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Title: master of puppet s1 wwi [Print this page]

Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-23 14:36
Title: master of puppet s1 wwi
Gm what u say now...still player joined in elit tourney from lvl 72...

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-23 15:06
Thank you for your feedback.
Author: VipMuliawan    Time: 2015-7-23 15:11
Elite tourney with red hero...wkwkwkwkwkwk...

Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-23 15:15
the true god of clone server.....
Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-7-23 15:35
New players can't play tourney?
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-7-23 16:05
Zhoa, I guess what red225 mean is will there still got so many new players joining s1
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-23 19:56
I dont know bro...but i have more screenshoot clone s1 wei when meet in elit tourney.
they have much player running clone maybe 1 player have 5 clone.
Wu s3 same with wei s1 and s3 shu have so much clone but different s1 wei very2 crazy server with clone i think 200k clone...but comfuse me they not making clone auto off hahaha..
Author: LakeBen    Time: 2015-7-23 21:20
the condition to joined tourney is minimum at lvl 76.. they use p.feng and h.xiong, i wonder what is their lvl...
hope will not see such thing in next tourney..
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-7-23 23:54
Clone and bot discussion again?.??????
People is free to choose any server, and one country of three that they want to be.
And when new player play, they are called as clones and bot. Hmmmmmm

Author: cressbanez    Time: 2015-7-24 01:08
Aha, why always lie?... just honest , not all new player called as clones and bot... but thats really bot and clones.( example :  New player not always a group only stay at gate, with auto off too... All the time...). Its ok, if your strategy to win war. ... relax
Author: cressbanez    Time: 2015-7-24 01:12
and if not clones or bot, not ban by gm.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-7-24 02:44
if a new player went and joined server 1 , he is not a clone or bot (sarcasm) , he is stupid to come here and even say he is new player , actually anyone new joining any server below s30 is a clone or bot , and those who come say hi to friends never show in events or tournies
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-7-24 03:30
Red225 replied at 2015-7-23 19:56
I dont know bro...but i have more screenshoot clone s1 wei when meet in elit tourney.
they have much ...

I understand U ....
Lucky U only face them once every 3 mth.
I face them everyday. Lol
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-7-24 03:32
bibon replied at 2015-7-23 23:54
Clone and bot discussion again?.??????
People is free to choose any server, and one country of three ...

U r right bro.
Just a question to ask U
S7 weis from losing country overgrow mighty in a night.
Is there any srecet receipt
Author: Azurozeta    Time: 2015-7-24 07:32
\o/ replied at 2015-7-24 02:44
if a new player went and joined server 1 , he is not a clone or bot (sarcasm) , he is stupid to come ...

agree 100%
Author: chief007    Time: 2015-7-24 09:34
guy they using script to run bot.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-24 13:22
cressbanez replied at 2015-7-24 01:08
Aha, why always lie?... just honest , not all new player called as clones and bot... but thats reall ...

Yes bro i dont angry my country lose...i still can get voucher.
But i just want know what gm say about elit tourney,and next tourney what rules gm make.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-24 13:24
Benromario replied at 2015-7-24 03:30
I understand U ....
Lucky U only face them once every 3 mth.
I face them everyday. Lol

whoa...and still not respond from gm?
Yes i lucky only meet 1x time with s1 wei.
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-7-24 18:28
Red225 replied at 2015-7-24 13:24
whoa...and still not respond from gm?
Yes i lucky only meet 1x time with s1 wei.

LoL!!! That server is already 1 year old. When merge. U make a guess
Author: Fenrir    Time: 2015-7-24 22:18
boring to read complain forum n to play this game if every server from shu just can complain n blame others
Author: ZHAUYUN    Time: 2015-7-24 23:05
Arghh really a clone and bots discussion again?? Really this forum is boring
Author: husni12    Time: 2015-7-24 23:35
Lol..imagine we r being surrounded by pple everyday n u cant move arnd...hmm...tq gm

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