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Title: Question [Print this page]

Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-2-18 20:29
Title: Question
GM, answer my questions below:

- my Zhou yu lead is 76, my liu bei lead is 76. I have only seen my zhouyu blocked by zhangfei once but I have seen my liu bei blocked by zhangfei (any zhangfei, not a particular player's zhangfei) as many times as if he is fighting zhuge liang. And my liu bei blocking rate is not as high as zhouyu (he can't block zhangfei or guan yu as much as my zhouyu). What's the point of buying a useless king who can't magic or block?

- attacker's zhaoyun miss rate is far higher than defender's zhaoyun. I have low init so I am always the defender so I have noted in all my arena fights my opponents zhaoyun can block 5-7 times while my defender zhaoyun can only block once or twice (I am saying when it's zhaoyun vs zhaoyun trading blows). I just lost a match of one and a half row of zhaoyun vs my 4 rows of zhaoyun because I misses all the hit (trading maybe 12 to 15 blows). Defender already suffer handicap on damage, why add on miss rate?

- I am not on auto but it auto uses skill attack on its own (not sure anyone else face this)

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-2-18 22:53
Ow these are really precious but disturbing informations. GM should explain this as lot of players is saving for Kings.I was thinking about saving for Liu Bei due to his 10% attack bonus but now I´m thinking Cao Cao will be better for start.
Author: Poseidon1985    Time: 2016-2-18 23:35
Try putting horcrux defend +24% on your LiuBei...
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-2-19 02:36
Defend hrcrx has nothing to do with blocking
Author: Xguan    Time: 2016-2-19 04:32
Try equip with hersbit 29 29 ur liubei wont be blocked by drunkard  zhangfei
Author: MengYi    Time: 2016-2-19 11:18
I think you need to lvl up your LB a bit. low lvl gen tend to get blocked by high lvl gen more often.
You know, my lvl 90 Jwei even get blocked by lvl 115 GJ. yeah GJ lead maybe 33 and my jwei lead is 76.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-2-19 19:56
Thanks bro meng yi for the advice. Unfortunately the opponents that I am facing is level 90ish/early 100ish guan yu or zhangfei. My liu bei is level 93 and the max level diff is 10. As we speak, I have just been blocked by a level 92 guan yu. It makes me feel spending 300k vouchers on a king is an extreme waste. It does not give any added advantage (not even a bit). The liu bei I have can't win a zhangfei or guan yu in 1 vs 1 fight despite having about the same or higher force. The only usage for liu bei is having quite strong skill attack compared to them, but that is nothing if you get blocked more than half of the time. In my 15 times of arena, I can say my liu bei gets blocked more than half of the times. This is true for the 2 weeks I own liu bei. I have lost more matches from using liu bei than zhangfei.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-2-19 20:44
To all who are recharging to buy kings, think twice or you will be disappointed. I can't speak for cao cao or sun quan but you will surely be disappointed with liu bei. The 10% additional attack increase only increase the numbers on the screen, but no actual increase in damage when fighting in arena. You hurt your opponents about the same as without those 10%. Liu bei ability matches zhangfei at most, and is no match for subsequent characters from normal or special instance. Save your vouchers for something else.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-2-20 17:59
Did you equip him with Lantern? That should help.
Author: momowings    Time: 2016-2-20 23:12
DarkKaiser replied at 2016-2-19 20:44
To all who are recharging to buy kings, think twice or you will be disappointed. I can't speak for c ...

Liubei himself is not fantastic. But he makes your gyu or zfei stronger than your opponent's, assuming similar equipments and all. Try not to gauge lord heroes by their own against another hero. They are never meant to be standalone comparison because of the party boost they provide. Each have a role to play.

Percentage boosts are very efficient only when you have large numbers.

If you have 2k attack, liubei can only give you 200 attack which you can get for much less than 300k voucher.
2k and 2.2k is not much of a difference.

If you have 5k or 10k attack, he will give you additional 500 or 1000 attack boost. For an additional 1k attack boost for 5 heroes, 300k voucher is considered cheap.
10k and 11k is a huge difference.

Each time you buff chariots or arms, you get 10% more attack automatically as well. In a way, your attack progression will overtake others eventually.
Author: husni12    Time: 2016-2-22 10:53
It all depends in ur equipment n terrain. My zyun is full immu n 1 on 1 wz lord can win. Its has alot of factor into it. Chariot liegemen arma trinket and so on. Find d best combination 4 lord. Hope d best 2 u
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2016-2-22 12:47
For new players who don't rc or rc alittle who are thinking of getting a lord.

Liubei is a good supporting hero & useful for elite instance.
Caocao good for lvling your other heroes. Need lotsa food though.
Sunquan the least useful compare to the 2 unless your focus on skill attack = high rc.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-2-22 19:57
i have seen a lot of opinions from players but no fucking reply from the GM. Maybe because i dont recharge much and has stopped recharge long time ago. I can only conclude the higher init players will always have biased advantage (block chances, miss rate, damage advantage) against lower init players, Even you may have higher attack or defense on screen. GM can always blame it on opponents having better trinklets and luck, and i dont give a fuck about that.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-3-20 18:01
You fucktards gm better explain how can a level 100 liu bei with super lantern, level 111 zhou yu, level 102 luxun and level 94 simayi with super slotted get blocked by level 92 zhao yun and level 86 sun ce multiple times. Fix your fucking program of probability which evidently shows your programmers graduated from university of fucktards with no background of mathematics and only logic of initiatives > all. Either that or hire an english translator to come out with a topic under beginner guides and faq to say the whole game is about initiatives and hero lead and super trinklets are mere money grabbing tools to fuck up the players
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-20 19:55
Seems like my army again
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-3-20 22:04
Yeah nothing personal but the blocking rate is getting ridiculous. First people say could be due to low lead, then I had super lantern. Then people say my hero level too low, but those heroes who blocked me are having lower levels and not possibly higher lead than me. So now I would like to hear other theories
Author: greenharle    Time: 2016-3-20 22:46
im also courious about this blocking thing...i had a tought its because liegements..since i dont have good liegements please someone try it and post it here the result
Author: youyou    Time: 2016-3-20 22:54
i once saw xhdun block hzhong skill in early game server , even xhdun has +17 slotted 51lead hzhong clean 65lead , 14lead diff can block
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-20 23:34
Well i've seen my sun ce block lu xun twice which should be almost impossible. Also my Zhao Yun blocks like devil himself but he has superlantern. I think its matter of luck and Lead mostly.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-3-21 05:52
Corvinus replied at 2016-3-20 23:34
Well i've seen my sun ce block lu xun twice which should be almost impossible. Also my Zhao Yun bloc ...

In those cases are you the attacker or defender? Luck in a game translate to probability and percentage setting which is not really luck but mathematical equations. Luck in real life is Luck. And i don't trust Lead and Level anymore because if that is the case, all these should not happen (level 82 guanyu blocking a super lantern level 100 liu bei while that same liu bei cant block that level 82 guanyu). If you are telling me that all those blocks happen while you are the attacker, then it proves my point that besides the attacking and miss chance advantage by zhao yun, now they have added skill block rate in there and it is a game of initiatives and not skill
Author: anuardb1    Time: 2016-3-21 11:06
Try look at your liegamen... your skill defense, is it high enough. Mine 350++
My LB seems ok with jade only. Normally block by higher lead heroes like smy, lx, zgl, zhou yu...
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-21 16:13
DarkKaiser replied at 2016-3-21 05:52
In those cases are you the attacker or defender? Luck in a game translate to probability and perce ...

If I remember correctly I was once attacker and once defender. Of course I understand that "luck" is probability but understand that this "probability" is parameter that enters each count of blocking. One percent chance doesn´t exactly mean that for each 99 fails there is one block (this is referred to as monte carlo fallacy). Each blocking is separated calculation so with luck you can block 2 times in row or fail million times. I test your init point (higher init means better miss rate) but although it really looks like it can be true, there can be another parameters for this (like higher lvl Zhao Yun could have higher miss rate and so on) and I don´t know if you counted with that.  

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-21 17:50
...and one more thing, while "Mega Mighty" biography Cao Cao stage, this butcher killed my Sun Ce´s three rows immediately with first blow after my "Iron Fist"  with "Slay" ability, which I find one to million chance. I was so pissed...
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-3-22 13:17
Edited by Aris3479 at 2016-3-22 13:19

my lb often block zgl, zyu & luxun at personal contest.
and my zyun also often block cao2 or liubei..

at the final super tourney, hemhem zyun can block 3 times when he facing milo.

In my opinion, its true & fact that gm WRITE block is depend on lead.
but its just a writing. lolz

higher lead only mean higher chance to block. It wont guaranty will block.
if u ask in numbers, u only get reguler answer.. depend on luck
Author: Aris3479    Time: 2016-3-22 13:22
Ah, forget 1 thing..
same thing happen with force too..
Zyu have higher force compare to simayi. but u can try which one stronger.

u can compare gen that u have in the early stage vs gen that u have recently.
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2016-3-23 05:52
Thanks for all the input. Until now there is no definite answer to this and as usual, it is heyshell's style for us to explore all the possibilities ourselves and burn more money in the process. It's almost all souls days, guess I could burn them some hell money too
Author: donjuan    Time: 2016-3-23 11:59
Block is matter of probability,
Higher lead higher probability but not guarantee.

I think there may be another factor that affects lead and force but hidden from us.
Example, Huangzhong may only have 50 on force but since he is purple hero, he is relatively stronger than XuHuang who has higher force.
Diaochan may have 47 lead, but SunXiang with 41 lead has relatively higher block rate than her.

There may be underlying factor that is not disclosed to player.
Author: Negi-Kun    Time: 2016-3-24 15:43
this post make me dont want buy Liubei

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