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Title: 2 dragon suits [Print this page]

Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-8-9 11:42
Title: 2 dragon suits
i already have dragon suit and my another equips can combine again into another dragon suit but i cant find dragon fragment at vouchers..is it just only one dragon suit allowed to have from one account?

Author: imurfather    Time: 2015-8-9 18:18
maybe you can only have one of each suit. can the GM verify this

Author: Ќ5рab    Time: 2015-8-9 23:14
Once dragon suit or any other is made u cant make the same suit again , which is u can only have 1 dragon suit only
Author: ecstacy    Time: 2015-8-10 21:54
the dragon suit is free therefore u can only make one of it. for those suits using vouchers. u can buy as many as u wan as long as u can afford
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-8-11 14:23
i think only 1 suit for 1 id...cant make a double same suit...

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