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Title: Anouncement of closing registration new id [Print this page]

Author: lala    Time: 2015-10-21 13:39
Title: Anouncement of closing registration new id
Hahaha....it is end of clone??Good Job GM although its too late...

Author: hark    Time: 2015-10-21 13:43
Now s1 just gonna be dead server good job gm.
Author: NenenLA    Time: 2015-10-21 13:44
They deleted the threads about recycling heroes.

This duel event from Chinese got 15m food,  in here only about 5m
Upgrading event 7 days in here only 4 days
Silver eggs only need 1 hammer,  here need 2 hammers
Gold price 3 times more expensive in here

The GM also worst in here.

Author: Ssyy    Time: 2015-10-21 13:44
Sayonara yellow and red army....We will miss u rainbow general..and hard to full fill kill chest and feat chest also event chest....
Author: Ssyy    Time: 2015-10-21 13:46
hark replied at 2015-10-21 13:43
Now s1 just gonna be dead server good job gm.

S1 already dead no need add more dead to dead server hahahaha
Author: hark    Time: 2015-10-21 13:47
That means they just keep the money from s1 and no need worry anymore?
Author: NenenLA    Time: 2015-10-21 13:48
After banned all ids now they close the server registration.
Everything goes as we planned.

Next will be others server that have Loser Shu will get closed.

Shu must WIN... We already paid Chen with a lot of numbers.  Dont worry my friend.

Fuck you Wei..
Author: Ssyy    Time: 2015-10-21 13:50
Worry about what?new player can play on new server,or play retired old account..
Author: NenenLA    Time: 2015-10-21 13:50
Sorry for the one that spent much in that servers,  soon will be yours.

You not give us more money anyway.

No Rc server will be closed soon.

Play new server
Author: hark    Time: 2015-10-21 13:52
Author: Ssyy    Time: 2015-10-21 13:55
Sayonara multiple red army account....
Author: Lim    Time: 2015-10-21 14:00
Hahaha #cloneLovers start to mourning instead of crying now.....
Author: alibaba    Time: 2015-10-21 14:03
close 1 server only all start kpkb alr. haha
Author: Lim    Time: 2015-10-21 14:04
What is kpkb?
Author: alibaba    Time: 2015-10-21 14:09
Author: Lim    Time: 2015-10-21 14:15
Ow .i c...now cloneLovers will build castle on server 7....hahahaha
Author: hark    Time: 2015-10-21 14:22
Don't even feel any pity for your shu brothers at s1 at all huh?

Author: Lim    Time: 2015-10-21 14:31
Pity for??we know each other and new id in shu not alive or even chat in country..so we happy playing with current player without new player...
Author: hark    Time: 2015-10-21 14:42
Than plz notify me when grave stone is made I send flowers for u shu s1 players
Author: simaa    Time: 2015-10-21 15:00
Servers closing down????
Author: XuHeX    Time: 2015-10-21 15:11
simaa replied at 2015-10-21 15:00
Servers closing down????

Try learn to read before posting...
Author: Bendu    Time: 2015-10-21 16:11
XuHeX replied at 2015-10-21 15:11
Try learn to read before posting...

Author: Bendu    Time: 2015-10-21 16:15
End of yellow n red army....no more 1000 panfeng on chengdu  area and border gate

Author: simaa    Time: 2015-10-21 17:33
Edited by simaa at 2015-10-21 17:34

Typical shu u really think I don't know what this post is about? I will tell u cry baby xuhuex...it's just another cry party and gm will send u tissues

Yes I mispelled your name because your not important.
Author: KingOfClone    Time: 2015-10-21 22:38
Edited by KingOfClone at 2015-10-21 22:45
simaa replied at 2015-10-21 17:33
Typical shu u really think I don't know what this post is about? I will tell u cry baby xuhuex...it' ...

Hi simaa, you are real warrior, fight alone in map world, but pfeng army always behind you, hahahaa..... Are you ready for closing down server 7 ????
Without pfeng army you are nothing
Author: XuHeX    Time: 2015-10-21 22:44
simaa replied at 2015-10-21 17:33
Typical shu u really think I don't know what this post is about? I will tell u cry baby xuhuex...it' ...

I have been complaining or crying since wei7 came up with a lot of clones or in this case bots.. They made the game extremly boring. With hundreds of auto off.. And again yes i am still crying..

As far as being important or not. Of course xuuuhhueexxx is way unimportant.. Way useless i might say..

But there is one thing for certain.
Without shu7, xuuhheuxx is nothing,
Without clones, wei7 is nothing..

Author: simaa    Time: 2015-10-22 05:45
I am pretty sure u crying about having to defend now right xuhuex?  Must be hard not being able to just log in and walk to 50% 24/7. Defending is a good thing u should try it, we all know u normally just offline when have to defend...but maybe u should try to help your fellow shu players for once.
Author: rayray    Time: 2015-10-22 09:33
Dear GM, please close new registration for servers running more than 1 month. Typically no player would want to join old server except clones.
Author: XuHeX    Time: 2015-10-22 12:14
I am not sure what point you wanna came up with,been reading a couple times and  you start to confuse me with your post. I believe some people are also confused reading it.

I am crying because i have to defend? Unable  to walk to 50 27/7
I am offline when defending ?
Or i should have tried to help shu to  do what?defend?

Those 3 points are opposite one another.  Which one are you trying to make a point..?
But let just say that you get all straight points, so you do not get people confused while reading your post.

First, i just do not care if i have to attack , defend , 30% , 50,%, or anything else. I just enjoy the game like normal player. I try not to get bored with hundred of auto off clones.
Second, If i was offline when i had to defend then it all true.. I do on and off a lot. Normally i send troop to certain city then off. Wait untill troop regend then each 15-30 minutes log in and send another. On and on.  During the night i play on pc, playing while my tv are on and or reading newspaper.
Last, i do not play to win and become a champion in an online game. I play to spend time, meet cyber people with jokes. Unlike some of you in wei7, who dedicated all your life playing and manage to control hundreds of generals in order to win? Or in this case to pissed people off especially from the opposite countries. ( unless those generals have auto march like i assume they are). Unfortunately i am not as lucky as you who can spend so much time defending in game territory. Its only matter of tume before all of us retired from cotk and switch to another game. If you guys retired and switch game, who responsible to defend wei7. LOL.
Just my opinion: do whatever to want to do. It is free in online game. Just please do not abuse system. I play game to enjoy the system and all the people.

I play huang zhong when i already got guan yu. I used xu huang just a minutes before i reached sima yi..

So again i do not care about attacks or defends, do event like normal people. there are two things i will be doing in a game:
Having serious fun and having fun seriously.

This is gonna be last post in respond to you simaa, if you wanna keep doing your insult to other people including me then i will not respond. So whatever you or your fellows do is up to you. Just please do not abuse system. Godspeed..
Author: dave    Time: 2015-10-22 13:54
Xuhex u cry so much it's really funny. Maybe should consider retirement so u can save your tissues?
Author: simaa    Time: 2015-10-22 14:00
I been searching every post and still can not see any wu s7 crying.must be a reason why wu not crying right?..and yes xuhuex u are a selfish cry baby that probably even your shu players will admit. Your only strategy in game is ride shu clones to handan or dongxing if that don't happen u cry a river and try to sail there lol.
Author: dave    Time: 2015-10-22 14:14
Lol simaa so cruel. Why u need to expose the fraud? Now he really gonna cry more.
Author: preetthaten    Time: 2015-10-22 15:47
ahh.. another old story battle... haters will always hate, criers will always cry, and jokers will always joke around.. LOL..

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