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Title: Initiative calculation [Print this page]

Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2015-9-24 17:56
Title: Initiative calculation
I can't find any thread on this so was thinking if anyone can share how initiative is calculated. I know polish armament star and suit does not add to initiative. What I know is:

- each hero level add 2 init
- each gem level add 8 init
- each additional star to red liegemen add 2 init
- each additional star to purple liegemen add 5 init
- each level of armament add 2 init
- each equipment level add ?????
- each horcrux level add ?????

please feel free to add on the list if anyone knows more (or correct me if I am wrong). Just wanted to know what's the best way to increase init as I see people getting higher and higher init in short period of time (talking about 6k range plus).

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-9-24 18:05
- each equipment level (5) add 15 init
- each horcrux level add 20 init
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2015-9-24 19:27
BlueFire replied at 2015-9-24 18:05
- each equipment level (5) add 15 init
- each horcrux level add 20 init

Thanks bro...i miss out one thing....different trinkets different init i think
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-9-24 20:36
Edited by BlueFire at 2015-9-24 21:17
DarkKaiser replied at 2015-9-24 19:27
Thanks bro...i miss out one thing....different trinkets different init i think

Your welcome bro. Here's trinket's init.

Jade (15/15) = 60
Slotted (17/17) = 68
Slotted (18/18) = 72
Lantern (20/20) = 80
Lantern (23/23) = 92
Hersbit (25/25) = 100
Hersbit (27/27) - 112

Don't have access to hersbit but i can predict the init.

Hersbit (25/25):

From Jade (15/15) to Slotted (17/17), the init increased by 8. From Slotted (18/18) to Lantern (20/20), the init increased by 8 as well. So from Lantern (23/23) to Hersbit (25/25), should be same digit of 8 init too.

Hersbit (27/27):

Slotted (17/17) to Slotted (18/18) increased by 4. Lantern (20/20) to Lantern (23/23) increased by 8. So safely to predict Hersbit (25/25) to Hersbit (27/27) should be 12.
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-9-24 22:59
BlueFire replied at 2015-9-24 18:05
- each equipment level (5) add 15 init
- each horcrux level add 20 init

except trick equipment = 20 init
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-9-24 23:12
arifin replied at 2015-9-24 22:59
except trick equipment = 20 init

Nope. Each piece of level 5 eq is +15 init regardless of which type of skill(s).

3 pieces of lv 5 (3 star) equipment is +45 init. While 4 pieces of lv 5 (4 star) equipment is +60 init.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2015-9-25 01:21
BlueFire replied at 2015-9-24 20:36
Your welcome bro. Here's trinket's init.

Jade (15/15) = 60

Thanks bro for the detailed and valuable info
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-9-25 13:07
I hope you take this as academic as init don't do shit.

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