Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Here is what I sign into on S29. [Print this page]

Author: Impervious    Time: 2015-9-29 17:08
Title: Here is what I sign into on S29.
So if my brothers account was banned because I signed it in as the same time as I did my own, explain why this is still happening?

I want an answer, if 2 people in the same house play the game, do they have to be on different servers or is it considered cloning if you sign your brother in while he is at work to refine or do his daily stuff.
Because if so, please tell me now before I spend any more money on this game, and possibly waste it.  My brother and I want to start S45 and put roughly 500 into it on each account.  Why would my brother and I put money into a game we can not play with each other on the same server without being considered clones.

All we want is answers as a community.

Author: youyou    Time: 2015-9-29 17:21
are u louis and ROCK?
Author: Impervious    Time: 2015-9-29 17:21
No... I am Impervious.. as my name says.
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-9-29 17:24
read my thread
Author: Impervious    Time: 2015-9-29 17:30
Nah.  You had enough fun with mine.  And, you didnt answer my question on being in the same house with someone who plays the game.

Stop wasting my time.
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-9-29 17:32
you are banned for a reason , stop wasting ur time lol
Author: Ќ5рab    Time: 2015-9-29 17:52
Agree with youyou , imp i always ask u all to play clean , this time is block next time acc delete
Author: Impervious    Time: 2015-9-29 17:55
Edited by Impervious at 2015-9-29 17:58

You always ask me to play clean?  Explain to me what fk you are talking about?  I always have, and I always will..  Please.... EXPLAIN WHAT THE FK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT PAB.

Lets not forget that I quit for 2 months for moving purposes... again, playing clean pab?  Explain.

Also pab, my account wasn't banned.. my brothers was... and why?  Because I signed into him to do his liegemen while he was at work?  Yeah pab, that is cheating....

Did you not see the pictures I just posted?  If you can not tell, our server is still being raped by clones.. But I forgot...


Author: Ќ5рab    Time: 2015-9-29 18:00
Gm wont banned your id for no reason , one for sure is u must have broken their rule of the game , as in clean mean stick to the rule , my english is bad pls forgive me
Author: Impervious    Time: 2015-9-29 18:07
Edited by Impervious at 2015-9-29 18:09

Well their new rules, are sorta helping the game.. and also screwing it in a way.  I don't care if you agree Pab, I really don't..  If two people in one house hold can not play the same server without being banned because they only have one computer... then, uh.... The game is not worth playing..  I would rather play xbox one than deal with this  bs and drama.. imo.

And Pab, I am trying to figure out if 2 people playing on 1 computer is against the rules... considering, I have asked so many times now without an answer.  I am not too mad about my brothers S29 account being banned..  I am trying to save my money.  If I start S45, and so does my brother and we both play on the same computer... and on the same server... I want to know if I will get banned.... Because if so, they can kiss my money and business goodbye.. Again.. THAT IS IT.  
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-9-30 08:48
They can allow you right now, after you Recharge and high VIP, don't worry New Regulation with be created again.
Like this one below, with perfection, maybe now that Account Not Found. so we will never know what this GM cheating our Money.


To meet the requirement of players from the servers suffering from serious clone problem, we have optimized our anti-clone system to check and clear clones automatically and more frequently.
If you have only id SHU in COTK, then you need not to worry about it. And we really appreciate your respect to other players and fair game.
If you have SHU multiple accounts created due to server merger, you will not be influenced by this system. But you are advised to keep logging in the one you prefer.
If you have created multiple ids out of curiosity (whether in different servers or not), you had better leave those ids aside to avoid being taken as clone and banned except SHU
If you insist on taking risks and creating multiple ids, then you will be disconnected from server and receive the notification of ‘Incorrect Password’ except SHU
For those SHU playerwho make sure you play fairly and legally, please contact us if your account get hacked.
In short, please do not worry about the safety of your account or your payment record. This is the operation process of our anti WEI n WU system.

PS: This notice is in compliance with COTK Regulation on KEEP BAN WEI N WU

September 29th, 2015


Author: kelinciterbang    Time: 2015-9-30 11:51
Hi imp,

Have u tried to login thru proxy server?
Author: hark    Time: 2015-9-30 12:39
Edited by hark at 2015-9-30 12:41

U are designated as a clone when u play wei no matter what u do. I mean who else would play the hardest mode of this game right?

U have to fight shu and wu than if u manage to not get the shit beat out of u the gm will come in to ban u.
Author: COTK-SHU    Time: 2015-10-1 17:38
To meet the requirement of players from the servers suffering from serious clone problem, we have optimized our anti-clone system to check and clear clones automatically and more frequently.
If you have only id SHU in COTK, then you need not to worry about it. And we really appreciate your respect to other players and fair game.
If you have SHU multiple accounts created due to server merger, you will not be influenced by this system. But you are advised to keep logging in the one you prefer.
If you have created multiple ids out of curiosity (whether in different servers or not), you had better leave those ids aside to avoid being taken as clone and banned except SHU
If you insist on taking risks and creating multiple ids, then you will be disconnected from server and receive the notification of ‘Incorrect Password’ except SHU
For those SHU playerwho make sure you play fairly and legally, please contact us if your account get hacked.
In short, please do not worry about the safety of your account or your payment record. This is the operation process of our anti WEI n WU system.
PS: This notice is in compliance with COTK Regulation on KEEP BAN WEI N WU

September 29th, 2015
Author: 2keyman    Time: 2015-10-1 18:34
nah , gm is cannot doing every thing, just can take our money and cannot secured doing balance game!
Author: 2keyman    Time: 2015-10-1 18:37
rock get banned? why wei player cannot get banned?

Author: 2keyman    Time: 2015-10-1 18:39
and some of GM say to me they cannot banned account more than lv 100 ? please banned all wei player ! coz they broke COTK RULES! NO CLONES MORE THAN 10 and they do , already 4 days loh.. not fair
Author: COTK-SHU    Time: 2015-10-1 19:43
To meet the requirement of players from the servers suffering from serious clone problem, we have optimized our anti-clone system to check and clear clones automatically and more frequently.
If you have only id SHU in COTK, then you need not to worry about it. And we really appreciate your respect to other players and fair game.
If you have SHU multiple accounts created due to server merger, you will not be influenced by this system. But you are advised to keep logging in the one you prefer.
If you have created multiple ids out of curiosity (whether in different servers or not), you had better leave those ids aside to avoid being taken as clone and banned except SHU
If you insist on taking risks and creating multiple ids, then you will be disconnected from server and receive the notification of ‘Incorrect Password’ except SHU
For those SHU playerwho make sure you play fairly and legally, please contact us if your account get hacked.
In short, please do not worry about the safety of your account or your payment record. This is the operation process of our anti WEI n WU system.
PS: This notice is in compliance with COTK Regulation on KEEP BAN WEI N WU

September 29th, 2015
Author: heyyo    Time: 2015-10-1 23:50
They beat s1 wei 600gens!
Author: temmy    Time: 2015-10-2 01:28
Clone master, hahaha
Author: hark    Time: 2015-10-2 07:03
That's a fake pic s7 wei don't even have that many. That's why he covered up everything

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