Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Bug on troops during asseige [Print this page]

Author: Leoric    Time: 2016-1-28 23:39
Title: Bug on troops during asseige
Dear Gm my hero unable to regenarate after luring on Asseige.. i have tried all methods .. and my gen still cant regenerate only upon log off... but once i log in again and die , my gen back to idle without regenerate.

Plz help

S41 wleoric: leoric

Author: Leoric    Time: 2016-1-28 23:39
Ign leoric
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-1-30 10:41
Thank you for your information. When your hero become idle before refilling troops, you could first check if you have enough food. If yes, try to click recruit at 'Hero' panel. If that does not work, you could try to challenge trial tower.
Author: Freewu    Time: 2016-1-31 00:16
indormation for whore like GM is useless
Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2016-1-31 12:05
Chek blurguy S15 wu forever Bot.....

plzz Chen Gm check

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