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Title: time to merge s30 again? [Print this page]

Author: heyyo    Time: 2015-9-23 02:36
Title: time to merge s30 again?
Edited by heyyo at 2015-9-23 02:38

City siege is no sweat at all , jumping over cities and block and we win , no active players , easily to win even at south siege , whats this man? Need more active players especially shu , they so weak. nearly 2months and our points are 650 , its just win and win

Author: Declan    Time: 2015-9-23 05:40
who ur REAL IGN heyyo.. we dont need merge because we already merge 29 and 30.. !  tq
Author: CapNona    Time: 2015-9-23 05:47
Edited by CapNona at 2015-9-23 05:50

real wei here, no need merger , shu got rank 1 monster with 8k init (got 2 emperor, only he got emperor in whole s30)
want me to post the pic ? Shu got power, ppl, but no brain, like this heyyo dude
"Need more active players especially shu , they so weak."
if you want to tell your country is WEAK, just tell them, no need to disguise as wei
Author: yeohchio    Time: 2015-9-23 10:49
One monster can't fight a country with good team work and tonnes more active players than shu. especially when wei and wu works together.

The Fact that Shu hardly win any event indicates that shu is weak as a whole and the server is imbalance.

People have to understand that there is hardly any server is balance. Need merger or not is up to the GM.
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-23 11:00
thanks for your feedback. we will take note for further consideration.
Author: heyyo    Time: 2015-9-23 14:56
look at my country's response ,  all winning then asking for challenge all scared. Whats the use of 8k init from 1guy? no active players from shu stupid , u know that numbers win and not how strong people are. Some ppl from wei just coward losers , we dominating and i ask for merger then say i disguise? such noobie , u wan to win all time but others may wan challenge
Author: heyyo    Time: 2015-9-23 15:00
ppl like nona brainwashed , anyone who says anything unsupportive of us = spy/alt/disguise from shu , u then need to grow some brains
Author: CapNona    Time: 2015-9-23 15:08
just tell me ur real IGN dude, i know every ppl in Wei cuz we well coordinated, thats why we can win
not like shu lol, like i said got power no brain, like u
if you say we coward, just look at mirror and see urself, using fake acc disguised as wei and begging for merger
get a life
Author: heyyo    Time: 2015-9-23 15:17
i not obliged to satisfy u , y do i need to for a despo like u? if u think im from shu then shu i dun mind haha , my thread is for gm only in the first place
Author: CapNona    Time: 2015-9-23 15:28
k im done xD
keep begging dude rofl

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