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Title: Watch OUT S1 WEI [Print this page]

Author: S1Shu兵    Time: 2015-8-23 05:49
Title: Watch OUT S1 WEI
He SPEND USD $1.3k on Mini Account!!!

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-23 07:18
lol This guy is funny ahah

Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2015-8-23 15:47
YeChang is somewhere inside YeCheng?
Author: alibaba    Time: 2015-8-24 00:13
maybe is his house surrounded by loan sharks
Author: LakeBen    Time: 2015-8-24 01:56
S1 wei.. full of shit.. using bot and clone...
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-24 05:31
They obviously do you them but same as Shu s1 does, whose clones we had to face in the tourney.
So the arguments which say that someone is better at using clones than you, are pretty much pointless.
I think that both sides better give up on using  clones but don't think that will happen, unfortunately.
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-8-24 08:32
LakeBen replied at 2015-8-24 01:56
S1 wei.. full of shit.. using bot and clone...

Which one do you want? Shit , bot or clone? You can not get all
Make up your mind brat
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-24 11:08
bibon replied at 2015-8-24 08:32
Which one do you want? Shit , bot or clone? You can not get all
Make up your mind brat

Brat? Wow where are you from? Ahah
Is it a Russian speaking country?
Author: ™×Nia•S2    Time: 2015-8-24 20:49
S1 wei is monster in my opinion , no need bot or clone also can beat it ass out far far away lel

*I'm joking xD*
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-8-25 15:07
I think s7 wei is much much more better.
Author: ™×Nia•S2    Time: 2015-8-25 20:39
The reality is GM or Admin won't care about this problem after all , being like almost 1 year in this game , and I doest see any action has being taken , non-most sadly is , they just open gold event for money grinder only ..

I knw maybe kinda useless when u posting sumthings like this
In fact they really know it very well
Still no action has being take , and sit on chair like nothing happen as well

I'm play on S2 , when I chat , nobody chats lel
But ppl was on war wif red heroes on over a place ,
I play on wei side , and feel kinda pity to shu that they have to deal it wif this problem .

Maybe u read it GM
what u gonna to say it now? , keep post and post your words on this forum?
But doest take action in this player?

Sry for my bad English , maybe I'm not strong Enuf in this game.
But still I also no need clone or sumthings to help my kingdom lel

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-8-26 04:32
™×Nia•S2 replied at 2015-8-25 20:39
The reality is GM or Admin won't care about this problem after all , being like almost 1 year in thi ...

even your english are not good enough but still easy to understand by me
yes i know about the situation of S1 with that kind of things for sure nobody will keep continue play neither recharge
with unpleasant gameplay why should waste time in here
so without any hesitation don't let me alone leave this "things" pack up your lugage and leave your id forever
i wonder when will be the closure notice will come
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-8-26 16:23
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-8-26 04:32
even your english are not good enough but still easy to understand  by me
yes i know about the s ...

Totally agree

Author: ™×Nia•S2    Time: 2015-8-26 20:31
Lol just now I talk about clone on S1 wei server , and I receive shit talk from noob S1 king
=_= still I do like this game ,because clone making so worst , all day log in and see bunch of clone keep stacking on enemy base its like never ends

So what action u want to take ?
I guess ur policy and rules doest give them a shit

Izzit because they high VIP and need to take care like a king treat ?
Done wif this fcking game , thanks to gm team for take action , I mean action on seeing msg on forum only

-5 for rating such wasted on this silly game
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-8-28 01:38
Dammit. So R u talking abt the weis bots or R u talking abt weis King are high VIP?
If so, shu & Wu are really gone .....
Good bye ....
Author: Zhugeliang80    Time: 2015-9-2 14:26
To: XGuan,

You are 1 of fucking Bastard i ever seen in this online game as now you are controlling this S1 and S2 Shu what have you done? Making high recharge player quit this game we are losing every event no chance to progress to win over Wei and Wu so difficult now it seem no hope for Shu kingdom you better fuck off from this game if not Shu will never be in peace at all so please Shu S1&S2 open your eyes see who is making Shu break into pieces don't listen to him anymore he is a loser!!!

Author: Weigamer    Time: 2015-9-2 18:03
Shu XGuan,

Haha.... you think too much you want to beat us Wei with such moves please go home and sleep even now your own Shu Kingdom player don't even respect you at all please do some more make more Shu player quit we are more happy to see we Wei win all hahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author: blackjack    Time: 2015-9-2 18:49
yeap yeap!!!weigamer,ur dream come true,cause most of shu player already quit,wei running program n create bot  still dare to shout here,u know shame???another is shu all human wanna fight with human don't wan play with stupid bot,if with no bot wei is nothing!!!!!btw wish u happy play wit bot
Author: WanFu    Time: 2015-9-2 19:53
XGuan please leave this game for goodness sake!!!!!!! Why you want to make yourself be so respected to all Shu Players!!! S1&S2 don't need you at all you are just a empty minded without thinking brain only know how to comment with out thinking!!!!! How many Shu players have listen to your word got hurt and leave this game..... You guys now listening to him are also falling into his trap being control by him please do not be bind by his words stop following his lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE QUIT XGUAN!!!

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-2 22:06
share with me the programs
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-9-2 23:22
S1 wei master bot and s7 wei buying program bot from plyer in s1 they using for stopping leveling sima.
This program can send gen only 0.03 second.
Actualy old server s1 -s7 using bot but more spesific country.
what we get fun if all country become blue/red/green?
We play this game for fun,sharing exp in elit hero,looking friend but some player make it personal Using bot,clone fake recharge especially bot progam.
Author: dian    Time: 2015-9-3 02:26
Your conspiracy is very funny lol using to stop sima from lvling
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-3 03:37
Wei s1 has a lot black gold user.
But U still see his Acc on world map nowsday.

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-3 09:32
save those illegal punnies from extinction
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 13:42
Hahaha funny this thread forum,using my name..i am not chicken using other id or fake id just to create forum thread..btw shu lose becoz of me?.big lol...hahahahaha..., i just play my account and help other ,this tiny in big world what i can do?lose or win event is usuall,if u lose interest to play this game because of me then i suggest u to move on to other games,or hold ur anger and play in shu as group,or maybe can join to wu or wei to fight me in shu..
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 13:53
Btw i am not emperor of shu,shu s1 no need emperor,they play themself,all play by themself no one force u to play,no one force u to win all event..better learn to play for themself rather to depend on someone,if u too depend on super warrior once he retire,all player soon 1by 1 dying..
For wei s1 and wu s1 player better fight in world map rather fight in chat like sissy....
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 14:01
And about clone,i am ard tire complain since 1years before,and now i try to live in big world s1 with wei/wu/shu clone with harmony,so if anyone complain about clone using other id and speak use my name u will know that itsnot myself..as i am not chicken chat with other account or hiding my in game nickname..
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-3 14:21
Not chicken?
Ya U r right.
U r a turtle hiding in the turtle shell that all.....
U dare to oppose , dare to object
Want to b a wolf hiding in a sheep clothing
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 14:25
Xixixixi...poor benromario,play with me as same country and starting black my name although my name ard black...hahaha
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 14:27
Why dont u comeout with ur group to war chat in this forum hahaha...btw i am too busy to fight with word...hahaha have a good day mr benromario....
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 14:35
Btw i forget to tell u mr benromario,i am equipped with 18shot of immune equip and 6shot of defend equip no matter how big ur attack and harm equip dont effect on me,u need more of tactics and trick equip with u...
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-3 17:26
Then I m awaiting for U to beat me.
If not, U don't waste time be a keyboard warrior
Author: V1cky    Time: 2015-9-3 17:47
nice word ben
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 18:43
Hahaha...good luck mr ben
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-3 19:07

Pls show me where U r
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-3 19:18
Clap clap clap.....
Good job mr ben,but i just enjoy on lower rank..keep at top rank arena..ok..cya mr ben..
Btw please feel free u can said anything bringing my name becoz my name ard black hahaha..
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-3 19:38
So U r telling me U r only a keyboard warrior?
An empty vessel only.
Talk without thinking
Even when U r dead, Ur mouth not dead
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-3 23:17
i am going to watch s1 again please kindly lure me softly my ign is Mr Winner Shu country level 50 something and main quest stuck at yellow turban
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-4 03:54
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-3 23:17
i am going to watch s1 again please kindly lure me softly my ign is Mr Winner Shu country level 50 s ...

Bro, is always nice to have U around
Short of U mean short of the fun portion.
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-4 09:03
Come and join with s7...
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-4 09:32
Mr Benromario sure good play with word and chat..
@antonsetya: want to go to s7 but with my origin id at s1,dunno GM open all server so we can choose where server we want to play..
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-4 09:48
Benromario replied at 2015-9-4 03:54
Bro, is always nice to have U around
Short of U mean short of the fun portion.

the fun part of the game is being raped by multi id
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-4 16:07
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-4 09:48
the fun part of the game is being raped by multi id

Being raped is ok.
Worst part is when U alone and there are too many handle
Will get exhasuted
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-4 21:17
Benromario replied at 2015-9-4 16:07
Being raped is ok.
Worst part is when U alone and there are too many handle
Will get exhasuted

the part is my country too strong so need the 2 other countries to keep surround capitals
this beautiful unbalance make the food we consume the same but the experience we got different
i am feeling bored everytime i log in should defend 50% cities capital if walk to nearest gate i will mate many cute active and aggresive country with auto off campers all the way

expand event we can win because our target so few

city siege event too harash since the target city jammed with defender but our 50% cities also jammed

if we intended to push leading to opponent 50% we almost can reach since many "new player" and retired player await for us at 30%

~please delete my server
Author: Ssyy    Time: 2015-9-4 22:16
i see...but ur suggestion make me laugh hard...hahaha
why dont u add..lure back to use gold,online 1hour is free,more than 1 hour cost 10gold..hahaha
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-4 23:09
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-4 21:17
the part is my country too strong so need the 2 other countries to keep surround capitals
this  ...

Bro U damn funny.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-5 00:03
Benromario replied at 2015-9-3 19:07
Pls show me where U r

stop showing off your rank
i can catch your rank,and enjoying beating you if i level up
but no matter how hard you try you can't knock me in arena even once

Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-5 03:51
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-5 00:03
stop showing off your rank
i can catch your rank,and enjoying beating you if i level up
b ...

Bro U really can my day brighter
I keep updated U daily
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-5 12:43
Benromario replied at 2015-9-5 03:51
Bro U really can my day brighter
I keep updated U daily

does that mean you have any interest in me?
sorry i have to inform that i am still "normal guy"
but your advices has been noted
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-5 13:57
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-5 12:43
does that mean you have any interest in me?
sorry i have to inform that i am still "normal guy" ...

U are sometime so irrating
Surely U know how to play wit people mood.

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-6 07:55
Benromario replied at 2015-9-5 13:57
U are sometime so irrating
Surely U know how to play wit people mood.

yes i am always happy,not going to get tempered since it's just a game
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-7 14:08
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-6 07:55
yes i am always happy,not going to get tempered since it's just a game

Well say ....
How I wish every1 is like U
Then at least is more fun to play ....
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-14 22:12
Xguan replied at 2015-9-3 14:35
Btw i forget to tell u mr benromario,i am equipped with 18shot of immune equip and 6shot of defend e ...

So U still can't beat me
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-9-15 19:25
Sure cant lah,ur guanyu too strong to kill...hehehe
Just want to see how u build ur account..thanks mr ben.
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-9-16 18:46
Xguan replied at 2015-9-15 19:25
Sure cant lah,ur guanyu too strong to kill...hehehe
Just want to see how u build ur account..thanks  ...

U have loads of scary equipment.
So U forgotten to equip them. Or Ur heros are too weak???

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