Heyshell Games Forum

Title: wood crisis [Print this page]

Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2015-9-25 12:49
Title: wood crisis
Where r all of woods gone?? Just obtain lower than 100k from feat chest today, how to train my gen,GM???fix this soon plz
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-9-25 13:08
What a waste.
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-9-25 18:12
Facing the same problem with u...
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-9-25 21:40
Thank you for your feedback. Have you leveled up your Wood at main city? And you could worship wood too.

Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2015-9-25 23:22
My wood level same with my char level 115 and free worship just obtain around 30k woods while one time hero train need 36k woods,1 hour multiply 6 become 216k wood required..how can it be fulfilled?!
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-9-26 08:46
Wood in chest feat is too less...
Author: slow    Time: 2015-9-26 10:00
I have 105m wood if u want
Im boring with this game edi cos of GM lousy service

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