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Title: Terra War ? [Print this page]

Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-10-21 20:25
Title: Terra War ?
After Blitz action update... i only see Sign In , Reclamation system,,, where's / What's Terra War ?? Any info detail please tell it GM >

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-10-21 22:26
This new version update missed final portion information for: Terra War, Will of God, King's Notice & 5th star atlas map "Dubhe". It would be great if GM can post all the required information before releasing the new version. Players just wanna know what been offered, before/after new version is online.
Author: preetthaten    Time: 2015-10-22 15:50
seems like too rush to release something unprepared just to gain the buzz out of it? hmm.. typical old move from heyshell.. and then, the nagging and cursing will start soon... a typical life cycle of updates in COTK... as always.. nothing new... next!!
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-10-22 19:04
BlueFire replied at 2015-10-21 22:26
This new version update missed final portion information for: Terra War, Will of God, King's Notice  ...

Info on these events will be published before they start. Step by step, you will see them all.
We will take your advice into consideration. Thank you.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-10-22 19:05
Details will be published before the events. Thank you for your patience.
Author: Est.    Time: 2015-10-22 20:04
Where's the reclamation system?
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-10-22 21:44
Est. replied at 2015-10-22 20:04
Where's the reclamation system?

at world country , if u login from pc, it will auto updated.. if from ur gadget.. u must update 1st from ur store
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-10-23 01:59
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-10-22 19:04
Info on these events will be published before they start. Step by step, you will see them all.

Glad to hear that, thank you GM
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2015-10-23 10:36
I think not even GM knows what the new features are
Author: Sugar    Time: 2015-10-23 10:40
but here you guys can definitely recharge more money with RC event! Reclamation has already been underway but no info updates from GM.  Can you at least provide some info for new features?
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-10-23 12:24
Sugar replied at 2015-10-23 10:40
but here you guys can definitely recharge more money with RC event! :lovelin ...

Here is the feature of reclamation:
Reclamation: http://goo.gl/QPvaYJ

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