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Title: Shu s12 need merger with shu s15 or shu s21 [Print this page]

Author: hitttttttt    Time: 2015-12-6 09:18
Title: Shu s12 need merger with shu s15 or shu s21
Edited by hitttttttt at 2015-12-6 09:18

Shu are bullied Every day by Wu n wei

Author: wheller    Time: 2015-12-6 15:54
Gak Tau Malu... maling teriak maling,,, gimana perasaan ry4i7, UrbumBarlo, Konyaku, Cook, Zhenxing, kalo tau ada mahluk nista dan tukang boong kaya lo.... Pasti dari serber s19/20 lo ya...???? Kacruuttt emang server asal lo bangkeh...!!!!!
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-6 19:03
Wkwkwwkwk....merger merger.
Yee gm we need merger make wu and wei stopping play
Author: green    Time: 2015-12-7 11:18
yeah wu and wei not play fair.. both of them attack Wooyang and Mianzhu then use autooff...sadly shu only have 2 exit..GM should fix this problem..and to wu and wei please play fair..not sharing siege event..or expand event.. if many shu players boring then quiting cause u bully us.. then GM merger with s15..hope u didnt regret it....peace
Author: Johnson88888    Time: 2015-12-7 19:30
Author: VipMuliawan    Time: 2015-12-7 23:01
green replied at 2015-12-7 11:18
yeah wu and wei not play fair.. both of them attack Wooyang and Mianzhu then use autooff...sadly shu ...

MERGER..MERGER..MERGER..WE WANT MERGER...very bored play in s12 now..
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-7 23:22
what? Wu and Wei on S12 is simply...joke. Not a real kingdom...not even close to word "bully" Shu kingdom.
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2015-12-8 13:39
hahaha...funny statement from shu.
ibarat 'meludah ke langit yang akhirnya terkena ke muka sendiri'
cant stop laughing..ahhahahahahahahaha  
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2015-12-8 13:57
Hahahahahahahaha ga tau hrus ngomong apa..
Author: ryo    Time: 2015-12-8 14:07
How can a country with gen more than 300gen get bullied by a country with gen ard 55gen...i always counting in siege city event and reclamation hour...please dont make me laugh more than this...hahahahahahaa..lmao
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2015-12-8 14:16
shu kapan mau pensi?? udah ga sabar neh

Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2015-12-8 14:55
dan id2 sampah mewekers ex wei s19/20 pun bermunculan
kemana aja bro selama ini ? cuma jadi id ganjelan pintu gate xuchang doang ? hahahaha
Author: VipMuliawan    Time: 2015-12-8 15:07
BloodyElla replied at 2015-12-8 14:16
shu kapan mau pensi??  udah ga sabar neh

Tunggu wei n wu s12 pensi...ya shu  s12 pasti pensi..gak ada lawan soalnya...wkwkwkw
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-8 15:11
BloodyElla replied at 2015-12-8 14:16
shu kapan mau pensi??  udah ga sabar neh

Aduh ada ella.....elal elq ela wkwkwk go go ella eks king sampah bicara
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2015-12-8 22:14
Lucu banget minta merger tapi event bisa menang . banyak pake clones ya om .
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2015-12-8 22:22
Biar ga ribut napa ga dimerger jadi satu aja
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-8 23:49
BloodyElla replied at 2015-12-8 22:14
Lucu banget minta merger tapi event bisa menang . banyak pake clones ya om .

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......alah lo si dof sok bnget ngomongin clone.
Mna id lo asli mgpain pke id bloodyella.
Mgaca dong kelezzzzz....
Author: wheller    Time: 2015-12-8 23:54
weeeewww.... neeed merger yang kek gini... ck..ck...ck.,...
Author: Kucrut    Time: 2015-12-9 02:43
Maybe their clone master want retired and they afraid to loose. That is why they need protection from s15 and become the servant of RoyalWrath
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2015-12-9 12:24
Kucrut replied at 2015-12-9 02:43
Maybe their clone master want retired and they afraid to loose. That is why they need protection fro ...


Author: hardiyan    Time: 2015-12-9 13:30
xiaoxiannu replied at 2015-12-8 14:55
dan id2 sampah mewekers ex wei s19/20 pun bermunculan
kemana aja bro selama ini ? cuma jadi id ganje ...

Lha lo sapa?ga jelas juga.pake id sapa nih...

Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-9 14:34
Kucrut replied at 2015-12-9 02:43
Maybe their clone master want retired and they afraid to loose. That is why they need protection fro ...

Maybe u clone master affraid if merger with s15 coz the map will be green hahaha....and wei retired like s19/20 before merger.
As i know shu s12 stronger deffend from teo country this post ah..so shy
I never afraid fight fie and back die back again.
Yeah defend from 2 country using 1 plyer using 3 or 4 acc not easy and shu not more again active online.
Wei and wu hehehe....loser why u cant party only night when shu people sleep.
And to wei dont forget before merger to s12 deff from shu and wu what u feel?
All u city green and red but shu can deff from u two country yes we cant if we sleeping hahaha..
Bloody ella as i know language indonesia speach not good but i see wowwww so good...open u mask ella or shut up u mouth
Author: Longxa    Time: 2015-12-9 21:06
GM , my picture is nicer then that jerk who post the first one , Lame shit ...check this out .lol .
Author: Longxa    Time: 2015-12-9 21:08
Longxa replied at 2015-12-9 21:06
GM , my picture is nicer then that jerk who post the first one , Lame shit ...check this out .lol .

GM try play in s12 yourself and you will know who are the true BULLSHIT clowns lol
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2015-12-9 21:13
hardiyan replied at 2015-12-9 13:30
Lha lo sapa?ga jelas juga.pake id sapa nih...

ya elah ini lagi satu si gila s.20 ex king negeri gagal wei s19/20 kan ? hahahaha
skrg jadi id sampah cuma jadi ganjelan pintu Chenliu doang

dari s20 mewek minta merger ama s19
uda dikasih merger tambah mewek, gak taunya makin ditindas sampe 24 jam kekepung ibukota wei

lalu ngemis2 lagi ke GM minta merger lagi
skrg uda merger ama s12/s14 tambah mewek
id2 ex wei s19/20 jadi sampah, bahan tertawaan dunia.... cuma bisa auto off jadi batu ganjelan gate doang mwhahahahahaha

gw penasaran yg maenin skrg tuh siapa ye id2 sampah ex wei s19/20 ? muka2 lama mewekers yg gak tahu malu apa uda beralih ke clone master baru wei s12/14 ? hahahaha
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-9 22:48
Longxa replied at 2015-12-9 21:06
GM , my picture is nicer then that jerk who post the first one , Lame shit ...check this out .lol .

Hahaha.....so shy wei not fair talk to gm WE NOT HAVE CLONE.
We can win coz using brain and you cant win coz use muscle like gorilla auooooooo...
We not need meeger this post bullshit...but i ask to you if merger again with s15/21 still playing or maybe not using clone wkwkwkwk....you clone master mkendo,haskamurphy affraid if merger coz we will farmed everyday hiks3.....so sad u tell to shu and gm dont believe and give picture but the true i affraid
Author: hatiPance    Time: 2015-12-9 23:02
Ella sejak kapan bisa fasih ngomong indo,, tak malu ke Upin Ipin xixixixiix
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2015-12-10 08:36
bahasa bisa belajar om . banyak teman ngajar masa ga fasih
Author: Shadowthrone    Time: 2015-12-10 20:38
redz225 replied at 2015-12-9 22:48
Hahaha.....so shy wei not fair talk to gm WE NOT HAVE CLONE.
We can win coz using brain and you ca ...

Empty vessels make the most noise....
Author: Sielghart    Time: 2015-12-12 06:14
Ini bukan Ella tp gila or Dof. Ella udh pensi lebih dr 6 bulan lalu.

Bukti wei s.12 main dengan multiple id... ckckck
Buka aib... LolLolLol....
Author: bladur    Time: 2015-12-12 08:18
Siapa siapa yg minta merger
Kasian shu keseringan di bully ....dasar tukang ngadu
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-12 11:06
bladur replied at 2015-12-12 08:18
Siapa siapa yg minta merger
Kasian shu keseringan di bully ....dasar tukang ngadu

Cie cie bladur buka suara....kgak ngaca lo limelion curhat ke gm so sweeeeeeeettttttttttttttt..

Author: Afrooo    Time: 2015-12-14 20:35
Please merge s15 soon gm, Handan hasn't stopped burning since the Medal of Honor event started.
Author: VipMuliawan    Time: 2015-12-14 22:25
Longxa replied at 2015-12-9 21:08
GM try play in s12 yourself and you will know who are the true BULLSHIT clowns lol

U dont know gm play in shu s12? So pity..shu gm is green adolph..u can check that
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2015-12-15 06:07
wow fool red im to lazy play so much id like u play 3/4 acc are u maid from shu? LOL
Ella still play la and STOP PM ELLA she is mine
You dont know nothing about wei
and gila still play even he more slack now

Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-15 08:00
Shurikendo replied at 2015-12-15 06:07
wow fool red im to lazy play so much id like u play 3/4 acc are u maid from shu? LOL
Ella still p ...

Not believe,......ellas stil dof.
Wei cant belive more plyer using one id use startgy 4 id in one people when siege.
Ect..phillcore,flith,babyg,mkendo i know that.
But no problem who hamdle it we still war no ending hahahaha
Author: kaarage    Time: 2015-12-15 09:20
Sampe ini server meledak juga gak akan di tangepin ente gan buat merger
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2015-12-15 18:28
redz225 replied at 2015-12-15 08:00
Not believe,......ellas stil dof.
Wei cant belive more plyer using one id use startgy 4 id in one  ...

u not beileve ella refuse you
now u say babyG,philcore,Mkendo,filth clone then all wei is clone LOL
Author: redz225    Time: 2015-12-15 21:09
Shurikendo replied at 2015-12-15 18:28
u not beileve ella refuse you
now u say babyG,philcore,Mkendo,filth clone then all wei is clone ...

Yeah wei s12 clone so much...
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-15 21:17
shurikendo is MKendo? long time not see
Author: ginbiui    Time: 2015-12-16 10:31
For master red225..
Why i still see junulsido acc..as i know he already pass away...isnt it???...soo wei n wu FIGHT a GHOST???...amazing shu s.12 ghost army..
Piss out
Author: nan8ch    Time: 2015-12-17 18:55
Yeyeye...merger soon GM. Shu need merger ASAP !!! wei n wu so proud to bully us just bcoz u are allied n playing multiple accounts. So sweet relationship both of u hahaha.
Author: nan8ch    Time: 2015-12-17 18:58
BloodyElla replied at 2015-12-8 13:39
hahaha...funny statement from shu.
ibarat 'meludah ke langit yang akhirnya terkena ke muka sendiri' ...

Why u laughing?  U did this before ..ask for merger n repost when shu confront u. So coward  hahahah
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-1-1 20:45
Please merge s15 with s12 gm. I can't even move from YeCheng because wu and shu always at our 50% city. It happens every day and most wei players have already retired. Do something before the rest of us quit.
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2016-1-2 00:01
nan8ch replied at 2015-12-17 18:58
Why u laughing?  U did this before ..ask for merger n repost when shu confront u. So coward  hahah ...

i ask merger cause we cant win event and shu farm 24 hours, but now shu ask merger bcos only cant protect their capital from wei wu farming and still always win event with 100+ gens/clones . that so funny to ask merger..isn't ? hahaha..and who are u? coward to use IGN ?  
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-1-3 14:29
Shu and Wu farm Wei at s15 too. Gm just doesn't care.
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-1-3 21:41
Merger again wkwk...sure wei at 2 time will be retired...but in s12 shu no ally with wu.
Shu s12 deff from wu and wei.
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-1-3 21:47
Edited by redz225 at 2016-1-3 21:49
BloodyElla replied at 2016-1-2 00:01
i ask merger cause we cant win event and shu farm 24 hours, but now shu ask merger bcos only cant  ...

Heii heii ella...no need merger shu s12 still can deff our capital from you friendship.
We party in wu but u can come to my 50% why that tis fact(only shu plyer sleep) hahaha....my question for u relationship wu darling
Where is wei when shu party in wu?
Where is u friendship/ally why u not push back we from our capital wu but wei party and got exp from Mianzhu?
Hahaha..,so if gm meger again with s15 i sure u will retired again all wei s19 lololl use deff ChenXian xixixi...
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-3 21:59
Every time need merge, so hard for u gm
Author: BloodyElla    Time: 2016-1-4 09:37
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2016-1-4 15:03
xiaoxiannu replied at 2015-12-9 21:13
ya elah ini lagi satu si gila s.20 ex king negeri gagal wei s19/20 kan ? hahahaha
skrg jadi id sam ...

Ya elah..id lu sapa???pke id sapa lgi nih....lu ngatain org pke id lain....ckckck
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2016-1-4 15:05
Sielghart replied at 2015-12-12 06:14
Ini bukan Ella tp gila or Dof. Ella udh pensi lebih dr 6 bulan lalu.

Bukti wei s.12 main dengan mu ...

Jgn sok tau lu sieg...klo lu bisa bcr kyk gtu lu jd spy ya?
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-1-4 21:09
ginbiui replied at 2015-12-16 10:31
For master red225..
Why i still see junulsido acc..as i know he already pass away...isnt it???...soo ...

Yes we play this acc..before it junnul give him acc for someone shu plyer so what wrong bro?
U dont fight wit ghost u fight with true plyer but not real plyer have it.

Author: Sielghart    Time: 2016-1-7 05:02
hardiyan replied at 2016-1-4 15:05
Jgn sok tau lu sieg...klo lu bisa bcr kyk gtu lu jd spy ya?

Bukan sok tau emg nyata nya gitu... Lo nya aja ga tau...hahahaa
Buat apa jd spy...ga interest. Biasanya yg bilang id lain spy itu dia sendiri yg spy... Buka aib sendiriv... Wakakakak
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-7 08:29
Pagi pagi ribut, udah bubar, good morning dulu aja
Author: niczcho    Time: 2016-1-8 05:55
Are we still can win this??? This hapen everyday,,,
GM must do something to make this server balance,,,,

Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-8 06:06
I like it if like this, just auto then lv up quick
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2016-1-8 10:50
hardiyan replied at 2016-1-4 15:03
Ya elah..id lu sapa???pke id sapa lgi nih....lu ngatain org pke id lain....ckckck

gw cuma orang biasa aja yg ketawa2 liat ex king wei s20 ternyata sehina ini tukang mewekers
uda kalah minta merger, dimerger kalah lagi mewek lagi
mana pasukan wei s19 / 20 ? cuma jadi ganjelan pintu doang ? bruakakakakkaka

so.....why wu not attacking wei ?
scare ? afraid ?
are u guys became wei's slave ?
Author: macho    Time: 2016-1-8 10:52
Here's an idea go to Houguan --> Guangling --> Langya and attack wei xian....we are nice not to close that path unlike u guys when attacking Chengdu close wooxian n mianzhu.
Anyway...Shu will be active during MOH and that not gonna change but you just too scared to attack Wei thats your problem.
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2016-1-8 11:38
xiaoxiannu replied at 2016-1-8 10:50
gw cuma orang biasa aja yg ketawa2 liat ex king wei s20 ternyata sehina ini tukang mewekers
uda ka ...

Id yg gw tau cuman sieg,red yg lain id ga jelas..asal ngomong...
Buat sieg....penasaran lu lebih tau soal ella drpada gw????
Author: Sielghart    Time: 2016-1-8 16:43
Buat hardiyan...apa kata lo aja dah sana.
Cmn tau red & gw....spt lo tau nya lo & ella....gt maksud lo????  Wakakakak.
Kmn ajee lo????....sakit rahang gw ketawa baca post lo
Author: Xiaomanne    Time: 2016-1-12 13:16
lol.. So funny. Maybe you should come s3 see how badly Wei get bullied every single day. Sad to say, s3 Wei don't whine as much as you.
Author: iPool    Time: 2016-1-16 18:29
WuWei Please Don't "Bully" Shu ..
Author: iPool    Time: 2016-1-16 18:33
.... .... ....
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-16 21:55
What is this?
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2016-1-17 01:22
Birdwarne replied at 2016-1-16 21:55
What is this?

this called " when the dog, slave, jongos, babu or what u called it has been raped, the master doesn't care...really....really bad"

what a symbiosis mutualisme relationship
poor wu, always became the looser one
Author: MaverickZ    Time: 2016-1-18 03:30
Klo mw yg menantang sini merger ama s3 aja,, hadapi wu s3.. Army nya bisa bikin lag tourney,,
Author: Birdwarne    Time: 2016-1-18 08:40
Still cant win with shu s1 , out tactic hiding at chengdu
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-1-24 12:28
Edited by redz225 at 2016-1-24 12:30
MaverickZ replied at 2016-1-18 03:30
Klo mw yg menantang sini merger ama s3 aja,, hadapi wu s3.. Army nya bisa bikin lag tourney,,

Wei s1,wu s3,shu 7,wei s7 raja clone wkwkwk.....tnpa clone emang bsa menang elite tourney?
Lvel char beda broh...s12 gbungan s19 ma s20 s3 bda brpa jrak sma s12?
S12 seever pling brimbang gnti2an party no xlone no boots hahahaha....
S12 ada beberpa orang yg main di s3 wu jdi ya rhasia wu s3 mah dh pda tau ank2 s12 xixixi...jgn bngga yg cuma ngandalin clone gen merah,kuning yg bnyak itu
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 15:15
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Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 15:16
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Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 15:21
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Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-24 15:22
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Author: redz225    Time: 2016-1-26 21:07
Hmilo replied at 2016-1-24 15:16
why not include Shu s3 ?
I think that one also in elite, or they use "friends" like shu s7 ?

Ya s7...trmsuk.
Sever tua pda boring main life is goes on bro...kerjaan lbh pting dripda game
Author: Hmilo    Time: 2016-1-26 22:04
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Author: redz225    Time: 2016-1-27 18:01
Hmilo replied at 2016-1-26 22:04
No broooo,

that wan88, machau and bitch alexis still love bully weak country

Wkwkwwk.....bsa jdi bgtu.
Gw sih gk ada wktu buatclone ngrus 1 id sja dh bosan
Author: sebastiane12    Time: 2016-2-10 15:50
Author: sebastiane12    Time: 2016-2-10 15:56
After so many post,,aint no reply from GM,,,ckckck,,,
Author: Bombastah    Time: 2016-3-6 14:56

and now proven that whining shu s12 is a treasure and money for GM.... go cry harder shu... cry harder and keep whining... next time ask for merge to s1-s51...

Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-6 16:01
Bombastah replied at 2016-3-6 14:56
and now proven that whining shu s12 is a treasure and money for GM.... go cry harder shu... cry har ...

Serah lo mau bilang apa wkwkkw..yg pnting panen exp,iron menang event.
Klo mo pensi jgn tnggung2 banting aja tu hp hahahah
Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2016-3-8 11:54
hardiyan replied at 2016-1-8 11:38
Id yg gw tau cuman sieg,red yg lain id ga jelas..asal ngomong...
Buat sieg....penasaran lu lebih t ...

ini Gila s20 ya, waaooww dulu hebat lho.. sekarang jadi letoy .. ayoo gila RC tak tungguin diarena masak ama VIP0 aja kalah ....
MillAdela s20 ... hohohohoooooo
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-3-8 14:29
redz225 replied at 2016-1-24 12:28
Wei s1,wu s3,shu 7,wei s7 raja clone wkwkwk.....tnpa clone emang bsa menang elite tourney?
Lvel cha ...

Shu use red gen too lol we already know shu only have big mouth haha

Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-9 11:42
Shurikendo replied at 2016-3-8 14:29
Shu use red gen too lol we already know shu only have big mouth haha

Whatever u says...where is u id..so weak lol
Author: Dhafe    Time: 2016-3-9 15:42
Gw demen nih ma congornye iwansudjatmiko... ahahah.. mari smua berdoa untuk abang iwansudjatmiko biar jadi vip 1.. vip 0 aja bisa ngalahin yg laen.. gimana kalo abang ini vip 1.... ck..ck..ck..

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