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Title: S 31 Request for Merge [Print this page]

Author: SunQuan.S31    Time: 2015-8-7 22:04
Title: S 31 Request for Merge
We've been imbalance since the start n now the gap getting even higher.

Especially Wu, we only win 1 server contest since the start of this server. In today's server contest we even lose to S37.. what a shame.

Many Wu S31 consider to quit if not merged with proper server soon.

Pls consider
Author: PuaTehKor    Time: 2015-8-7 23:04
Edited by PuaTehKor at 2015-8-7 23:05

This gm don't care about wu lah. Somemore we have mostly vip 1 or 2 players only. Just now tourney we have about 6 vs 18 of s37...lol. lose with shame really.
I already boycott recharging for a few months, feel great. Just play for free now and enjoy getting whacked. Lol.
As long shu n wei have players keep rc, gm won't merge us. Long long wait expected.
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-8 04:48
any suggestions which server shu not dominance?
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-8 04:49
btw wei s31 also lose from s37... lol
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2015-8-10 12:29
If your all about vip 1 or 2, why dont you go to one of the new servers as one faction?
Author: perseus88    Time: 2015-8-10 13:21
Sunquan, please read pm
Author: WhiteFrog    Time: 2015-8-10 14:59
we from s31 need real challenge, gm please merge us with s32 -33 and 34

Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-8-10 18:57
junieeeeee replied at 2015-8-8 04:48
any suggestions which server shu not dominance?

In s1/wei is stronger country..
Author: Tonberrt    Time: 2015-8-11 11:10
A lot of shu player also quit, this server so booring aleady...
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2015-8-11 16:34
check s16 there arent one country domination and the map are balance between green, red and blue...
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-11 22:10
the ratio between shu wei wu in s31 is around 4 : 2 : 1.... wei mostly just casual players so ratio could be 4 : 1 : 1.... hardly got new players since its old server
Author: KentY    Time: 2015-8-11 22:31
U sure the ratio is 4:2:1??
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-8-11 23:08
Yeah no new players join but lots of clones start appearing from wei and wu..
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 00:03
excuse me are you accusing wei making clones... what a retard! tell that to ur shu friends stop making spies acc at wei... and mislead wei new players with fake legions.... what a bunch of idiots!
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 00:05
you should asked you friend Qing before accusing Wei.... before you look like a dumbass!
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-8-12 00:25
lol u cant even get the ratio right and wanna say dumbass.. Joke of the day!!
Should we attached the screenshot for u to verify the clone?

Btw, shu dont even need to spy on wei or wu when we can win whenever we feel we want..
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-12 00:34
PercyMarsh replied at 2015-8-12 00:25
lol u cant even get the ratio right and wanna say dumbass.. Joke of the day!!
Should we attached th ...

this game is not about winning
when players of Wu and Wei quit and you win 100% nothing to be proud of
when there is balance on the servers thats the real Clash of Three Kingdoms

This game is a strategy not a farmville
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 00:49
Sure PercyMarsh give the screen shots of wei clones.... Qing already told me you are his office pal... Why dont u asked him if Wei got clones or not? Hey he play everyday.... he will tell u also about those annoying fake legions in Wei... What a dumb man or u think Qing a liar? You think Your own friend is a liar. Too bad Qing got friend like u.... Qing is a nice dude... just his friend got stink attitudes!
Author: avalanche    Time: 2015-8-12 00:51
SteelBarr replied at 2015-8-12 00:34
this game is not about winning
when players of Wu and Wei quit and you win 100% nothing to be prou ...

i have heard from wu ppl at s29 that wei n wu had an alliance n buy some acc at wu just to bully shu. what you said earlier just a face palm
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-12 01:02
avalanche replied at 2015-8-12 00:51
i have heard from wu ppl at s29 that wei n wu had an alliance n buy some acc at wu just to bully s ...

I don't know what you mean by face palm.
Wu is fighting Shu cause Shu invades them 24/7.
I don't know where you get that information from cause I have never heard of that.
Everything I heard from Wu people is that Shu are calling them dogs via the personal messages.

Anyway everything you have said does not relate to my point, i.e. that S29/30 need to merge with strong Wu.
Once again this is the Clash of Three Kingdoms not a domination of Shu.

So far you have just been whining that Shu is losing, while they have more accounts than Wei and Wu together.
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-8-12 01:15
SteelBarr replied at 2015-8-12 01:02
I don't know what you mean by face palm.
Wu is fighting Shu cause Shu invades them 24/7.
I don't k ...

Talk about urself calling shu pussies/losers in country chat whenever winning events , and talking about number of accounts ur no far different from shu without even considering milo and his other 3 babies.

Reflect on ur own country before giving some real talk to others , what a pathetic player

Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 01:18
Wheres the screenshots PercyMarsh? I am still waiting for your lie and bullshits dude! What a moron & a dickhead! Bullshitting on forum....
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-12 01:31
youyou replied at 2015-8-12 01:15
Talk about urself calling shu pussies/losers in country chat whenever winning events , and talking ...

Well I play with respect to the enemies who respects me.
I don't think that by using spies you respect my country.
You are not supposed to read the chat of my country, if you want to read it you read what you deserve to read.

Stop talking bullshit about Milo. Milo is one player any other player is not related to him, so I don't know which "babies" you are talking about. If you have a problem with players playing under Milk brands names, ask GM, he knows that they are all real, not like LiuShan playing Terabyte acc.

And talk about pathetic my little friend. I will call pussy anyone who is using alts or spies. There are good players in your country but even your country mates call alt users from Shu douchebags.

S29 Shu promised to give titles to S30 Shu players but in the end you just kicked them from every castle. If thats how you deal with your country mates you deserved to be dealed in the same way.
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 09:17
Wheres that moronic PercyMarsh? How long to take those screenshots? This guy is obvious deluded & halucinated liar...
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-8-12 10:41
Edited by PercyMarsh at 2015-8-12 10:43

Lol why so bitchy about screenshot of the clones? Scared your clone get exposed here?

Oh Yeah i forgot u are a bitch..

PM KentY in forum or DavidDarne in game for the wonderful clones in action screenshot.

Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 10:44
Where is it bitch the screen shots? Hey fuckface before talk u gotta have evidence!
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 10:46
This guy truly a moron when ask evidence just throwing the responsibilties it to his friends.
Author: KentY    Time: 2015-8-12 10:53
Yes, ask me if u wan! Btw what's the point for throwing the pict here? What u able to do? R u GM? Even GM  not able to do anything.  
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 10:59
If you got evidence wei s31 doing that u gotta proved it so its all clear bitches! So u tell me you can goes around accusing anyone as u like! Bring it on bitches! I am waiting fucktards!
Author: KentY    Time: 2015-8-12 11:08
Where is ur fking manners? If wan ask something must ask politely, if u no fking brain and manners don't even comment.
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-8-12 12:51
Weakling bitch that only know how to make noise in forum..

Bitch wait till u can reach top 20 in arena then u talk to us again...
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 13:57
Why has manners with bunch of retards like you? Isnt that fucktards PercyMarsh which accusing wei first? You talk about manners? lol...... lame ass. Cant proved shit.... Lie all over forum.
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 13:59
Liar cant proved it with evidences.... What a bunch of bitches!
Author: Benk    Time: 2015-8-12 14:04
Çilok .......cilok..... cilok .....cilok
Ciloknya pak.... ciloknya buuuuuu
Author: Kiffy    Time: 2015-8-12 14:52
Junie, you sure the ratio is 4:2:1? And how is it that because Wei a lot of part timers your ration become 1?

How do you define part timers?

I am also a part timer, everyday set auto fight just to clear feats and kills after server reset. Login in 3 times per day during event just to join battle. Night time before server reset login for OD.

Ain't the rest doing the same as well? So is everyone here part timers? If that's the case shouldn't the ratio be 1:1:1?

The reason why Wei gets own by Shu is because we rc more that's all.
In terms of population, I don't think we are far superior. Maybe when this server just started yes but not now.

You want to talk about ratio of people is 4:2:1, I can say the ratio of people from Shu quitting is also 4:2:1.

So don't be sore when you are losing because you don't RC. This game is made for those who RC.
If you can't accept it, go play Candy Crush or some Flappy Bird. At least we don't create clone accounts. You should take a look at other servers with high VIPs and clones.

Speaking of which, don't you guys auto off, cut paths, ally with Wu? Do you see any of us posting in forum to complain? No, because this is part of the game.
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 16:48
Another retards came with no points.... did Wei use clones or not? As accused? W
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 16:50
Accusing someone else making foul play when they doing nothing wrong.... its bitchy bitches.
Author: SunQuan.S31    Time: 2015-8-12 18:37
What a fruitful discussion
Author: PuaTehKor    Time: 2015-8-12 19:04
Cooldown guys. We all from S31. We make friends, make joke and enjoy ourselves.No need get so fired up. You all think so easy managed alt accounts? I can screenshot my accounts used to block gates here if you all wanna see. Even to deploy low lvl accounts need patience n strategy (they walk so damn slow....hahaha).
I have to deploy these accounts to resist shu onslaught, it is part n parcel of the game. You can call those clones or anything. Or i can even say i ask my father, mother, aunty, uncles, grandparents open accounts to help. Just a game, laugh it off. I am friendly with players from both shu n wei since we are same server. If you guys are frustrated with WU then sorry, but life till goes on. New day new fight. Everyone put in much time n money into game. If really wanna blame, blame gm for not doing better make more balance n just care about players to rc. Nowadays tourney more frequent, events ladies more, just wanna trick players rc more. So no matter ftp or vip, just enjoy, if not just quit or swtch server, no need fight until so bitter here.

PS Shu : hope WU now able to put up a better fight with all my relatives accounts used.lol
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-8-12 19:20
LOL.. PuaTehkor i salute you for admitting it publicly..

We never have any problem with anyone using alt or clones.. As it's part of the game.
I only mention clones start appearing and someone is so on fire act innocent as if those never happen.

PS: Shu never underestimate wei or wu as you guys have been putting up good fight till now.. And more exciting than before with all your relatives account guarding gate. Hahaha
Author: PuaTehKor    Time: 2015-8-12 19:28
PercyMarsh replied at 2015-8-12 19:20
LOL.. PuaTehkor i salute you for admitting it publicly..

We never have any problem with anyone ...

Tats the spirit bro. Just enjoy ourselves. We are always working to make it more interesting for shu and wei. If not this server dead long time ago. So many good players from all 3 country quit already. Nid to retain remaining ones.
Author: SunQuan.S31    Time: 2015-8-12 19:30
And instead of merging our server. GM just opened new server
I admit that shu has less ppl nowadays.. maybe theyre bored with the competition then quit or move

But still, we're too tired playing each others acc (yes, we share account)just to block in gate
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-8-12 19:34
GM doesnt even want to reply us here despite this thread has reach 5 pages..

From shu side, we even tried to PM GM but as you know their standard answer..
Author: NoShells    Time: 2015-8-12 20:24
SteelBarr replied at 2015-8-12 01:31
Well I play with respect to the enemies who respects me.
I don't think that by using spies you res ...

With this reply of yours , its concluded hard that your the real bullshit with rubbish talks. Milo is 1player?

Milo already answered himself that he is CapNona. I have tons more than this but dun feel the necessity to show just to prove it to the audience because it makes me look desperate and stupid. Disgraceful hyprocrite , i feel sad for your parents.
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 20:27
Still PercyMarsh avoiding the mistakes.... what a retard! Liar never prosper.
Author: HiImLee    Time: 2015-8-12 20:36
Dont bother reasoning with Barr with any regards to s30 wei , hes a bitchy idiot . Talking so much of shu while they are doing the same of them in fact even more while coming to the forums showing as if his country plays clean and shu is the bad one. Very pathetic child
Author: SunQuan.S31    Time: 2015-8-12 20:54
Ssst s29/30 get out pls.. dont bring ur problems in s31 forum.

Lol just kidding
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-12 21:28
NoShells replied at 2015-8-12 20:24
With this reply of yours , its concluded hard that your the real bullshit with rubbish talks. Milo  ...

I dont see Milo saying he is CapNona.
They were discussing CapNona's message to Laselle but its Milo and not CapNona.

Instead of bringing some screenshots which are not related to your blames, you better clean your country from alts.


Author: KentY    Time: 2015-8-12 21:36

Author: shivabnp    Time: 2015-8-12 21:48
KentY replied at 2015-8-12 21:36

Post it for what.??
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-12 21:51
KentY replied at 2015-8-12 21:36

Which server? Is it S31?
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-8-12 22:06
Those u called "clones" in those screenshots LMAO.... did you often see them or they just random players passing by then never play again LOL. If new triers of the game u called clones... then everyone are clones... piss poor really ur evidences.... your delusions and hallucinations are EPICS! I dont know what you guys eating but it certaily works to make you all retarded.

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