Title: Liegemen Atrributes (and Trinket) [Print this page] Author: Four Time: 2015-9-7 16:33 Title: Liegemen Atrributes (and Trinket) Hi guys,
I make a list of attributes that I see on liegemen card combo (and some from trinket).
But, I don't understand how they work (I know some items but not clear enough).
Thanks for sharing your information about this.
- Attack +200
- Defense +200
- Troops +200
- Skill Attack +200
- Skill Defense +200
- Siege skills won’t be weakened
- Skill resist rate +15%
- Common Attack Absolute Damage +200
- Lead +5, Force +5
- Common Attack Mitigation +200
- Immune to chaos status
- Skill Absolute Damage +200
- Skill Damage Rate 3.0%
- Final Damage Rate 3.0%
- Skill Negation Rate 3.0%
- Final Negation Rate 3.0%
Or maybe there are something like that (the list above) that I forget to write...
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