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Title: Merge s25 [Print this page]

Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-29 22:18
Title: Merge s25
GM.. S25 need merge.. Plz help us on merge.. Ty very much
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-7-29 23:45
They merging it with S29 ROFL
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-30 00:19
Go on. We ready for merge.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-30 08:03
Franky replied at 2015-7-30 00:19
Go on. We ready for merge.

Merge with s16...
Author: jarotmurder    Time: 2015-7-30 08:22
s31 need merger too.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-30 09:43
jarotmurder replied at 2015-7-30 08:22
s31 need merger too.

Ya merger with s16..
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-30 10:36
Which server would you like to merge with?
Author: tjin    Time: 2015-7-30 15:05
any server as long 25 and below
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-30 15:36
S31 also request merge? How about s25 merge s27 and s31? How u see gm?
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-7-30 19:17
Merger again with s21 gm
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2015-7-30 19:40
ukaman87 replied at 2015-7-30 09:43
Ya merger with s16..

agree 100%.. merger s25 and s31 with s16 cause we have weak shu here...plizzz gm
Author: regrown    Time: 2015-7-30 21:26
Pls merge with a server where shu less strong.now super unbalanced

Author: 12jk    Time: 2015-7-30 23:47
s31 shu strong... if merge them,  shu s25 will more bored... lol
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-30 23:52
Server with who.lets gm decided.. We just play n wait n see..
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-7-31 01:11
We don't need another merger. We seen how it worked out last time and I doubt gm will do a better job. Franky I am sorry a strong shu got merged with a strong shu but no more. Only merger that would work is one with shu being the weakest country of all three but we know that no server has shu as weakest country because all the sheeple pick shu. Of course gm will only listen to shu because you guys the ones spending the money and gm have shu fetish.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-31 11:06
Millertime,i ask gm for merge s26,27.at there shu not strong. I ask merge for making server balance.
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-7-31 11:30
Franky replied at 2015-7-30 15:36
S31 also request merge? How about s25 merge s27 and s31? How u see gm?

S27 already merge few week ago now WU underpressure againts alliance 2 country
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-7-31 14:59
Franky replied at 2015-7-31 11:06
Millertime,i ask gm for merge s26,27.at there shu not strong. I ask merge for making server balance. ...

I understand you want a merge for balance but in all likelihood there is no optimal merge with any server to actually bring balance. If a merge happens then either wu or wei stand a good chance of coming out even worse then it is now. If gm can find the right merger I would agree but I prefer they take the time to get it right and not rush into another bad decision.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-31 17:46
then merge with who also can. We bored already.. Few high vip stop play already.
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-7-31 18:13
Hishigi replied at 2015-7-30 19:17
Merger again with s21 gm

Shu will win , suck up to it
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-31 21:40
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-7-30 10:36
Which server would you like to merge with?

Please merger s16

Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-7-31 22:56
Edited by FanofBabes at 2015-7-31 23:27




Author: jarotmurder    Time: 2015-7-31 23:13
shu in s31 overpower. every event country wei and wu always lose. and so many player left in wei & wu.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-8-1 01:00
FanofBabes replied at 2015-7-31 22:56


We only low vip.not high vip.all s25 wanna look for new merge also,so we ask gm for help.. Not gm help us..
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-8-1 11:39
Franky replied at 2015-8-1 01:00
We only low vip.not high vip.all s25 wanna look for new merge also,so we ask gm for help.. Not gm  ...

LOL yeah VIP 12 is "low" VIP..

U need challenge ah then make a new acc at S25 Wu challenge back S25 Shu LOL...

If u can make a new acc at S25 Wu and go to 50% Shu I say u can ask for anything GM also agree.
Author: LCS    Time: 2015-8-1 17:52
Lets merge to s41
Author: calvincalyva    Time: 2015-8-1 19:07
Haha S40 Wu is also under pressure. Please merge S40 with S39, so wu can make a good fight with shu & wei.
Author: wadewes    Time: 2015-8-1 19:14
Shu in s36 not strong at all
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-8-1 20:40
FanofBabes replied at 2015-8-1 11:39
LOL yeah VIP 12 is "low" VIP..

U need challenge ah then make a new acc at S25 Wu challenge back S ...

U dunno about me,and said me vip 12?  Big wrong.. GM fast merge plz.tyty,,,,
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-8-1 21:04
Franky replied at 2015-8-1 20:40
U dunno about me,and said me vip 12?  Big wrong.. GM fast merge plz.tyty,,,,

Who dunno u r 诸葛亮

Need me to say out? LOL..

Just say a server or create account in S25 Wu try solo into your own country under us LOL..

Author: Franky    Time: 2015-8-1 22:00
FanofBabes replied at 2015-8-1 21:04
Who dunno u r 诸葛亮

Need me to say out? LOL..

Just said u know me. But im not high vip man. And not vip 12. Ur wrong baby
Author: itchkidz    Time: 2015-8-2 06:06
S32 need merge, GM. it will be good S29 and S32
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-8-3 00:00
Franky replied at 2015-8-1 22:00
Just said u know me. But im not high vip man. And not vip 12. Ur wrong baby

ZGL just say 1 server that you wanna merge with already dont let GM wait.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-8-3 00:55
Go check last message fano. I think i tell it already
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-8-3 14:07
Franky replied at 2015-8-3 00:55
Go check last message fano. I think i tell it already

You told merger with s27 and wont happen,we just merger
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2015-8-3 19:00
Franky replied at 2015-8-3 00:55
Go check last message fano. I think i tell it already

S27 n S31 no way.

Choose only 1 server to merge.
Author: Franky    Time: 2015-8-4 00:46
FanofBabes replied at 2015-8-3 19:00
S27 n S31 no way.

Choose only 1 server to merge.

U want s1? Hahaha...

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