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Title: Strategy of defeating Lu Xun with lower Immu and no special general [Print this page]

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-25 16:24
Title: Strategy of defeating Lu Xun with lower Immu and no special general
Edited by Corvinus at 2015-12-1 16:38

We all know if you have a lot of hidden Immu equip pieces its easy. We all know if you have some damage splitters (Cai Wenji, Zhang Fei) it´s not that difficult. But what if you have only two to four pieces of Immu and no splitter or other special hero? Well, this is the right place to find out.

The key to this instance lies in perfect preparation (and great portion of luck  in blocking). Do NOT wait until the instance open, start to prepare immediately after got Zhou Yu.The distance of six-seven levels can look long enough, but believe me, it is shorter than short. I honestly recommend you to wait until get Zhang Feiand replace Dian Wei with him. This will protect your psychical health, because Dian Wei is quite useless in Lu Meng stage. I started instance immediatelyafter open, did five stages in the row, then have to strenghten for each stage.If this didn´t discouraged you, try this tutorial. I promise you, you´llgrow strong as hell during this instance. During this tutorial, please have in mind that I prepared to get through with two hidden Immu only, fortunately during the instance I obtained two more by common refine.

General useful tips for Lu Xun instance:

NOTE: this general tips are crucial for last five stages (especially Lu Meng Stage). First five stages are joke comparing to the rest.

1.     Armament. All your armament should be full if you have less than four hidden Immu equip. Which means forge and forge again. And forge.There are people who got Lu Xun with lower than full bottom armament, but it´s easier to wait until all arma is full as we talk about getting Lu Xun with less Immu than others had, so in case you have three and less pieces of full Immu equip and no special hero, your armament simply must  be full. Please note the spread in attack and defense between Pan Zhang and Lu Meng instance.

2.     Trinkets. You should have at least two Lanterns (of course, the higher, the better), the best approach is to make at least one ofthem Superlantern. This is because Xu Chu will need it desperately for enhancing his block capacity so he can use his Immunity as long as possible.Giving him Lantern is followed by canceling abilities of his previous (probably Super-) trinket so it´s better to think of Superlantern to balance this disadvantage. If you are able to make two superlanterns (spending your gold onvouchers is worthier than useless spending thousands of gold on advanced or ultimate refine to get Immu set) give second to Zhou Yu as he is gonna be the main blocker here.

3.     Immunity. Get as many Immunity as you can on your equip. The effect of Immu was explained by others so let me just point out that the same effect has Final negation rate ability. Therefore you can polish it on supertrinkets or use Star Atlas Dragon 4. I had only two pieces of 5555 Immu equip in first 5 stages, then three stages 6-8, finally got fourth during Lu Meng stage. One more thing. Do not deify Immu, you can get Lu Xun in other ways. If you have only small amount of Immu equip, invest in superiron and make higher level resist troops horcruxes than recommended in note 5, rather than invest gold in advanced and ultimate refine. These are quite good substitute for Immu and lot of people have it low so they can not protect their generals approprietly.

4.     Star Atlas. Give all your generals Star Atlas with at least Dragon 5 level (except of those who has some suits with lots of troops,then 4 is enough I think). Included Final damage rate on Dragon 3 (Damage done bymelee by %) and Final negation rate on Dragon 4 (Immu for all!) will make great service to you.

5.     Horcruxes. Resist-x horcruxes should be at 18% (9th level) against Archers and Infantry and 20% against Mechanic and Cavalry (lower if you have lot of immu, but this tutorial is for low immu players, so it should be higher if you have less than four pieces of Immu), Storm 24% (12th level), Rebound on 21% (9th level). Prefer hightening of Resist Cavalry  first as long as there is a lot of Cavalry terrain NPC´s. High resist mechanization is necessary for Lu Meng stage. Don´t use Defend hrcrx, it is not for an attacker, whom you´ll be all the instance. I dislike Improve tactics hrcrx and have it only on 5thlevel, so I did not use it except of I didn´t have other choice; feel free to test otherwise, because in some stages you will lack usable horcrux. Why such high numbers on unit resistances ? Because if you fight the right unitit´s something more or less similar to Immu.

6.     Equip. Forget about equip that enhances skill damage, except of situation you have to rely on it or if you have really high skill attack. Except of Immu use some Harm on melee warriors (Xu Chu, Dian Wei and Ma Chao) and Attack + Defense on others; prefer huge attack on Zhou Yu (in relation to his terrain negation talent he will be even stronger against terrain NPC).

7.     Trial tower test. The lowest level I ever heard of to get Lu Xun was 7th stage of 8th floor with full Immu set. On the other hand,others – and I was no exception - had problem to get Lu Xun although being about ten stages higher, me included. So if you can not pass 6th stage of 8thfloor, do not attempt and collect souls patiently. I started the instance being in 8th stage of 8th floor and get Lu Xun while inhabiting 20th stage of8th floor.

8.     Fostering. The higher, the better. Easy. Focus on Attack & Troops.

9.     Gems : Prefer higher Gems on Attack arma. After getting av. defense 2350 prefer higher gems on higher Troops arma than on lower Defense Arma. If you have some 12 lvl gem I highly recommend to turn it into Crystal and heighten their capacity by burnishing, especially on Attack arma gems. Heightening is slowly continuous over every 256 burnished lvl1 gems and not just jumping after 4096 gems collected.

10.  Liegemen.You should prefer combos raising Lead for Xu Chu because of higher block probability. Otherwise feel free to combine whatever you like as long as it gives you highest stats reachable in Attack & Defense.

11.  Terrain.Use Zhou Yu against terrain specialists, do not just follow blindly what otherwrote on fixed formations with Zhou Yu usually fourth. If there are two terrain NPCs one after another, definitely use Zhou Yu in that place. Use Guo Jia against non terrain NPC´s except of cities or if you are able to kill first row of terrain NPC with other general. So if fourth NPC is non terrain use Guo Jia to reflect fifth NPC (like in the Zhou Yu instance), if its worth. Use Plains and City  Assault both against Attack and(normal) Assault, and City Attack against both Defense and Attack.

12.  Attack/Defense/Troops triangle should be balanced, so as there are as many strategies as players, usestrategy you prefer and are comfortable with. I prefer huge attack and smaller army, however, this resolves in huge dependence on blocking luck (which i didn´t have here) and sometimes my Troops numbers are insufficient.

13.  Don´t waste your time and souls. If you fail to do some stage 5 times, let it be and come back after getting stronger about att + 50 def + 30 troops + 80 in average at least. You can prevent heart attack and spend your souls on Dragon Atlas or fostering; remember these achievements will stay with you long after you finish the instance. This instance cost me about 960 k soul which I find not too much since I was experimenting what would be the best tactic.

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-25 16:24
1.        Pan Zhang (plains)

Arma : 112 112 112 96 90 93
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * 11 Crystal * 10 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :
1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 4933 Def 2315 Troops 7613, Immu (full) 2x, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Dian Wei lvl 100, Attack 4989, Def. 2283, Troops 7556, SA: Dragon 4, S.Slotted +18 +18, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +16%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 98, Att 5045, Def 2289, Troops 10300 (Dragon Suit), SAragon 4, S.Jade +15 + 15, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%
4.        Zhou Yu lvl 94, Att 5410, Def 2176, Troops 7598, SA: Dragon 4, S.Slotted +17 +17, Storm hrcrx + 20%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 93, Att 4976, Def 2306, Troops 7463, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

I did this stage as first try right after the instance opened. It is definitely easier than every other stage of the instance. If you already passed stage 7 of 8th floor in Trial Tower, you will do it on first try.

Xu Chu locks first NPC´s skill with his „Tiger Soul“, then even with only 2 full immu equip and some immu of SA he kills first NPC with only one and half row. That makes him either lucky blocker or meat shield for the second NPC (which was my case). Dian Wei shoots his „Fight) from the last row, then dies, preferably before third NPC shoots his skill (use tactic „regulate troops numbers“ you probably used in Zhou Yu instance). Now Guo Jia should easily kill third NPC after reflecting his skill and reflect fourth NPC. Zhou Yu (enabled with Storm, that´s why) shoot his skill to the first possible round of fourth NPC. Pan Zhang´s skill will probably reduce Zhou Yu´s rows into half and first row of Ma Chao into third which gives you comfortable victory using Zhou Yu´s negation terrain advantage talent and Ma Chao´s terrain advantage.

2.        Ling Tong (plains)

Arma : 113 113 113 97 90 93
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * 11 Crystal * 11 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 4940 Def 2366 Troops 7623, Immu (full) 2x, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Zhou Yu lvl 94, Att 5417, Def 2227, Troops 7748, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Storm hrcrx + 20%
3.        Dian Wei lvl 100, Attack 5062, Def. 2334, Troops 7566, SA: Dragon 4, S. Jade  +15 +15, Cavalry Hrcrx +16%
4.        Guo Jia lvl 98, Att 5142, Def 2327, Troops 10326 (Dragon Suit), SAragon 4, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 94, Att 4992, Def 2358, Troops 7481, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

This instance has three terrain NPC´s , all of them are cavalry, none of NPC is infantry so you will lack one usable hrcrx if you don´t have Improve tactic on higher level. This is why I forged my arma and foster heavily for some time after getting killed twice in this instance by last row of Ling Tong. It is possible to do it but you need either a bit of luck with blocking or patience with better preparation. I took latter path.

As long as there are two terrain specialists in row, I recommend use Zhou Yu in second place, although majority places him on fourth in this stage and Guo Jia in third. This time I used tactic very similar to Zhou Yu instance.

Xu Chu locks skill of first hero, as long as his hrcrx is useless he will probably die on skill of second NPC. If so, don´t worry, it´s beast´s turn. Zhou Yu fires his skill immediately after Xu Chu dies, which weaken second NPC so Zhou Yu kills him by defy his terrain advantage and left with about two rows standing. Then he either block third NPC or get shot and left about two halved rowes standing. These kill at least one row of third NPC. Dian Wei kills two more rows then shoots Fight and die by using terrain advantage of third NPC (if last row of third NPC uses Assault, use Attack and so on). Guo Jia kills last row of third NPC and reflect fourth NPC. Fourt NPC is non terrain and crippled by Dian Wei, so it is easy to kill him and reflect Ling Tong. Ling Tong is not severely damaged after reflecting his own skill but it is weak final boss. My Ma Chao killed him with only two rows.

3.        Gu Yong (Mountain)

Arma : 113 113 113 97 90 93
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * 11 Crystal * 11 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 4940 Def 2366 Troops 7623, Immu (full) 2x, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Dian Wei lvl 100, Attack 5062, Def. 2334, Troops 7566, SA: Dragon 4, S. Jade  +15 +15, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 98, Att 5142, Def 2327, Troops 10326 (Dragon Suit), SAragon 4, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +16%
4.        Zhou Yu lvl 94, Att 5417, Def 2227, Troops 7748, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Storm hrcrx + 20%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 94, Att 4992, Def 2358, Troops 7481, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

This is real joke. Easy.

Xu Chu locks first NPC (terrain) with „Tiger Soul“. Then he killes him, get shot from second NPC, which as non terrain gets probably severely damaged by Xu Chu. Then Let Dian Wei get shot by third NPC and fire „Fight“ in last moment possible. Let Dian Wei die and reflect Guo Jia fourth NPC. This one is terrain so it kills Guo Jia. Right after his death shoot „Observe Situation“ and use Zhou Yu as a shield against Gu Yong. If you block him, Zhou Yu will kill Gu Yong (as in my case), if not, you have remnants of Zhou Yu and full Ma Chao to let him rest in pieces.

4.         Jiang Qin (Forest)

Arma : 113 113 113 97 90 93
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * 11 Crystal * 11 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 4940 Def 2366 Troops 7623, Immu (full) 2x, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Dian Wei lvl 100, Attack 5062, Def. 2334, Troops 7566, SA: Dragon 4, S. Jade  +15 +15, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +16%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 98, Att 5142, Def 2327, Troops 10326 (Dragon Suit), SAragon 4, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%
4.        Zhou Yu lvl 94, Att 5417, Def 2227, Troops 7748, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Storm hrcrx + 20%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 94, Att 4992, Def 2358, Troops 7481, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

Easy again. One try and pass.

Xu Chu does his golden classics, kill first NPC probably with two and half row standing. Gets shot from second NPC and dies. Dian Wei shots his „Fight“ in last moment possible (into fourth row of second NPC), then dies. Guo Jia kills third NPC damaged from Dian Wei and reflection of his own skill. Then reflects fourth NPC and if lucky, kills his first row. Zhou Yu fires „Observe situation“ immediately to weaken fourth (terrain) NPC. Then again, if you manage to block J. Qin, you will probably kill him with remnants of Zhou Yu and maybe first row of Ma Chao (my case), if not, you will kill him with Ma Chao using terrain tactics.

OK funny part is over, now its lama-drama time.

5.        Zhou Tai (City)

Important : Zhou Tai has split damage ability to second row so use a lot of harm and some skill harm equip on last two lads.

Arma : 113 113 113 98 90 93
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * 11 Crystal * 11 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 4947 Def 2366 Troops 7623, Immu (full) 2x, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Zhou Yu lvl 94, Att 5424, Def 2227, Troops 7748, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx + 16%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 98, Att 5149, Def 2327, Troops 10326 (Dragon Suit), SAragon 4, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%
4.        Zhou Tai lvl 89, Att 5001, Def 2240, Troops 7310, SA: Dragon 4, S. Jade +15 +15, Storm hrcrx + 20%
5.        Lu Meng lvl 82, Att 4690, Def 2213, Troops 7280, SA: Dragon 4, Lantern +23 +23, Resist Mechanic  Hrcrx +  12%

I did this three times because of my Zhou Tai was blocked by final boss and it took a while until I understood, how to distribute horcruxes (but still, I forgot to use rebound damage, so if you have it, give it to Xu Chu). It´s difficult but not that difficult stage.

Xu Chu does his golden classics, but will not be able to kill first NPC, because he is quite hard. Zhou Yu finish first NPC and kills probably three rows of second one (if blocked second NPC, if not, Guo Jia will do the job).  Guo Jia reflects and kills third NPC and two-three rows of fourth NPC. Then it is only about not being blocked by Zhou Tai. Once successfully skilled by your Stormy Zhou Tai and after he dies also Lu Meng, you can finish Zhou Tai easily using terrain talent of Lu Meng.  

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-25 16:24
6.        Ding Feng (Forest)

Important: Except of being plains terrain specialist Ding Feng has terrain advantage negation ability (the same talent as Zhou Yu) therefore he is harder to beat with terrain specialist. It is possible to reflect his skill with Guo Jia (placing Zhou Yu third and kill some troups of fourth NPC  with him) but it´s useless as long as reflection does practically no damage. Theoretically except of formation below it should be possible to switch Ma Chao and Zhou Yu, let Ma Chao die by last row of 4th NPC and then skill, block and kill Ding Feng by Zhou Yu´s ability of switch off terrain talents. This is the alternative way for people who have a lot of troops on Zhou Yu (around 8000 +) or significantly higher attack than me. But Ding Feng is really hard to block (Zhou Yu lvl 94 + 23 Lantern!, from maybe 15 attempts I blocked him 3-4 times). However, you need to block Ding Feng here. During furiously attempting of pass this stage I got my third Immu piece and gave it to Xu Chu.

Arma : 113 113 113 107 90 97
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * Crystal * Crystal * 11 10

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 5365 Def 2401 Troops 8186, Immu (full) 3x, SA: Dragon 5, Super Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Dian Wei lvl 100, Attack 5273, Def. 2334, Troops 7623, SA: Dragon 4, S. Jade  +15 +15, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +18%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 99, Att 5225, Def 2333, Troops 10438 (Dragon Suit), SA: Dragon 4, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%
4.        Zhou Yu lvl 95, Att 5320, Def 2228, Troops 7624, SA: Dragon 5, Lantern +23 +23 , Storm hrcrx + 20%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 94, Att 5425, Def 2319, Troops 7893, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

Xu Chu fires „Tiger Soul“ and kills first NPC probably with two and half row standing. Engulf second NPC skill and dies (or block which happened to me, but this doesn´t mater here bcs. second NPC is quite strong and third can kill Dian Wei in one shot, except he is  reduced to 2 and half row so you have to regulate carefully). Dian Wei shots his „Fight“ in last moment possible (into fourth row of second NPC if possible), then dies. Guo Jia kills third NPC damaged from Dian Wei and Guo Jia´s reflection. Then reflects fourth NPC and if lucky, kills his first row. Then you have two possibilities, either Zhou Yu fires „Observe situation“ to weaken fourth NPC or you will wait for Ding Feng (or last row of 4th NPC) to shoot the skill on. I highly recommend shoot immediately if your Zhou Yu has less than 7500 troops  because to damage fourth NPC means if you block Ding Feng, you have some full rows with terrain negation advantage. If you have my stats of troops on Zhou Yu wait for final row of 4th NPC(as long as you´ll be firing from third row of Zhou Yu probably), then shoot. If you block Ding Feng and kill at least one of his rows with Zhou Yu, the stage is more or less yours. I killed one and half row with my two almost full rows of Zhou Yu, then finished Ding Feng with Ma Chao´s three rows. Anyway, the main point here is to block final boss which is the hardest thing in this stage.

7.        Xu Sheng (Forest)

Important : Xu Sheng has dodging ability so you will face the same problem as in all-people-favourite stage „Tai Shi Ci“ from Zhou Yu instance. However, this means that if you have rebound damage horcrux, you have some advantage against those who doesn´t have it, as you are going to deal damage everytime you are hit either you missed or not. Equip your last general with it and give him as many troops as you can. Reflect fourth NPC and Xu Sheng makes them only take damage of 1, so place Guo Jia somewhere else or use it just as a shield for fourth general.

Arma : 114 114 114 114 90 107
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * Crystal * Crystal * 11 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.         Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 5365 Def 2397 Troops 7926, Immu (full) 3x, SA: Dragon 5, Super Lantern +23 +23, Resist Inf. Horcrux + 18%
2.        Dian Wei lvl 101, Attack 5293, Def. 2330, Troops 7986, SA: Dragon 5, S. Jade  +15 +15, Improve Tactics Hrcrx +10%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 100, Att 5357, Def 2376, Troops 11002 (Dragon Suit), SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +18%
4.        Zhou Yu lvl 95, Att 5375, Def 2232, Troops 7864, SA: Dragon 5, Lantern +23 +23 , Storm hrcrx + 20%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 95, Att 5483, Def 2319, Troops 8185, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

I find this instance easier than other people, because I had more problems with Ding Feng than with Xu Sheng although I needed maybe 8-10 attempts to go through. That´s because I tried to find out how would be 4th NPC and final boss damaged after reflection. Second problematic part was my Dian Wei was too strong to die before third NPC casts skill so that  Guo Jia can reflect him. Once I gave Dian Wei useless horcrux, it was first try first pass, as block Xu Sheng is easier than block Ding Feng.

Xu Chu shoots „Tiger Soul“, then kill first NPC with two rows left. Second NPC has weak skill so you probably kill his first row with remnants of Xu Chu´s troops and first (damaged row) of Dian Wei. You must carefully regulate Dian Wei´ troops so that he dies by the last row of second NPC. Guo Jia reflects third NPC and equiped with cavalry hrcrx kills him, reflects fourth NPC and dies. Zhou Yu uses skill immediately after he´s on scene, as it has better impact on fourth NPC than on Xu Sheng and  it makes you get more of Zhou Yu in front of Xu Sheng. Once you block Xu Sheng it´s a bit matter of luck (you won´t „miss“ that often) and more matter of tactic.  Xu Sheng doesn´t have „Plains Assault“ so use this against him – it works on both attack and assault tactic and it is impossible to dodge first collision; in short do not use plains assault only if you see that row you are going to clash with is more than two thirds full and uses defend tactic (the probability of next row using defend tactic is 33,33%, probability of using tactics fragile against plains assault 66,66%). If Xu Sheng doesn´t use defense tactic often, you are probably the winner of the match.
8.           Zhuge Jin (City)

Important: Fourth NPC has split ability and Zhuge Jin skills twice. A lot of people sticks with Zhou Tai formation, which was useless for me (one attempt). I passed the stage on second try, immediately after I understand why I have lost first attempt. This stage is easy once you have some suit and at least 20% Storm. That´s because your Guo Jia will get 20% more capacity to his bonus of 30% and as all reflecting hero cannot be damaged by Zhuge Jin´s two time skill which can damage other city specialists quite a lot. Instead of suit you can  try to give Guo Jia as many troops as you can. And yes, it means your final badass here is Guo Jia.

Arma : 114 114 114 114 90 107
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * Crystal * Crystal * 11 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance) :

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 99, Att. 5365 Def 2401 Troops 8186, Immu (full) 3x, SA: Dragon 5, Super Lantern +23 +23, Resist Mechanization + 14%
2.        Zhou Yu lvl 95, Att 5375, Def 2232, Troops 7864, SA: Dragon 5, Lantern +23 +23 , Improve Tactics hrcrx + 10%
3.        Zhou Tai lvl 89, Att 5083, Def 2295, Troops 7742, SA: Dragon 5, S. Jade +15 +15, Resist Infantry hrcrx + 18%
4.        Lu Meng lvl 82, Att 5092, Def 2180, Troops 7389, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 + 17, Rebound Damage  Hrcrx +  21%,
5.        Guo Jia lvl 100, Att 5354, Def 2375, Troops 11020 (Dragon Suit), SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Storm Hrcrx +20%

Xu Chu does his lock magic, then dies on second NPC skill, that probably hurt also Zhou Yu. It´s enough for Zhou Yu to kill first three rows of second NPC, skilling them is useless. Then it´s terrible trio time. Fire skills to first lines that are more than two thirds full, it doesnt´t matter if it´s third or fourth NPC. Zhou Tai and Lu Meng will probably kill everything until last half row of fourth NPC. If not, next time you try, shoot Zhou Tai´s skill in last possible moment. Remember, Lu Meng MUST die before fourth NPC passed away. Then Guo Jia easily kills last row of  4th NPC, reflects Zhuge Jin and kills him with his high numbers and terrain advantages combined with horcrux bonus.  

9.        Lu Meng (Forest)

Important: Lu Meng has chaos effect skill (3 rows) and enhances fighting capacity when forces reduces (the talent of Dian Wei), fourth NPC is pretty hard bastard and all NPC´s are terrain with Plains Assault. Main problem here is to get in front of Lu Meng sufficient number of troops as the other NPCs are quite strong. Therefore you´ll need even better preparation as for stages before. There are two approaches to this stage. First, use Zhou Yu as fourth and block Lu Meng skill, second use Guo Jia as fourth and reflect Lu Meng skill. First one´s advantage is you will have Guo Jia protected by resist cavalry hrcrx against second and third NPC, so you can use Storm on Zhou Yu and get some killing by skilling. Second one´s main point is you will reflect chaos effect onto Lu Meng which means easy victory against final boss. I took former because it is easier to kill fourth NPC by Zhou Yu who switches off his terrain talent. Lu Meng is weak final boss and I blocked him once with Ma Chao (Lead 47 only) so there is a chance that even if your fourth general dies, you can block Lu Meng and kill him. Anyway whichever you´ll try, you´ll need to improve attack, defense and get some more troops. Do not rely mainly on skill power, as it is almost useless here. I highly recommend to change any Trick and Tactic equip into Attack, Defend and Harm. During the time I was enjoying this guy´s company, chariot system was released which allowed me to get higher stats without forging. Luckily, I got my fourth hidden Immu equip, but I´m convinced with Xu Chu blocking, it is possible to get through Lu Meng with three hidden Immu only and full arma. Mind the gap between my stats at Zhuge Jin stage and here. Yes, it´s so different.

Arma : 115 115 115 115 103 115
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * Crystal * Crystal * 12 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance)

1.        Xu Chu lvl. 101, Att. 5460 Def 2495 Troops 8426, Immu (full) 4x, SA: Dragon 6, Super Lantern +23 +23, Resist Mechanization + 20%
2.        Dian Wei lvl 101, Attack 5391, Def. 2484, Troops 8254, SA: Dragon 5, S. Jade  +15 +15, Improve Tactics Hrcrx +10%
3.        Guo Jia lvl 100, Att 5542, Def 2550, Troops 11404 (Dragon Suit), SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +18 + 18, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +20%
4.        Zhou Yu lvl 96, Att 5489, Def 2399, Troops 8223, SA: Dragon 9, Lantern +23 +23 , Storm hrcrx + 24%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 95, Att 5574, Def 2477, Troops 8392, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

Xu Chu does his skill lock, then kills first NPC. If Xu Chu blocks second NPC and you have my stats, you have good chance to make it (even if you have only three Immu on Xu Chu). If Xu Chu fails to block, then it´s necessary your Dian Wei without relevant horcrux is able to kill at least three rows of second NPC, the best is if he kills three and half rows; skilling is useless. Guo Jia reflects third NPC and if lucky with tactics chosen by oponent, also fourth. Now, Zhou Yu´s block rate against fourth NPC is very good so if Guo Jia doesn´t reflect him, there is a really good chance to block him. Skill fourth NPC immediately, you should do some damage. If Zhou Yu blocks Lu Meng, you will kill him easily with Ma Chao, as it is real loser  in terms of melee combat.

10.        Lu Xun (city)

Important: Fourth NPC is full reflecting bastard without any skill. Lu Xun has unreboundable skill, terrain negation and it looked to me as if he has really high final negation rate (Immu). Despite of this, if you make it here and have proper preparation on Lu Meng stage, you´ll get through this like you were walking through spring garden with cup of tea in one hand. You won´t need to block anyone and even if you get both blocked and skilled, you are going to win. Give all the Immu you have to Guo Jia. The rest is unimportant. Use three city hunters, Ma Chao, the fifth to party doesn´t matter if you have four Immu and my stats; otherwise use Dian Wei with Storm, as according to many players it hurts Lu Xun more than Zhou Yu´s skill. What´s more, after winning this stage  I found out I gave no liegemen to Zhou Tai. Funny. Despite of being blocked twice and skilled by Lu Xun, I finished this with two rows of Ma Chao standing.

Arma : 115 115 115 115 103 115
Gem : Crystal  ** Crystal * Crystal * Crystal * 12 11

Formation on the battlefield (in order of appearance)

1.        Guo Jia lvl 100, Att 5199, Def 2475, Troops 8740 Immu (full) 4x, SA: Dragon 5, Lantern +23 + 23, Resist Infantry hrcrx + 18%
2.        Zhou Tai lvl 89, Att 4797, Def 2298, Troops 9714, (Dragon Suit) SA: Dragon 5, S. Slotted +18 +18, Resist Cavalry Hrcrx +20%
3.        Lu Meng lvl 82, Att 5211, Def 2267, Troops 7382, SA: Dragon 6, , S. Jade  +15 +15, Resist Archers Hrcrx +18%,
4.        Dian Wei lvl 101, Attack 5526, Def. 2484, Troops 8254, SA: Dragon 9, S.Lantern +23 +23, Storm Hrcrx +24%
5.        Ma Chao lvl 95, Att 5519, Def 2452, Troops 8241, SA: Dragon 5, S.Slotted +17 +17, Rebound Damage Hrcrx + 21%

Guo Jia reflects all the skills and get killed probably by first row of fourth NPC.Remember this one is reflecting, so fire Zhou Tai´s skill only if Guo Jia dies by fourth row of third NPC. Then Zhou Tai  and Lu Meng kill fourth NPC. Lu Xun´s skill wipes three rows of Lu Meng. If you are lucky (as me) then one row of Lu Meng troops left  and you can try shoot skill (mine was blocked by Lu Xun). Dian Wei kills what he can and tries to skill Lu Xun in last possible moment (I was blocked again), but only two rows of Lu Xun left at this moment. Ma Chao then kills Lu Xun easily.

Have fun with your new pet.   

Author: dekka    Time: 2015-11-26 12:59

very well written but LX sucks...Not worth the effort to get it
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2015-11-26 13:53
Zhu Rong is a special hero + damage splitter!
Author: KM™    Time: 2015-11-26 15:16
Thanks bro Corvinus for taking your time and share info, and I really appreciated it. Right now Im lvl 104 with zyu in my lineup. I have Wenji Sxiang Da Qiao Gjia and Zyu. Please comment on lineup, if you have time, i will need to use for Lu Xun. Im thinking of dropping wenji for Chu, which effectively im using Chu Zyu Da Qiao Gjia Sxiang in many stages except city. Im lacking of immu set though im working on it. thx in advance. And, what about chu lvl? right now he is 92. Do I need to lvl him up? cheers bro
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-26 15:17
liandyvu replied at 2015-11-26 13:53
Zhu Rong is a special hero + damage splitter!

You got me ! :-D

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-26 15:22
dekka replied at 2015-11-26 12:59
very well written but LX sucks...Not worth the effort to get it

I don´t think so. I found him better version of Sun Shang Xiang. At the moment I have lvl 84 Lu Xun and have to say he is really good blocker, good caster and average damage dealer. If you put him in front of Guo Jia, there is high probability that any attack against Guo Jia will be blocked. And it is plain specialist which is necessary as hell until Zhao Yun at least.   

Anyway, I am grateful for this instance because it really made me much stronger than before.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-26 22:24
Edited by Corvinus at 2015-11-26 22:33
KM™ replied at 2015-11-26 15:16
Thanks bro Corvinus for taking your time and share info, and I really appreciated it. Right now Im l ...

Honestly I never had an experience of use any of your special hero but here is my opinion. If you wanna use Da Qiao, then only as first hero followed by Xu Chu who disables second hero with his skill. But here is the problem. Da Qiao is blocker, she´s not useful as terrain specialist on plains and in forest. If you put lantern + 23 on her, she will block even God, but has only force of 74; all the other heroes are much better in Force. So it will take either really high (and I mean really high - about 5500) attack and defense ( my esteem 2500) or a lot of Immu for her to be effective. On the other hand if you make her strong enough it would be worthy to give a shot for another tactic - she has 4 row skill so you can postpone shooting of some NPC´s you want to reflect with Guo Jia standing behind her.

However, being you I would not use Da Qiao; but remember I never have chance to use her so maybe my opinion is not correct as i don´t know how to estimate her power except for official stats.

Sun ShangXiang will be very usefull to you and Wenji too. Some players replace Ma Chao with Wenji while fighting this instance.

In my opinion you should use these gens : Guo Jia, Cai Wenji/Zhou Yu, Xu Chu, Ma Chao and Sun ShangXiang.

As for lineup, it depens on terrain, power of your heroes, whether the oponent is terrain specialist or has some special talent and so on. I cannot decide it precisely for all the instances. I would try this Xu Chu, Sun ShangXiang, Cai Wenji, Guo Jia, Ma Chao or Xu Chu, Sun ShangXiang, Guo Jia, Zhou Yu, Ma Chao/Cai Wenji  on plains and mountain. In cities I would use tactic as written in tutorial (maybe switch Ma Chao with Wenji in Lu Xun). A lot depens on how good is Sun Xiang in blocking.

You really need to level up Xu Chu if you want to use him.  His skill block rate is poor (at least mine XCH on lvl 101 blocked 3-4 times of all attempts in this instance). So the higher level and Lead, the higher chance for block. 92 is not enough.

Author: KM™    Time: 2015-12-5 16:35
Dear Bro Corvinus,

you made a very helpful comment. After consulting with other players too, I do not think Da Qiao is useful in Lu xun map. I will go for Chu Wenji SXiang Gjia Zyu. As for Ma Chao i know he is 3 terrain hero with high force but im still not sure to recruit him once i reached 108 because then I will need to foster him and waste millions of souls again. Im now going with my guts feeling and use the above 5 hero to hunt for lu xun. Hope I get success. thx bro for your time.
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-5 19:30
Edited by redz225 at 2015-12-5 19:32
KM™ replied at 2015-12-5 16:35
Dear Bro Corvinus,

you made a very helpful comment. After consulting with other players too, I do n ...

Spesial hero can use in lu xun
1.diao chan
4.Ma yun lu
If have d.chan u can use make weaken enemy but d,chan cant strong coz she force so weak
If have s.xiang so good coz she terrain plain but need up lead with lantren +23 or u have lantren +20 rise up with combo x.chu,machao
If have wenji put in no 5 she ao good with 3 row asemble damge.
If have ma yun lu so good coz this talent make npc cant use tactic terrain ex..in plain u use simbol atck and npc using icon assault
If have 4 immu u dont make u all arma same with u level
Actualy 1 immu hidden and another mix immu can passed all stage lu xun but with z.fei he3...
Another hero beside z.yu put equip atck,harm,immu,troop( if have suit dragon give to g.jia or divine give to z.fei/ wenji.
Z.yu give 4 trick with stroom 2 atck.
In lu xun only 2 stage harder 1.x.sheng 2.l.meng ....this stage not olny need power but i think 75% lucky one gen or two gen blocked.
Last time my arma get lu xun 113,113,113,92,90,80 gem 12,11,11,11,11,11 with spesial hero s.xiang.
Author: boost    Time: 2015-12-9 11:41
Edited by boost at 2015-12-9 11:43

Hi Corvinus and redz225

This is a great read and advice.  I am just about to hit level 113 but have been preparing my arma and gems for the last 3 levels (currently 112-112-112-108-93-100 // 12-12-12-12-9-11) and have Xiang and Wenji.

I have two full Immu (Robe, Kylin) for 1 general so keep refining the 4* equip with block, ironwall etc in the hope to get more immu.  Some refine gave 4* atk and def so kept them.

I don't have any suits - got the equip for Beast suit (voucher cost a lot!), but saving voucher for one Lantern+23.  Currently only 18k.  Will Lantern+20 with Luofeng Po,lead+3 (I have this) be a good alternative to Lantern 23?

I think in long term lantern+23 will be better fit, just a matter of time saving the vouchers.  And we are not talking about super lantern (more vouchers!)

Any hope without lantern and suit to attempt for Lu Xun?  


Author: tono    Time: 2015-12-9 12:31
Edited by tono at 2015-12-9 12:42

hello, im lv 116,
my arma 110 102 102 100 100 100 gem all 12 24 stars storm 24%
sp.jade 3 + 2 lantern 20 (1 with xuchu), xuchu full immu and have wenji
no suits -.-no luck lol
average att maybe 4.8k def 2.2k troops above 8k (90k-100k each gen)
atlas mainly until dragon 5
lu meng lv 81
vip 1 no auto

hope this info useful for u to compare.
Author: boost    Time: 2015-12-9 13:33
Thanks tono!
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-9 14:44
boost replied at 2015-12-9 11:41
Hi Corvinus and redz225

This is a great read and advice.  I am just about to hit level 113 but have ...

Hi bro...1 lantren +20 and combo liege pantong  enough.
But if have +23 with combo liege +3 lead/gorce he3 be more good.
Suit no proble, if u dont have.
2 hidden immu + with 4 immu mix( try immu,immu,atck each 1 equip)
U arma so good than me but u gem change 12,12,12,12,11,9.
S.xiang if have combo x.chu,..lead force +3 give 1 lanten 20 more higher want block npc i'm passed l.meng like this before have combo x,chu and friend my s.xiang like suck never want block.

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-9 17:23
Edited by Corvinus at 2015-12-9 17:31
boost replied at 2015-12-9 11:41
Hi Corvinus and redz225

This is a great read and advice.  I am just about to hit level 113 but have ...

Hi boost,

I think you´ll have no problem with first 4-5 lvls with equip you have. But the other half will be a bit harder. Your advantage in comparison to me is Sun Xiang and Cai Wenji, that will help you a lot. You hasn´t wrote your av. attack and defense but your arma is quite high so I presume you are somewhere around 5000. That´s still not enough with only two pieces of hidden Immu. You can try use 55x Immu equip instead of some skill boost equip (Trick, Troops).

I would enhance defense gem in your situation, at lieast on 11 and after this I would change lvl 12 gems to crystal and burnish gem for first arma.

As for suit, Dragon suit is fine but it cost lot of  time to make it and it makes use of other equip impossible so it is necessary to foster more than if you  equip GJ with Immu or Attack/Def. At the moment I use GJ with four IMMU and two attack and have attack of 5550, so Dragon suit is fine but smaller army with lots of attack can be better than bigger with Dragon. As for beast suit, I have necessary equip too, but waiting for reequip all gens with Lantern/Slotted before buying this suit. Anyway, Beast suit has advantage of force + 5 so it is considerable help. The choice is yours.

Lantern question is a matter of proportion. A lot of people use Lantern only for Xu Chu to obtain higher block rate. As I wrote in strategy, mine lvl 101 Xu Chu with 23 Superlantern blocked second NPC maybe 4 times in whole instance. That´s rubbish. But there is another reason to put Lantern on Xu Chu and that is Force. Here, the difference of 3 points as difference between Lantern + 23 and +20, does not make that big effect. You can see the same difference if you compare Jade + 15 and Slotted +18. It´s better, but not THAT better. So as for blocking only, as blocking rate depens only on Lead and level of general, combo +3 Lead +3 Force + 20  Lantern means the same situation as Lantern + 23. So if you are OK with situation you always have to increase Lead and Force with combo in the future to get the same result as if you have +23 Lantern (and maybe block some better combo for att/def with this) go for Lantern +20. I would save the vouchers for Lantern +23 as this is trinket you are gonna use pretty long. Just remember, you have time for saving, because you are gonna have hard time in second half of instance having only 2 pieces of hidden Immu.

And yes there is always hope to get Lu Xun without suit, but i don´t think there is some without lantern, except of really high att/def.  Redz got Lu Xun with Sun Xiang and much lower stats than mine, and this achievement is superb. There is no special reason why you couldn´t manage that too if you have Sun ShangXiang.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-9 17:25
Edited by Corvinus at 2015-12-9 17:30
tono replied at 2015-12-9 12:31
hello, im lv 116,
my arma 110 102 102 100 100 100 gem all 12 24 stars storm 24%
sp.jade 3 + 2 lante ...

I think this is enough. Once you have Xu Chu with full Immu set it´s only matter of luck when will he block. You are gonna probably use many souls but I think it is possible for you to get Lu Xun.

EDIT : I probably misunderstood, you already have Lu Xun, don´t you ?
Author: Kheroh_chen    Time: 2015-12-9 17:34
Does immu affect skill block rate? When my x.chu equipped s.slot with added final negation/immu 2,7% attrib (just 4 set immu plus star final negation/immu 3% before), he become good blocker. Just tried 2times i had passed l.meng.
Author: tono    Time: 2015-12-9 17:52
Corvinus replied at 2015-12-9 17:25
I think this is enough. Once you have Xu Chu with full Immu set it´s only matter of luck when will ...

haha i just got him bro, get a huge help from my friends in my country

if want see maybe you can visit shu s21 and call out my name.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-9 18:01
Kheroh_chen replied at 2015-12-9 17:34
Does immu affect skill block rate? When my x.chu equipped s.slot with added final negation/immu 2,7% ...

No, as long as I know blocking rate is affected only by Lead number and lvl of general. It may seem the way you say but I think its only luck you have in blocking after this.
Author: boost    Time: 2015-12-10 06:55
Edited by boost at 2015-12-10 06:57

Thanks Red225  & Convinus, really appreciate your advice, should hit lvl 113 tomorrow.

I have swap the gems (last two bottom to 11-9) and willl continuing increasing it and hope to convert and burnish one of the crystals. Will try the two hidden immu and 55ximmu + atk etc for Xu.  I will think carefully about the lantern situation.

At this stage
Wenji (lv 100) – 5071 / 2410 / 8231
Gjia  (lv 98)- 5100 / 2410 / 8740
Xu (lv 97) – 5050 / 2315 / 8248
Xiang (lv 97)  – 5130 / 2396 / 8012
Zyu (lv 95)  - 5118 / 2323 / 8033

Hope I am lucky to get full hidden immu through refining!

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-10 12:41
zhu rong is a special hero
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-10 19:18
boost replied at 2015-12-10 06:55
Thanks Red225  & Convinus, really appreciate your advice, should hit lvl 113 tomorrow.

I have swap  ...

You are welcome.

Seeing your stats I think you should very easily go through first five stages.

Author: KM™    Time: 2015-12-18 08:40
redz225 replied at 2015-12-5 19:30
Spesial hero can use in lu xun
1.diao chan

thanks brofor sharing information and they are very helpful. Seem easy and hope i get more immu hidden. cheers bro
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-18 13:04
KM™ replied at 2015-12-18 08:40
thanks brofor sharing information and they are very helpful. Seem easy and hope i get more immu hi ...

Yoi bro your wel8come he3
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-13 02:56
Hi Covinus ! I realy like everything u posted. Its so helpful. Btw, my lv now just 111, and I tried hit stage 20 floor 8 ( NPC left half last row D.Chen ). Do u think my power is enough to beat LX ? or I have to wait until my power enough to beat D.chen stage 20 ? just a crazy question right ? Offcouse I still power up my gens till the day I reach 113 to meet LX . Thx if replied !
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-1-13 03:17
boost replied at 2015-12-10 06:55
Thanks Red225  & Convinus, really appreciate your advice, should hit lvl 113 tomorrow.

I have swap  ...

Your stats are as Corvinus said; good for first 5 stage.  To pass the latter stages you would definitely need to boost you overall stats tremendously, if you dont have a lot of immu i wouldn't rely on xuchu and giving him a few immu, there are other ways to pass LuXun stage without immu, having Wennji and Xiang is definitely a big help though. I passed LuXun map with 1 hidden immu and didn't use Xuchu at all.. im not that lucky being able to refine all that immu
Good luck mate, if your init is higher than 6.5k, then you should have np getting LXun even without immu, all luck and being able to block.
Author: pussyy    Time: 2016-1-13 04:42
fancyp4nts replied at 2016-1-13 03:17
Your stats are as Corvinus said; good for first 5 stage.  To pass the latter stages you would defi ...

Arrogant person , without xuchu got LX
Prove it
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-13 05:58
fancyp4nts replied at 2016-1-13 03:17
Your stats are as Corvinus said; good for first 5 stage.  To pass the latter stages you would defi ...

Hi there ! U said u alreay got LX ,that means u r an exp player . My I ask u : what high init for ? can high init beat instance easilly ? Ok then let me figure out something to make high init : get all Horcrux lv max ( storm, def, resist:infantry,cavalry, archer, machine 30% ....). Lol , this forum to share exp to help eachother. so pls don't talk about use high init can beat instance easy. That makes ppl confuse how to be good preparing. Btw , 1 more question : so what was the first gen u did used in LX map formation without XC ?
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-13 06:01
pussyy replied at 2016-1-13 04:42
Arrogant person , without xuchu got LX
Prove it

I have no idea for that guy Bro kwkwwkwk
Author: boost    Time: 2016-1-13 07:28
Edited by boost at 2016-1-13 07:34
fancyp4nts replied at 2016-1-13 03:17
Your stats are as Corvinus said; good for first 5 stage.  To pass the latter stages you would defi ...

Just an update since my last post...  

Now have super lantern (chose to have atk as attributes) and just got 3rd full immu, storm is now 26%, going to increase improve tactics (currently at 10%) and the gem to level 12 and burnish the other atk crystal. Ini is 6600.  Another lantern + 23......

Lady luck not smiling at me.  The 1st 5 stages were easy as stated, stuck on Lu Meng now. Xiang's skill all 1s on general.  Have removed tactics / tricks from Zhou Yu.   Just keep refining using free refine and adv refine from crusade.

The best effort was Xu and Xiang block, Zhou did not block, meet Lu Meng and he left 1 full row!  Get the occasional Xu block and Zhou block and left 2 row Lu Meng.  The 4th gen is a beast!  I am taking my time now hehe.

Currently Floor 8 - stage 16. Star (Dragon) at last stage - Lu Bu




3 immu
atk-immu - immu
atk 4*

Crystal burnish L1


Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-13 16:34
boost replied at 2016-1-13 07:28
Just an update since my last post...  

Now have super lantern (chose to have atk as attributes) an ...

Hi boost, that´s amazing progress you have done. You can do it now with some portion of luck at Lu Meng stage. Remember, Lu meng himself is weak, the main problem is either to block or reflect him and as you noticed fourth general is the strongest of bunch. Keep trying and don´t worry, after Lu Meng, Lu Xun stage is easy.  
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-13 16:42
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-13 02:56
Hi Covinus ! I realy like everything u posted. Its so helpful. Btw, my lv now just 111, and I tried  ...

Hi Beam,

from what you wrote I can not tell if your power is sufficient as I don´t know necessary parameters as attck/defense/troops, hrcrx and immu. But if you are in stage 20 of 8th floor TT, then it´s  probable you will get Lu Xun very soon, although as i mentioned those stages you passed lately are not too difficult. Definitely you will easily beat first five stages, maybe seven. Definitely start instance once it opens, for strategy experience at least.

Keep getting stronger, remember these stats you get stays with you for future playing. Good luck.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-13 17:01
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-13 05:58
Hi there ! U said u alreay got LX ,that means u r an exp player . My I ask u : what high init for  ...

Init itself is very  tricky parameter. It is not that helpful as lots of people think. High init is good to make you attacker in arena or in tournament. But think about this - you have 5 generals which can have very good combo of purple liegemen but the same genereals would have greater init once you give six full star yellow liegemen to all. Also you can have high init bcs of defense and improve tactics hrcrx but thats quite useless in special instance. Level of generals is next tricky thing. If we both have same general but you have lvl 90 and I have 100, this means i have 20 more init. But 20 init means also 10 lvl of armament so which gen will be stronger - the one with lvl 90 and arma 100 or the one with lvl 100 and arma 90 ? Lets just say its attack arma, then you have +50 (basic) attack for EACH hero and I have +30 attack for this one general. As for my current army, my highest hero has level 103. My "strongest" hero (lvl 100) has Attack 6174. I have no problem beat people with highest general over lvl 110.

The moral of the story is (except of "forge before leveling up general too high" :-) ) is  don´t mind init. It´s just number for orientation.
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-13 21:59
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-13 17:01
Init itself is very  tricky parameter. It is not that helpful as lots of people think. High init i ...

Hi Corvinus !
Thx for ur replies! yesterday I passed stage 20 already, and now I meet LiuBei stage 25. Also sart lv 112 .
My stats: 5100+   2500+  8000+ . Gjia wenji Xc ZY max foster ( mean max att foster ) just Sxiang foster 1/3 , cuz I want to set sxiang as second gen . just worry she s so strong , let Gjia hard to rebound next NPC. will foster her more when need .
6 immu 4stars  Dragon suit    100% equips 4stars all gen  polish 20 stars only    chariot lv 2  dragon 5 all gens     2lanter    2slotte   1jade
Hoxcrux : storm 30%, cavalry20%, Machinazation resist 22%, infantry 10%, Archer 10%
Gems : crystal, 11,11,12,11,11,12
Arma : 112    111   111   111   111   68
I read ur posted many many time , and I followed it to prepare every thing start the first day I get XChu. ur formation u post did helped me a lot even in trial. Thx for all !
Think just 10days more reach lv 113.
Btw. I passed stage 20 after Deploy Mchao to wenji. Mchao used 4 full imu ( I have some extra ) very strong in mountain . He worked better my wenji in this stage and helped me pass. other way last npc has split att. so I use ZY last. NPC ate my Gjia rebound and ZY skill , so his troop just around 3000 each row, easy for my ZY (storm 30%) finished him with ttroop 8000.
So that also makes me confuse about use wenji or Mchao , cuz my Mchao just lv 84 only and no foster att all lol .
Could u give me an Idea for that ?
Thank you and have a good day Corvinus !
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-13 23:51
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-13 21:59
Hi Corvinus !
Thx for ur replies! yesterday I passed stage 20 already, and now I meet LiuBei stag ...

Hi, if you are at lvl. 25 of 8th floor and have such equipment (Strorm 30% impressive), Lu Xun instance should be easy for you.
You should increase your resist infantry and archer horcruxes. You will miss rebound damage horcrux but it is possible to get Lu Xun without it.

Now to your question of Ma Chao vs. Wenji. I obtained Wenji three days ago and now I am testing her. I find her very usefull except of situation where she takes shot from enemy´s skill, but her splitting is splendid weapon.

The question itself is a bit hard bcs Wenji splits three rows but then again none of the stages in Lu Xun is water. So her terrain talent is of no importance. Ma Chao on the other hand is all terrain. Lvl 84 is not important, whats important is attack/ def and force, so if you wanna use him you should foster him or give him some supertrinket with attack. I would test both of them in instance in stages where one of them fails. Do not rely on fixed formation of generals, Battalion has 7 slots so you can just switch their armor and use different hero. I think first 7-8 stages will be easy for you. Lu Meng is pain in the ass for all but Lu Xun easy again.

Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-14 01:26
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-13 23:51
Hi, if you are at lvl. 25 of 8th floor and have such equipment (Strorm 30% impressive), Lu Xun ins ...

Hi Corvinus !
I agree with ur idea . But now I have 1 set immu in XC , and 4 extra immu 4 stars : can I put them all in MChao ? Or just att only sir ? Don't think  I have many soul to foster him from now. Other way my s.iron just 30k now ( collected from crusade ) so what hoxcurx u think I have to up : Infantry or archer ? Thx a lot !
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-1-14 02:49
boost replied at 2016-1-13 07:28
Just an update since my last post...  

Now have super lantern (chose to have atk as attributes) an ...

If you're stuck on Lumeng, means that you can't melee and block NPC efficiently enough; if your init is that high already then you shouldn't need to rely on putting xuchu first and depend on immu.  I passed this stage with 6630 if i remembered correctly, but passed with 2 rebounds from guojia and 1 block from wenji.  If zyu were able to block as well then I could have passed with 2 gens left.  Try putting guojia first; give him mech resist and he should be able to rebound 1&2 (mine had dragon suit); next wenji was able to finish second and block third, which means she finished off third gen as well; rest of formation is xiang, zyu (storm for him) and machao (can use xuchu if you like in this case, chaos can help with melee)
Author: boost    Time: 2016-1-14 06:28
fancyp4nts replied at 2016-1-14 02:49
If you're stuck on Lumeng, means that you can't melee and block NPC efficiently enough; if your in ...

Thanks fancyp4nts, might give this a shot except I got no suit... hehe.

Thanks Corvinus - need lady luck now!
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-14 17:32
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-14 01:26
Hi Corvinus !
I agree with ur idea . But now I have 1 set immu in XC , and 4 extra immu 4 stars : ...

Well, just checked the instance. There are 3 stages where you need fight archers but there are no infantrymen. So I would say first archer but then again, there are some stages where are three infantry general so you will need both. Start with archer, then infantry then archer and so on. 18% was enough for both in my case; if you have one set immu, 16% will be OK.  
Author: fury123    Time: 2016-1-14 19:23
I agree with Corvinus bro, for those without full immu set and s.hero, it's better to get z.fei first. Sharing my stats here for L.Meng stage, hope they are helpful.

Arma: 118, 118, 188, 81, 66, 66
Gems: 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11
Chariot: Lvl 2, 78%
Initials: 6.3k

X.Chu: Attk 4890, Def 2444, Troops 8590, Horcrux Resist Mech 6%, Trinket Lantern, Foster 52%
Z.Fei: 5075, 2515, 8764, Formidable Troops 8%, S.Jade, 52%
G.Jia: 5495, 2460, 9365, Rebound 21%, S.Jade, 80%
Z.Yu: 5503, 2402, 8519, Storm 22%, Slotted, 82%
M.Chao: 4765, 2420, 8604, Charge 22%, Jade, 50%
4 star immu: 3 on X.Chu, 2 on G.Jia

My G.Jia was not strong enough to finish off 3rd NPC, despite reflecting 3rd NPC's skill and having 21% Rebound. So Z.Yu has to be the hero here. He blocked both 4th and 5th NPC.
Trial Tower as a gauge: Had to pass 8-16 before i was strong enough to clear Lu.Meng stage.


Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-15 01:57
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-14 17:32
Well, just checked the instance. There are 3 stages where you need fight archers but there are no  ...

Copy that . Thank you sir !
Author: boost    Time: 2016-1-15 07:08
Edited by boost at 2016-1-15 08:37

I got Lu Xun yesterday, I tried fancyp4nts' suggestion first -

"Try putting guojia first; give him mech resist and he should be able to rebound 1&2 (mine had dragon suit); next wenji was able to finish second and block third, which means she finished off third gen as well; rest of formation is xiang, zyu (storm for him) and machao (can use xuchu if you like in this case, chaos can help with melee)"

but struggled partly no suit.  Tried a few combo 1)Jia (with rebound) - 1st gen left 1 row. 2) If put storm on Jia (kill 1st gen and rebound 2nd gen but only left 1 row of Jia), come to Z.Yu, he very weak.

fancyp4nt's suggestion got me thinking so I re-read all the guides again and tried last night on first try and finally pass Lu Meng using greenharle's formation.  Please refer to this thread for greenharle's stats (I also posted on it) - http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4568&page=5&extra=#pid29349.

Z.Yu (26% storm) - s.slot
Wenji (resist cav 14%) - s.lantern (and she had the 3x full immu) - SHE BLOCKED once and for all out of all the Lu Meng attempts!!!
Xiang (resist mech 6%) - s.jade
g.jia (rebound 23%) - s.jade
ma.chao (resist tactic 10%) - s.jade (with 3 rows left)

So this does prove fancyp4nts's passing Lu Xun without Xu's comment.  

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-15 20:58
boost replied at 2016-1-15 07:08
I got Lu Xun yesterday, I tried fancyp4nts' suggestion first -

"Try putting guojia first; give him ...

Hi boost,

yes, this formation you mention can work great. I didn´t suggest it in strategy as, I got my Wenji only week ago while having Lu Xun already and I dont like to write about things I have no experience with. My strategy should work for people without special hero. But congratulations, you get new pet, so enjoy it. Lu Xun is good general.

Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-16 05:48
boost replied at 2016-1-15 07:08
I got Lu Xun yesterday, I tried fancyp4nts' suggestion first -

"Try putting guojia first; give him ...

Congratulation  bro already read ur line up
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-16 05:52
fury123 replied at 2016-1-14 19:23
I agree with Corvinus bro, for those without full immu set and s.hero, it's better to get z.fei firs ...

Thank you ur posting ! This a new way I can learn . Btw, what is Formidable bro ? I never heard it before . When and where can I get it ? Thx
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-1-17 01:54
pussyy replied at 2016-1-13 04:42
Arrogant person , without xuchu got LX
Prove it

Im from s42, i got LuXun at 113, ask Beam, we're from the same server...
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-1-17 01:56
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-13 05:58
Hi there ! U said u alreay got LX ,that means u r an exp player . My I ask u : what high init for  ...

Beam this is Sugar hahaha, you know i dont use Xuchu because you have seen my lineup.. My init was 6.6k when i got LuXun, your init is around there so it shouldn't be a problem, init is an important indicator of how strong you are, your storm and resist mech is high, so i have no doubt that if you have the right formation then you can get LuXun without xuchu or immu.
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-20 03:42
kwkwkwk u r right bro . I not mean u r liar : cuz u have sp heroes and powerfull . But the thing I mean : when u said high innit can beat LX , seem it s not real . I see some ppl whom have very high init still give it up
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-20 04:08
Yesterday just got LX . Just  took 1 hour only to beat him , and 1 time for each stage . Thank you bro Corvinus a lot !
I beat LX with just 20 stars polish only . First I though Gjia need big troop with dragon suit to pass and rebound to next NPC . But it seem no needing to get Dragon suit, cuz my Gjia didn't work much by rebound . I used XC with 6 immu and s.Lantern ( put skill negation in ) , so my XC blocked blocked and blocked . in stage 2 and 4 XC blocked and killed 4 NPC , so I just used XC and Sxiang ( foster 1/3 only) to finish those stages . Other stages XC blocked atleast 1 time and kill 2 NPC . ZY sp.strong with storm30% blocked and kill good ( i used 4 tricks 2 att in him , even didn't change to all melee att equip when LMeng stage ) . Formation i used same as CORVINUS , just abit different in LMeng stage : i used XC Sxiang ZY Gjia wenji .
So i think : if u guys focus in 6 immu and 2lanterns storm30%, enough to beat LX , don't need sp.Hero or high stars polish . can use your vc to get lantern and s.iron save from crusade to up storm . If u have good preparing when u start get Gjia ( as soon as CORVINUS said ) u can get them easily . Pls don't think i get LX easy cuz  have sp.Hero . I just used Wenji the last stage LX only . Others i just used 4 gens ( wenji was free lol ) .Next week ll save soul to Hit LX map back with just normal gens .
ONE MORE TIME : SPECIAL THANK YOU BRO CORVINUS , BRO ZHAO-YUN S31 ( the guy whom gave me idea put skill negation in lantern to help XC block skill ).
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-20 14:34
Congrats beam!
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-20 23:48
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-20 14:34
Congrats beam!

Thx bro u r big help !
Author: WangLieHom    Time: 2016-1-21 02:02
Hello bro
my level 113.
i had Xchu, Dwei, Gjia, zyu, mchao and wenji
which hero should i throw? Its dwei?
And can u help me for the formation?
My bottom arma is too low only 70 61 61 but i had 32* polish with 22% storm. Need ur advice. Thanks dude.
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-21 12:53
WangLieHom replied at 2016-1-21 02:02
Hello bro
my level 113.
i had Xchu, Dwei, Gjia, zyu, mchao and wenji

Hi bro ! Could u show me ur gen stats ( att, def, troop) and how many immu u have ? And lantern ? % of foster all gens ? Chariot ? After that I can figure out what thing we can do
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-21 16:25
WangLieHom replied at 2016-1-21 02:02
Hello bro
my level 113.
i had Xchu, Dwei, Gjia, zyu, mchao and wenji

Hi, browse this forum from start, there are some posts about this question and also redz225 good advices for special hero use. I have only Wenji so I have to say that you can switch Ma Chao with Wenji but only if she´s got higher attack. See, Wenji cannot compete with Ma Chao in force, her advantage is three row splitting, which if I´m not wrong is (for three rows) damage (first row) - damage/3 (second row) -damage/9 (third row). So it is necessary that your Wenji is able to have enough power in her splitting to be useful.Dian Wei on the other hand is useful for his skill and ability to enhance capacity. He´s got force 100 if equiped with Jade, and more if equiped with higher trinket. That´s good stat.

As for arma, necessary lower arma level depens on how many immu you have. I would definitely forge your arma much much higher than you have it forged.

As for formation, I wrote in strategy, what formation I used and also which formation I tried and refused as not working.

Author: WangLieHom    Time: 2016-1-21 20:30
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-21 12:53
Hi bro ! Could u show me ur gen stats ( att, def, troop) and how many immu u have ? And lantern ?  ...

Hllo bro.
i had 4lantern +23and 1 s.slotted +18
All hero foster 70% except machao 30% and zyu 40% wenji 60%
Satlas all 5 and zyu reach 10.
my arma maybe low.
113 90 85 , 80 70 70
I had 4 immu 4stars just now (really no luck)
Chariot never up only lvl 1.
Author: WangLieHom    Time: 2016-1-21 20:31
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-21 16:25
Hi, browse this forum from start, there are some posts about this question and also redz225 good a ...

I just reply to previous post bro. Thankyou
its my stat.
with 32* polish and storm 22%
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-22 03:46
WangLieHom replied at 2016-1-21 20:30
Hllo bro.
i had 4lantern +23and 1 s.slotted +18
All hero foster 70% except machao 30% and zyu 40%  ...

Hi bro ! Check the stats u showed , seems still not enough power : compare with the stats Covinus showed in first stage . U still didn't show how much att, def, troop u have ( mine was : 5200att- 2500def-8100troop, Gjia troop 10600 with dragon suit ). I also have 1 lantern, 1 s.lantern , 3 s.slottes ,6immu, storm30%, cavalry20%,machine resist 22%, infantry16%, archer 16%. 5 top arms max, last arms lv70. I used XC Sxiang ZY Gjia Wenji . Max foster all gen ( just Sxiang foster 1/3 cuz I don't want she so strong ).
Let compare with my power : u have 4 lanterns and 1 slotte , so never worry about block and can boost force all ur gens . But u don't have 6 immu , and storm just 22% . I suggest u check fist page , bro Covinus up very clearly about every thing to get ready beat LX without immu and s.Hero . Other way , I think u need up Horcurx resist ( Machine, cavalry, infantry, archer ) cuz u can put on ur gens match with NPC talent ur gen face to , as a best immu to help beat that talent . Can talk to Covinus to get some idea from him . Hope u can beat LX soon
Author: boost    Time: 2016-1-22 07:36
Yr arma is way too low.

will foster Z.yu and wenji and up storm to 26% at least.

4 lantern + 23, wow! (you got the increase in lead and force but no extra attributes of a super lantern) - you need to consider if you want to make it super cos it will cost 32k each.

Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-22 23:41
boost replied at 2016-1-22 07:36
Yr arma is way too low.

will foster Z.yu and wenji and up storm to 26% at least.

Hi Boost !
How r u doing ? What server r u bro ? I m s41 Wu king ,
Author: boost    Time: 2016-1-23 20:21
BeamTo1999 replied at 2016-1-22 23:41
Hi Boost !
How r u doing ? What server r u bro ? I m s41 Wu king ,

Hi beam
I'm on s25 wu.

Author: pussyy    Time: 2016-1-24 00:25
Hy mr wang..
I think still need skill at luxun map.
At my server have a people at level 117 still can get LX , however him is high vip with full arma.
Skill still need , if high vip but dont have skill same as stupid.
U need everyday to progress xuchu , make him became strong with 4 immu i think still can got LX.
But beam always is my hero , get LX when reach level 113.
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-24 05:21
pussyy replied at 2016-1-24 00:25
Hy mr wang..
I think still need skill at luxun map.
At my server have a people at level 117 still ca ...

Wth is this guy bro ? Think u r in s41 too . Come on tell me who u r bro ? lol
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-2-16 09:03
Thank You Very Much sir Corvinus for the guidance   It's really helpful for all players

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-2-16 09:10
Use simayi on auto get luxun bro
Author: DjJIM    Time: 2016-7-12 21:46
corvinus i hv problem at dfeng map
my zyu skill damage only 1 to npc4 and dfeng...
2 hidden trick

Author: Styp    Time: 2016-7-13 14:44
This is the best thread i ever read, not just because corvinus tutorial, but share exp from other like beamto, fancypants, and others. but why i still dont get luxun lol. but nice thread and great share exp all.

Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-7-14 14:08
Even I have passed this stage...but this is the best thread I ever known so far. Great and very damn detail. Great work. Full of passion. Salute.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-7-18 16:27
DjJIM replied at 2016-7-12 21:46
corvinus i hv problem at dfeng map
my zyu skill damage only 1 to npc4 and dfeng...
2 hidden trick


if your Zhou Yu does only this damage it means you are still weak or you don´t have storm on Zhou Yu, but If I remember correctly, I was able to hurt only fourth NPC and only with some 1000 or so damage. Do not use trick equip, it is wasting of equip bcs main damage you need to deal will be melee damage. So if you replace these two hidden trick with hidden attack or harm it should give you better results.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-7-18 16:34
Thanx guys, I like this thread very much too, as we can learn from each other. Right now I´m writing strategy on Jiang Wei so in few days I will put it on forum. And I did it without my Liu Bei just to help players who doesn´t have king.
Author: DjJIM    Time: 2016-7-26 10:20
i passed lumeng today..abit of luck
my stat

xcu att 5100 def 2500 trop 8300 sslot mech resist 10%
gjia att 5000 def 2500 trop 10k sjade cavalry resist 14%
macao att 5100 def 2500 trop 7700 sjade
zyu att 5400 def 2400 trop 7800 storm 20%
zfei att 5100 def 2400 trop 7800 sslot

my xcu got blocked unfortunatly but zfei blocked npc2
gjia rebound npc3 n 4
zyu blok lumeng.1 row left
and macao kill lumeng...last row 100 troop left...lucky

Author: DjJIM    Time: 2016-7-26 14:57
its done corvinus.thx for the guidance
i got luxun today.right after i passed lumeng.
abit hard at luxun.i tried like 10times

gjia infantry resist
zfei cavalry resist
macao storm

macao 1 row left with very few troops left

before that i use storm at gjia or zfei..but keep losing.luxun still 1 row left...


i got luxun at 5900++ init
chariot lv6
arma 118 95 75 79 62 49
*lv3 11 11 * 11 11
polish 22 stars

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-7-26 15:09
DjJIM replied at 2016-7-26 14:57
its done corvinus.thx for the guidance
i got luxun today.right after i passed lumeng.
abit hard at l ...

Congrats, DjJIM. Sure your chariot helped you a lot. Usually people use DIan Wei instead of Zhang Fei as it should do more damage if firing from last row. But you did it with Zhang Fei which is also good Idea as splitting can help too. Now the best for easier passing of special inst is to improve your Guo Jia as it can do miracles in these inst. I got Sun Ce and Jiang Wei very easily and fast.

Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-7-26 22:35
Corvinus replied at 2016-7-26 15:09
Congrats, DjJIM. Sure your chariot helped you a lot. Usually people use DIan Wei instead of Zhang F ...

I think Lu xun is one of the toughest elite inst....open at level 113 I got this guy at 122, 1 level before Z yun.....Damn hard.....Sun Ce we can consider easier......Jiang wei also.....Some of them say even Sun Jian it's easier
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2016-7-26 23:09
Hendy_wizard replied at 2016-7-26 22:35
I think Lu xun is one of the toughest elite inst....open at level 113 I got this guy at 122, 1 lev ...

There is no such a thing as easy "elite" map; if it's easy, they wouldn't adress it as "elite" anyway
Easy or not, up to ur power; level requirement won't change (77,83,93,103,113,123,133,143)
But ur power won't match ur lvl if u lvl up too fast
Before (no plunder), it takes lot of time to up 1 lvl, that's y u found it easier when fight high lvl elite map (u have too much time to power up)
Basically faster lvl up = harder elite map
(P/s: u get luxun at lvl122, it indicates that u levelling very fast -->> sunce will be hard to u)
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2016-7-26 23:16
But still, I prefer to get high lvl more than anything )
well u know, free Lubu is waiting at the end of the road
Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2016-7-26 23:23
Daveltl76 replied at 2016-7-26 23:09
There is no such a thing as easy "elite" map; if it's easy, they wouldn't adress it as "elite" any ...

May be bro...But overall....I got Jiang wei at 135 level. It is the faster since the elite inst iopened I got the hero. Lu Xun I need around 9 level since 113, I got it at 122. Sun Ce I got at around 129 or 130), before Sima yi . But when I got Sun Ce I have 1 set immu. Then Jiang Wei I have 2 set immu.
Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-27 00:29
Edited by secrettask at 2016-7-27 00:32

I'm lv124 and still stuck at XSheng. I got SXiang and Mylu and Chariot lv6 and Zyun. Something is so wrong with me. Anyway my init is near 5.8k and my star is only 20.  Yes I'm lvup super fast but is super weak

I use formation: Xchu Sxiang Gjia Zyu and Zyun. Zyu used to block 5th general but zyun 1vs.1 cant kill.

Please help me
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-27 11:24
Edited by FanofBabes at 2016-7-27 11:31
secrettask replied at 2016-7-27 00:29
I'm lv124 and still stuck at XSheng. I got SXiang and Mylu and Chariot lv6 and Zyun. Something is so ...

U need at least 28 stars thats for sure.
Your chariot and gens are freaking good.
Your top arm must max and btm arm at least 70.
Try this line up but 28stars is really impt.
Zfei is better than chu imo.

Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-27 13:14
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-27 11:24
U need at least 28 stars thats for sure.
Your chariot and gens are freaking good.
Your top arm must ...

I will try up more star and arm. Thank so much.

Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-27 14:30
Edited by secrettask at 2016-7-27 17:20
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-27 11:24
U need at least 28 stars thats for sure.
Your chariot and gens are freaking good.
Your top arm must ...

Now I pass XSheng. I use formation Gjia Sxiang Zfei Zyu Zyun. Zyu (storm) skill last row hit last row of 4th gen and 3 row of Xsheng (decrease around 2200 troop) and die. Zyun finish last row of 4th general and luckily block Xsheng and win with 1 row left with 3000 troop remaining. I'm so lucky that Xsheng use mostly Attack. Miss chance between Zyun and Xsheng is similiar
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-7-27 15:05
secrettask replied at 2016-7-27 14:30
Now I pass XSheng. I use formation Gjia Sxiang Zfei Zyu Zyun. Zyu (storm) skill last row hit last r ...

I was just about to suggest Guo, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun. Zhou Yu, Sun Shangxiang as the last one should do pretty damage by dying troops (4x1/3 she would certainly kill 1 and 1/3 row of Xu Sheng only by that); combined with Zhou Yu damage it should be possible to defeat Xu Sheng. Wonder if that would work but anyway, congratz to get through.  
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-27 17:18
secrettask replied at 2016-7-27 14:30
Now I pass XSheng. I use formation Gjia Sxiang Zfei Zyu Zyun. Zyu (storm) skill last row hit last r ...

I forgot you got MYLu though it is good too but I'm not sure if u should replace xiang with MYLu
Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-27 20:58
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-27 17:18
I forgot you got MYLu though it is good too but I'm not sure if u should replace xiang wit ...

Please kindly guide me more on the next stage. Lmeng too.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-7-27 21:54
secrettask replied at 2016-7-27 20:58
Please kindly guide me more on the next stage. Lmeng too.

You have to be either lucky or stronger. Or try anything that brings Guo Jia  followed by Zhao Yun in front of Lu Meng. If you are able to make Guo Jia reflect Lu Meng, you are the winner, bcs. he is quite weak. The main problem is 4th NPC is strong as hell.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-27 22:34
secrettask replied at 2016-7-27 20:58
Please kindly guide me more on the next stage. Lmeng too.

Corvinus is correct, 4th Gen is the problem.
That stage u need to be very strong or lucky.
Like his guide stated need 28 stars which is really helpful.
Max top is a required.
I got luxun with lvl6 chariot but 30stars as it gives u more stats.
My line up for LMeng is the same
Jia-Chu-Xiang-Zyu-Zfei/Mchao (With luck on block)
Main thing for this line up is Jia need to survive and rebound 2nd gen, Chu survive to chaos 3rd gen Xiang/MYLu to deal dmg 3rd to 4th Gen. Zyu to smack 4th gen and cast on 5th. Last gen 4 rows sure able to clear if those works LOL.
Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-28 22:39
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-27 22:34
Corvinus is correct, 4th Gen is the problem.
That stage u need to be very strong or lucky.
Like hi ...

i use formation Gjia Zfei Sxiang Zyu Zyun and Zyu block 4th general and Zyun block Lmeng. But zyun left only 3 rows so can only kill Lmeng almost 3 rows. Now my star is 21. Hope will pass Lmeng  with 24 star.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-7-28 22:55
how about this : Xu Chu (resist mech), Sun Xiang ,  Guo Jia , Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun...but Guo must reflect at least two NPC and Zhou Yu (or Zhao Yun) must block. Or you can put Xu Chu after Guo Jia and try to lock next NPC, but it takes a bit of skill in regulating troops. This way if you reflect two NPC and lock third one, there will be only two skills against three generals.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-28 23:43
Edited by FanofBabes at 2016-7-28 23:46
secrettask replied at 2016-7-28 22:39
i use formation Gjia Zfei Sxiang Zyu Zyun and Zyu block 4th general and Zyun block Lmeng. But zyun ...

Chu is important becuz you will take 1 less skill cast. Cant throw it till you get luxun.
You can try Corvinus line up but it need more luck.
You can only play around with s.xiang or mylu or z.fei the other 4 cant be replaced due to the leads/force/chaos/rebound.

Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-30 17:30
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-28 23:43
Chu is important becuz you will take 1 less skill cast. Cant throw it till you get luxun.
You can t ...

Problem is my Xchu is very weak cant even finish 3 row of enemy. Even i put him 1st or 2nd after Gjia he cant help much.

The formation that work for me is Gjia Zfei Sxiang Zyu Zyun. I may swap Sxiang and Zyun place but both formation will depend on Zyu and Zyun block 4th and 5th general. Or there is other work around, please kindly guide me more.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-30 18:54
secrettask replied at 2016-7-30 17:30
Problem is my Xchu is very weak cant even finish 3 row of enemy. Even i put him 1st or 2nd after G ...

For me I go through the long route.
I get 30stars with Lv6 chariot and Chu able to survive till 3rd gen 1st row to cast chaos to pass LMeng.
You can try corvinus line up chu-xiang/mylu/zfei-jia-zyu-zyun
That u have to make sure ur 2nd gen die together with 2nd NPC so Jia will do a rebound on 3rd NPC.
If your Jia is strong enough, it can survive till 4th and rebound. Your Zyu(Storm) will have to survive till 1st row of LMeng and cast skill. Pray hard it block LMeng or you get chaos LOL..Then Zyun clear the remaining.
For my line up your foundation must be there, 70% foundation 30% luck.
For Corvinus line up its 50% luck 50% foundation.
Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-7-31 22:45
FanofBabes replied at 2016-7-30 18:54
For me I go through the long route.
I get 30stars with Lv6 chariot and Chu able to survive till 3r ...

So sad I almost make it.

I used formation Zyu Mylu Sxiang Gjia Zyun and Zyu block 1st and 2nd general. But I failed to make Sxiang die before 4th general. If i changed Sxiang and Zyun place I may pass Lmeng. No such luck anymore I guess.
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2016-7-31 23:08
Edited by Daveltl76 at 2016-7-31 23:11
secrettask replied at 2016-7-31 22:45
So sad I almost make it.

I used formation Zyu Mylu Sxiang Gjia Zyun and Zyu block 1st and 2nd gen ...

Goujia won't able to beat 4th npc alone
Use this: xuchu zhaoyun zhouyu(storm) goujia sxiang
I passed it with: xuchu dwei zhouyu goujia machao, zhouyu skill last row, deal 5k-6k on 3 rows of 4th npc
Xuchu goujia machao Attack arround 4k6-4k8 only
But dwei and zhouyu attack is high; dwei (5k2,max foster to pass caocao with skill); zhouyu(5k6, max foster, using in long term)
P/s: no need to block; or only need zhouyu to block 3rd hero if xuchu is weak.
Dwei sure already strong (goujia map requirements); storm 18% or maybe higher not sure, also no rebound horcrux;
till now I still only have 28 polish ) at lvl142, sunjian thread on air soon hihi
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2016-7-31 23:37
secrettask replied at 2016-7-31 22:45
So sad I almost make it.

I used formation Zyu Mylu Sxiang Gjia Zyun and Zyu block 1st and 2nd gen ...

I read other cmts here:
If ur xuchu is really that weak (how can he only able to kill 3 rows lol)
Can use this: Sxiang zhaoyun zhouyu(storm) goujia mylu
Sxiang explosion help u survive 1st hero
Zhaoyun (at least this guy strong right) left 2-3 rows to take 3rd hero skill
Zhouyu skill last row...
If ur zhaoyun also is weak (lol no way, or u messing ur equips liegement too much ); in case he is weak, then only need to block 3rd npc,
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-7-31 23:56
Edited by FanofBabes at 2016-8-1 00:00
secrettask replied at 2016-7-31 22:45
So sad I almost make it.

I used formation Zyu Mylu Sxiang Gjia Zyun and Zyu block 1st and 2nd gen ...

That formation gives u a head start but the main trouble is 4th and 5th NPC.
You need tons of luck for that formation.
Good luck but I only stick to 2 types of line up which is rather trustworthy
Chu-Xiang/MYLu/ZFei-Jia-Zyu-Zyun(Corvinus line up)

As I got it at 115/119 in 2 separate servers my line up is
Both with 30stars and Lv6 Chariot.

Lv115 server
I got really good luck as my chu chaos 3rd gen and xiang blocked 4th. Zyu blocked 5th with last row.
Mchao did his only job
Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-8-1 00:28
Edited by secrettask at 2016-8-1 00:46
Daveltl76 replied at 2016-7-31 23:37
I read other cmts here:
If ur xuchu is really that weak (how can he only able to kill 3 rows lol)

I'm clueless with my Chu. Maybe his lv is low (just97), fooster is low (not even 50%) plus no immu equip. For Zyun (lv90) always die of skill.

Maybe I'm just still weak (at Trial 8 floor Stage 16 only) and mess around too much with equip and liege. I have only Divine suit, 1 Lantern20, 1 S.Slotted17.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-8-1 11:36
secrettask replied at 2016-8-1 00:28
I'm clueless with my Chu. Maybe his lv is low (just97), fooster is low (not even 50%) plus no immu  ...

Man foster it more, although its a little wasted and late as you gonna throw it after you get luxun.
Chu need to be around 80% fostered. Suit doesnt matter.
Oh yeah I forgot 1 thing, most of my equip are basically Atk,Def,Troops except Zyu having some tactics and skill harm equips.
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2016-8-1 14:05
secrettask replied at 2016-8-1 00:28
I'm clueless with my Chu. Maybe his lv is low (just97), fooster is low (not even 50%) plus no immu  ...

Don't foster xuchu now , foster raise attack def troops -->> better up ur Arma, its permanent while u can save ur souls
Author: secrettask    Time: 2016-8-3 00:40
Daveltl76 replied at 2016-8-1 14:05
Don't foster xuchu now , foster raise attack def troops -->> better up ur Arma, its permanent wh ...

Really feed up with my Xchu. So weak. Cant even kill 3 row of 1st general. I think i will stuck for long. Damn i dont even have a single immu equip  
Author: smithyphoeb    Time: 2016-8-3 03:58
secrettask replied at 2016-8-3 00:40
Really feed up with my Xchu. So weak. Cant even kill 3 row of 1st general. I think i will stuck fo ...

Looking for non 4stars equip with 2immu also can help.

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