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Title: i wonder [Print this page]

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-11 11:25
Title: i wonder
about advanced market
why only advanced market?
it's naturally favor only 1 country right?
why not implement by advanced swop, advanced training
besides that i research that trash called advanced market
total 6 stars need 300k silver,300kwoods,300k foods and 180k irons (i forgot the exact number) and can be finished uhm i forgot alsoi kill cd tech only 55gold
the irons we spent for that trash technology were too much compares to there's no iron improved from thie market

Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-11 11:48
thanks for your feedback. you can regard it as a trade-off. different player will highlight different resource. some ppl are experience food crisis, so he want to get more food market by research this tech.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-11 11:58
COTK-Fy replied at 2015-9-11 11:48
thanks for your feedback. you can regard it as a trade-off. different player will highlight differen ...

yes food also can be gained from swop right?
Author: Lagrator    Time: 2015-9-11 12:03
Favor to 1 country ? What country is it ?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-11 12:04
Lagrator replied at 2015-9-11 12:03
Favor to 1 country ? What country is it ?

the country which geographically own that city
Author: Lagrator    Time: 2015-9-11 12:32
Yeah, that city in that country
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-11 13:31
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-11 11:58
yes food also can be gained from swop right?

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-12 08:06
COTK-Fy replied at 2015-9-11 13:31

and with advanced market + double output by occupying Hanchang makes shu get food a step more than others
the update should include effect of Chenliu and Liyang also,not only effect of Hanchang

Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-14 10:15
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-12 08:06
and with advanced market + double output by occupying Hanchang makes shu get food a step more than  ...

thanks for your suggestion, we will note down for further consideration next.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-15 13:13
COTK-Fy replied at 2015-9-14 10:15
thanks for your suggestion, we will note down for further consideration next.

i've changed my mind after bumping my head onto the wall for certain times
i think this advanced market not too usefull i prefer degraded (or to be exactly retarded market)
10k iron for 1 silver
10k recruit order for 1silver
10k bowlder for 1 silver
and so on and so on
everything must be silver oriented i need ton of them

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