ON!!! AND THEY USE IT EAT MY GOLD ON WORSHIP!!

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-9 13:56
According to data, Gold*21 was spent on food worship. About the gold prompt, you are advised to offer an screenshot or video. Thank you for your support.
Author: Nyanted01    Time: 2015-7-9 22:37
Sir Chen, this was happen too on my problem by accidentally shadow too, it was no prompt even i check it..
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-7-10 04:51
I had the same with worship

If you click fast,   there is no prompt
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-10 10:50
Nyanted01 replied at 2015-7-9 22:37
Sir Chen, this was happen too on my problem by accidentally shadow too, it was no prompt even i chec ...

Sorry for the delay. We will optimize it.
Author: Vaynard    Time: 2015-7-11 08:33
yeah GM me too both of the problems i already missing around 80 gold now.. please optimize before more people get this problem too
Author: h3rm4n    Time: 2015-7-11 15:47
i missing 160G when strike/lure barb ...my cursor accidentally go to shadow button spend 160G. my gold prompt was on
why shadow button very near with lure/strike button....why??

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