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Title: Someone hack my friends id. [Print this page]

Author: poem    Time: 2015-7-28 01:39
Title: Someone hack my friends id.
GM pls help.. some1 hack my friends id.. in shu 37.. nick "Tiger" pls reply....

Author: Apink    Time: 2015-7-28 01:50
Hi GM, my friend's account got hacked few hours ago. His nick is "Tiger" of S37 Shu. Hope you can do something about it. Thank you in advance.
Author: dragonsta    Time: 2015-7-28 01:59
Someone hacked my friend's account in Shu S37. His ID is Tiger. Can you help him to get the account back please?
Thanks in advance.
Author: Shanelles37    Time: 2015-7-28 11:20
Dear GM...

Yesterday IGN Tiger from shu s37 got hacked by someone, he cant login, but the id is exist in world map n rank...
could u help him get his id back? Coz he spend money for this id..

Thanks for ur attention, we will wait for ur good news..
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-28 11:41
Thank you for your feedback. We are contacting him.

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