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Title: Please help can not find COTK in google play. strange [Print this page]

Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2015-10-21 22:55
Title: Please help can not find COTK in google play. strange
Hi...my name is Hendy. I'm using android samsung galaxy grand duos I. I have google play but with emails more than 1. 1st email ishendyhalim77@gmail.com. 2nd email is eksmud.halim@gmail.com. Today I wanted to install game "Clash of Three Kingdoms (COTK)". The problem is whenever I activated my 2nd email (eksmud.halim@gmail.com) and I type COTK I can't find the game. Then I changed the email in google play store become hendyhalim77@gmail.com and then I type the game name. Different search result came out. This time I found the game I looked for.
What is the problem of this case?

The second is whenever I installed the game it has been downloaded 100%, the last step is installing, but never can be installed. It said insufficient storage. I checked my android still has 1.2G storage. Can you help me please? Thanks

Author: preetthaten    Time: 2015-10-22 13:13
for sure u should not put your email address in public view. u should write ur message direct to the GM by sendnng them a private PM/ chat to their ID. let's just hope ur email wont be targeted by email blasts n hackers by now.
Author: ude    Time: 2015-10-22 13:25
Game maybe closing down. They alrdy losing money on some servers look they closed new I'd registration in s1 alrdy soon s3 to s20 be same than game close foever
Author: slow    Time: 2015-10-22 14:44
u motherfucker Gm game laggy u better fix it asshole!
dont only can show off ur power to abuse player
u fakka better give some explanation abt the hack happenin this site!
Author: preetthaten    Time: 2015-10-22 15:45
check my post about the review in appstore that disappeared into the sky above...
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-10-22 19:01
You could download 'APK' from our official website:

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