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Title: Guo Jia Map [Print this page]

Author: google    Time: 2015-7-15 15:04
Title: Guo Jia Map
Is Diao Chan good for Guo Jia Map. Right now my Formation is  Xu CHu, TSC , Diao Chan, Wenji, D Wei. Is Diao Chan better or Dun better for GUo jia map. Or Gan Ning. Thx

Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-15 15:42
D,chan,ganning,c.wenji better if want block skill npc bro.
u can use x.chu,d.chan,tsc,dwei and wenji but after get g.jia dont forget train ganning cox ganning important get elit hero Z.yu
Author: shivabnp    Time: 2015-7-15 16:26
use xc wenji dw dc tsc ... more easy in there
Author: google    Time: 2015-7-16 03:25
what init is Guo JIa?
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-7-16 03:38
Yes DChan is good
Use formation above:

XuChu/ Wenji/ DWei/ DChan/ TSC

Its not about init its abouts average gens' stats
Author: google    Time: 2015-7-16 10:41
is that the formation for CaoCao?
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-16 18:20
google replied at 2015-7-16 10:41
is that the formation for CaoCao?

for cao2..using x.chu,x.dun,dio chan/wenji,d.wei,tsc
Make d.wei can casting skill to cao2 and skill d.wei not block and tsc let finish cao2 by skill maybe skill tsc can kill 3 row but tsc can reduce number troop Cao2 And hope cao2 alwyas uaing icon atcker not def or assault.
Author: Xaron    Time: 2015-7-16 23:30
For caocao map, i use tschi, dwei, gning, xuchu and wenji. As long as ur xuchu can use skill same time as caocao den u win already. Just make sure ur wenji eq and foster is strong.

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