Heyshell Games Forum

Title: MERGER S41 .... [Print this page]

Author: OkySnow    Time: 2016-3-2 20:11
Title: MERGER S41 ....
Edited by OkySnow at 2016-3-14 22:49


I  want to request another merger with server that have many wei active player inside because previous merger s43 with s41 make wei people is less than other two country and make the server unbalanced

Author: OkySnow    Time: 2016-3-2 20:13
Edited by OkySnow at 2016-3-2 20:17

Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-2 21:38
Haha, I think GM have done a big mistake with this merger.
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-2 21:40
what do you think about this, dear GM?
Author: 3tn4    Time: 2016-3-2 22:15
I could've guessed what the answer from gm

Author: Caocao16    Time: 2016-3-3 07:28
Seeing this post made me laugh that bad. Move to s52 and good luck there and pray hard wei and wu alliance will be much better there. :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
Author: TorqZhao    Time: 2016-3-3 07:37
Edited by TorqZhao at 2016-3-3 07:45
soindigo replied at 2016-3-2 21:40
what do you think about this, dear GM?

you spied on shu with what id? doesn't that prove yourself as a cloner? what a shame bro
shu always been green and blue all the times and never win event def siege.
now shout you guys losing? really funny.
Author: ZABRIEX    Time: 2016-3-3 08:01
soindigo replied at 2016-3-2 21:40
what do you think about this, dear GM?

I have 3 shu acc in my 1 id. cause i have acc id s41,42, and 43. since this is merger between 3 servers. so it's possible for us to have 3 acc in 1 id. Stop the excuse. wei wu and shu are balance because wu and wei always farm Mianzhu. stop being coward bro.
Author: OkySnow    Time: 2016-3-3 08:50
LOL quit post in my thread if you don't like it ..

I see many of shu thread before ask for merger and why we wei cant ? LOLOLOL

One thing i knew this thread will never close ... Shu and their clones ruin this game
Author: Caocao16    Time: 2016-3-3 09:48
OkySnow replied at 2016-3-3 08:50
LOL quit post in my thread if you don't like it ..

I see many of shu thread before ask for merger a ...

I was told Wei have been in alliance with wu and enjoyed farming shu for months until s43 merged in. Now you cannot farm shu as frequent as you wanted to and you started crying. Shu have been fighting against 2 countries during reclamation without complaining whatsoever. But hey looking at the bright side, you can leave if shu has brought you stress playing this game or you cannot accept the fact that there is no chance for you to farm shu 24/7 anymore! U want strong wei? s49 my recommendation...
Author: Caocao16    Time: 2016-3-3 09:55
less players? U want me screenshots wei od in iron city with over 200 gens? quit your bullocks.
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-3 13:05
For us from wu43, we dont think anymore merger is needed. Attack or being attacked is common in games and we are not too stressed by it. You just need your players to be
online together to fight...not keep jumping to new servers each time you failed to farm.

Author: Styp    Time: 2016-3-3 13:40
Cause he just want win, if he have it. He laugh and verry happy, but when he down, he try to make some alibi and talk bullshit. Still remember his id said 'thanks wu ppl'. For everyone who didnt know. His id in wei is 'Zeus', and his spy id in shu is 'PilkTab'

Author: OkySnow    Time: 2016-3-3 17:44
Lol styp is not about winning or not but wei is just lack of people , when s41 merger with s42 wei s41 just got 7 new players from s42 and now merge with s43 just less than 5 people in s43 that still active..caocao  Please that 100 player is shadow clear your fact we just ask for more people not for winning but need active player more because what is remain in wei is mostly from s41 player. Thanks
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-3 21:32
  They had a screenshot of many shadows from Wei then they said it's a players ? ? ?   ROFL , what a real fool you are Caocao16 ...
Me too doesn't agree with this merged because Shu become overpopulated with their numbers and clones ! Even before merging with S43, Shu already overpopulated and you called this already BALANCE ??? OMG You are really Sick, dude
Eventhough we made a decision to ally with Wei , Shu still got a lot of numbers wether it's a real player or their clones   They still can handle us both ...
Now GM merged with s43 , Shu is dancing happily because they get a new strong players + more clones ...  They also had many spies inside Wei and Wu ...
Then you still called this BALANCE ???

GM Chen and others GM already made a wrong decision by merging s41/s42 with s43 !!! They have been tricked LOL
Now both wei and wu have less player because they dissapointed with this decision ...
i hope GM reconsider about our opinions and critics  , then find a better solution


Author: Mr.muscle    Time: 2016-3-3 21:53
LLLOOOOOLLLLLL!!! Shut up you guys from shu!! You all have made a big DRAMA, act like a CLOWN!!! Remember? You all crying ask for merge before, because wei and wu allied. That because you all so arrogant. The fact is you guys is strong enough to face wei and wu, but you all act like a SHIT! Always hiding in your capital when wei and wu attacking your cities and go out when you have high morale buff and start farming in wei capital. Even wei have allied with wu, you SHITS still can wins many country events and stealing when reclamation snatch time, but you SHITS still complaint with GM, ask for merger or something else. Tsk.! So tragic. GM has been tricked with that SHITS green.!!
Author: Mr.muscle    Time: 2016-3-3 21:53
LLLOOOOOLLLLLL!!! Shut up you guys from shu!! You all have made a big DRAMA, act like a CLOWN!!! Remember? You all crying ask for merge before, because wei and wu allied. That because you all so arrogant. The fact is you guys is strong enough to face wei and wu, but you all act like a SHIT! Always hiding in your capital when wei and wu attacking your cities and go out when you have high morale buff and start farming in wei capital. Even wei have allied with wu, you SHITS still can wins many country events and stealing when reclamation snatch time, but you SHITS still complaint with GM, ask for merger or something else. Tsk.! So tragic. GM has been tricked with that SHITS green.!!
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-3 22:26
soindigo replied at 2016-3-2 21:40
what do you think about this, dear GM?

Move to another server
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2016-3-3 22:37
Pray not to merge with s32 ^^
Author: s42    Time: 2016-3-3 23:53
Waiting 4 month for another merger .. LoL
Author: s42    Time: 2016-3-4 00:32
Just a game guys , dont be seriously..
If you can quit this game , its for ur own good.
Author: ceciltheo3    Time: 2016-3-4 00:54
Shu did cry but not all....wei now some cry but not all.....
Author: Cecep69    Time: 2016-3-4 04:46

Wei and wu always farm shu and close WooXian so shu can't farm so much.
And wei keep blaming this merger is not fair? the ally is not fair.
With this ally you guys keep hiding behind each other arm.
Hiding at palace while doing server quest is good.
Mind your own country bro. Be gentle, stop crying
Author: Mr.muscle    Time: 2016-3-4 07:46
Cecep69 replied at 2016-3-4 04:46
Wei and wu always farm shu and close WooXian so shu can't farm so much.
And wei keep blaming this  ...

Loll. There is no shu online broo!! Stop making a DRAMA!! You bastard CLOWN!
Author: fancyp4nts    Time: 2016-3-4 10:38
Shu has been farmed 24/7 for a while so i guess they need a break from all they crying; anyways servers will never be balanced so just play and stop wasting time and money jumping to new servers hoping it will be balanced because it won't be.
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-4 18:40
ceciltheo3 replied at 2016-3-4 00:54
Shu did cry but not all....wei now some cry but not all.....

Yeah bro, move to another server who is cry plz
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-4 21:28
Mr.muscle replied at 2016-3-3 21:53
LLLOOOOOLLLLLL!!! Shut up you guys from shu!! You all have made a big DRAMA, act like a CLOWN!!! Rem ...


Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-4 21:39
Cecep69 replied at 2016-3-4 04:46
Wei and wu always farm shu and close WooXian so shu can't farm so much.
And wei keep blaming this  ...

Author: preetthaten    Time: 2016-3-4 22:01

How could he lie, see that picture as evidence. wu defending wei while wei do assiege.
Shu can't go farm anywhere. all cities are blue and red.
Author: Tomy3    Time: 2016-3-5 00:48
Guys plzz no more mergers,I am Wu side on this,facts are that first merger wu ally with shu on begin,but since we saw bad side of shu and theres greed we ally wei,alliance was necesary for wu because wei and shu had double ppl!!
Second merge appear and shu dominats now because of large amount of ppl active,personal I dont care,have your chest fill and play when they are not online and gg!!
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-5 02:30

This is a real fact of the IMBALANCE on this server   Not just some old pictures from Dinosaur age
44 gens + Dueling gens = Wei+Wu gens who can pass to go inside, maybe there are about 20 gens are dueling inside .
129 - 13 shadows = 116 Shu's gens or Clones+Gens whose are dueling
Exclude outside gens whose are fighting with other gens from Wei+Wu on the way to go there

Even still Wei+Wu can't overcome the population of Shu

Please reconsider this matter and quickly find a better solution COTK-Chen

Author: heyyo    Time: 2016-3-5 02:35
mighty clones @shu s44 , look like s7 shu , right MACHAU!?
Author: Cecep69    Time: 2016-3-5 03:19

Why bring my acc there? I play 2 acc in my one 1 id since it server 41 and 42 mergered.
So what you bring? you cried and blaming clones? so gentle
This game is for fun, winning or losing is number 2. before merger wu and wei always bully shu.
but now when shu trying fight back after merger again, you complain skuele? so gentle
Author: Mr.muscle    Time: 2016-3-5 08:15
Skuele replied at 2016-3-4 21:39

Yea bro , they are very good actor lol
Author: Mr.muscle    Time: 2016-3-5 08:17
preetthaten replied at 2016-3-4 22:01
How could he lie, see that picture as evidence. wu defending wei while wei do assiege.
Shu can't g ...

Its just acting. The fact you can go tull right top corner in map, you not attacking using full force like always, you just want to make another drama
Author: hioiyu    Time: 2016-3-5 12:47
Skuele.. You is the very very s u c k person..
Only want to win this game ..
Before merger you from s41 everyday harverst iron..
After that merger with s42 , you still everyday harvest iron..
Now merger again with s43 , you just only few day can harvest iron start to open your bullshit word..
If you want win everytime , go to play offline game girl...
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-5 20:50
Cecep69 replied at 2016-3-5 03:19
Why bring my acc there? I play 2 acc in my one 1 id since it server 41 and 42 mergered.
So what you ...

did i mention your nick on reply ? it's just from a SS ... you are so sensitive dude

We can accept defeated if you used a legal way dude
but winning by using a dirty way + high class acting ??? WHAT A SHAME
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-5 20:52
Mr.muscle replied at 2016-3-5 08:17
Its just acting. The fact you can go tull right top corner in map, you not attacking using full fo ...

A new K-Drama or J-Drama
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-5 21:05
hioiyu replied at 2016-3-5 12:47
Skuele.. You is the very very s u c k person..
Only want to win this game ..
Before merger you from  ...

It didn't only a matter of iron dude   What a short-minded person   It's including all activites ...
Are you trying to test your acting skill on this thread ?
If you talk about Iron , Shu's too always get an iron maybe 5/7 per week if everyday spawn iron mine
You said bullshit word ?   Just go tell your drunken pal not me
i am commenting on this thread based on real fact . i don't deny about the alliance thing .
it's necessary to bring a real BALANCED . Even with the alliances, shu still can overcome us
But after the merging, it's become really IMBALANCED

That's why i said GM already made a wrong decision ...
Author: bossun25    Time: 2016-3-7 03:59
Lol just play game n have fun bro
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-7 11:23
Skuele replied at 2016-3-5 02:30
This is a real fact of the IMBALANCE on this server   Not just some old pictures from  ...

I am kongming and what are you saying? Shu clones? Are wu and wei so clean? peace!
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-7 11:27
Mr.muscle replied at 2016-3-5 08:17
Its just acting. The fact you can go tull right top corner in map, you not attacking using full fo ...

If shu is so strong, the map wont have blue and red. do not exaggerate guys. peace and have fun in the game
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-7 22:32
KM™ replied at 2016-3-7 11:23
I am kongming and what are you saying? Shu clones? Are wu and wei so clean? peace!

Wu is Clean but your own buddies made more clones account to join with us and even with wei
You said it's our clones ???
Do you think we dont know the truth ??? How naive
You can tricked GM , but not me dude

55% in Shu are Clones , but i don't know what's on GM's mind
Why GM still didn't take any action to banned it and let it grow day by day ?  
Maybe only GOD know
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-7 22:45
KM™ replied at 2016-3-7 11:27
If shu is so strong, the map wont have blue and red. do not exaggerate guys. peace and have fun in ...

Shu's S41-S42 is the strongest even without merge server
They even can overcome our alliances
Strong doesn't always point of how many green dots on the map
They are just acting and lazy to counterattack
After that they screenshot it and put it on forum to made GM sympathy with them
Now their acting already have result by merging with another strong buddies ...
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-9 10:22
Tomy3 replied at 2016-3-5 00:48
Guys plzz no more mergers,I am Wu side on this,facts are that first merger wu ally with shu on begin ...

Are you really a player of WU or just a Shu's slavedog ?
What a pity !!!
Author: Karina    Time: 2016-3-9 13:34
Ah  you talk to much skuele, LIKE AN OLD LADY... keep cryin, cryin & cryin.... just shut the f**k up & playing 4sshole !!!!
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-9 20:00
Karina replied at 2016-3-9 13:34
Ah  you talk to much skuele, LIKE AN OLD LADY... keep cryin, cryin & cryin.... just shut the f**k up ...

WOW !!! Another wise words came from a TRASH

It's my RIGHTS to make a protest about this matter
i will keep it going until all problems be cleared
Maybe i must create a new thread with a new topic, because this thread topic doesn't suit anymore

Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-9 20:25
Skuele replied at 2016-3-9 20:00
WOW !!! Another wise words came from a TRASH

It's my RIGHTS to make a protest abou ...

Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-9 20:27
Nakan replied at 2016-3-9 20:25

Just Kidding
Must still posting on this thread to make it popular
Author: Tomen    Time: 2016-3-10 11:34
this is what happened when wei and wu always farm in chengdu before merger, and now after merger they can't farm in Chengdu again, so they are crying like a baby, said shu full off clone, bla bla bla bla..... bullshit.. not gentle, wei and wu are LGBT i think
Author: bedegug    Time: 2016-3-10 19:31
always verbal invective ... suddenly I see this so respect to the S38 & S40 (merge) wei wu and shu .. always fight whatever the conditions without complaining and mutual respect remains strong against the enemy ..

shu s40
peace all
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2016-3-10 20:26
merge s1 and s41 pls GM
Author: G.G    Time: 2016-3-10 20:31
merger with s44.. will be a good merger
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-10 23:08
Tomen replied at 2016-3-10 11:34
this is what happened when wei and wu always farm in chengdu before merger, and now after merger the ...

Like this
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-11 19:07
Tomen replied at 2016-3-10 11:34
this is what happened when wei and wu always farm in chengdu before merger, and now after merger the ...

You must be thankful to GM because he raised and fostered all your clones and your buddies clones to high levels and even gave them s.hero easily

It's reality dude not some fabric facts like all your buddies posted before on their thread before merging with s43

You are just another filthy trash
Author: Tomen    Time: 2016-3-11 21:23
Justru anda yg sampah, anda di arena jauh lbh tinggi rank anda, wu punya bruiser,beamto,lutfy,anda,twin,willy,elangputra, wei ada, sugar,thickface,cecil,eleven,leoric,hairil, shu ada rowi,vugtis,kongming,kungfuak47,birdharla,shake,yeo,cozgrove, itu dlm 20 besar arena, perbandingan yg tdk jauh berbeda, jikalau shu banyak ppl knp???? Bukan berarti clone, 3 server di gabung jadi 1, y wajar, masalah knp jumlah ppl shu lbh banyak??? Silahkan cari tau sendiri, mengapa kebanyakan orang lbh senang main di shu...
Author: Tomen    Time: 2016-3-11 21:26
Dewasa sedikit bro skuele, anda menang anda diam, anda kalah anda angkat bicara, semua serba tidak adil, tidak ada yg bisa berlaku adil bro, kalo adil bagi anda itu anda slm posisi menang, berarti anda yg keliru..
Author: Tomen    Time: 2016-3-11 21:33
Jgn merasa wu paling clean bro, silahkan tanya pabuaran, setiap server di punya acc di shu, nama yg sama pula, toh kami santai saja.. Klo mencari-cari kesalahan gk akan pernah selese.. Nikmati saja seperti sy menikmati dari awal S41 launch auudah kalah dr wu dan wei, merger dengan 42 jg msh kalah dr wei sm wu, dan merger lagi.. Anda nikmati saja, GM jg gk akan tinggal diam klo memang server tidak balance, anda dan wei yg membuat merger terealisasi, anda lupa dengan World chat, thank u wu guys, thank you wei guys, bukan sekali 2 kali itu bro
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-11 22:01
Shu 41 vs 2 country, how about skuele? Wu and wei vs 1 country and crying always blame about clones bla bla bla
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-11 22:04
Just enjoy the game bro
Author: FelixThio    Time: 2016-3-11 22:20
nice bro tomen,for skuele dont crying anymore this is a balance server bcoz shu vs ally wu-wei..
Author: SiauLong    Time: 2016-3-11 23:27
I look so handsome n cool here...

Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-12 17:13
FelixThio replied at 2016-3-11 22:20
nice bro tomen,for skuele dont crying anymore this is a balance server bcoz shu vs ally wu-wei..

balance? I dont think so. Shu overpower already since 41-42 merger, that's why wei and wu make an alliance. And now wu and wei not allied anymore. And shu will be more stronger than before. That's nice for you bro!
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-12 17:16
Tomen replied at 2016-3-11 21:23
Justru anda yg sampah, anda di arena jauh lbh tinggi rank anda, wu punya bruiser,beamto,lutfy,anda,t ...

english please
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-12 17:16
Tomen replied at 2016-3-11 21:26
Dewasa sedikit bro skuele, anda menang anda diam, anda kalah anda angkat bicara, semua serba tidak a ...

english please
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-12 17:16
Tomen replied at 2016-3-11 21:33
Jgn merasa wu paling clean bro, silahkan tanya pabuaran, setiap server di punya acc di shu, nama yg  ...

english please
Author: soindigo    Time: 2016-3-12 17:20
hioiyu replied at 2016-3-5 12:47
Skuele.. You is the very very s u c k person..
Only want to win this game ..
Before merger you from  ...

what's wrong with him bro? he just dissappointed with GM decision, he complain to GM not you. Please calm
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-12 19:19
Tomen replied at 2016-3-11 21:23
Justru anda yg sampah, anda di arena jauh lbh tinggi rank anda, wu punya bruiser,beamto,lutfy,anda,t ...

What did you say ?
Speak English please, i dont understand
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-12 19:20
Tomen replied at 2016-3-11 21:33
Jgn merasa wu paling clean bro, silahkan tanya pabuaran, setiap server di punya acc di shu, nama yg  ...

Another one
English please , i dont understand it
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-12 19:24
FelixThio replied at 2016-3-11 22:20
nice bro tomen,for skuele dont crying anymore this is a balance server bcoz shu vs ally wu-wei..

All of Shu's people and it's comrades  said it BALANCE
but if you asked another people and saw the reality
They will speak the truth dude

Everyone with clear minds will agree with my opinions

Author: Tomen    Time: 2016-3-13 00:39
Here the tips for u bro skuele, use google translate if u dont understand what i mean... Simple bro..
Author: Tomen    Time: 2016-3-13 00:40
Here the tips for u bro skuele, use google translate if u dont understand what i mean... Simple bro..
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-13 14:10
Edited by Skuele at 2016-3-13 14:15

It's too troublesome dude
Google translate's grammars also made me confused
Please write a comment and reply using English please because i don't know what kind of languange is that  

GM , i still waiting for the conclusion about this matter
Divide Server (I really agree with this one ) or Merge again with server that has less shu's players
Thank You
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-13 19:03
Skuele replied at 2016-3-13 14:10
It's too troublesome dude  
Google translate's grammars also made me confused
Please wr ...

if u dont like it just move to another server its simple bro, no offense..
Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-14 00:35
soindigo replied at 2016-3-12 17:13
balance? I dont think so. Shu overpower already since 41-42 merger, that's why wei and wu make an  ...

Wu wei not ally? U must be drunk dude, they are still in love
Author: LihaySex    Time: 2016-3-14 01:18
u sure want merge with s33/s31 ?lol
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-14 10:18
Wu and wei are not allying because it is pointless. even with 2 countries we still cant beat shu in numbers. And please guys drop all the acts. Wu and wei dispatched everyday punctually and you all just came and snatch everything to the last drop. I am not crying on this, its just a mere iron and i can get it dailly from iron mine...it is just that you dont have to act weak in forum because you are much much stronger than wu wei together. Dont be so panicky and busy defending yourself with act and ss because i believe GM wont care a bit when it comes to defending shu...

Author: Nakan    Time: 2016-3-14 11:35
Xixi778 replied at 2016-3-14 10:18
Wu and wei are not allying because it is pointless. even with 2 countries we still cant beat shu in  ...

bla bla bla
Author: .XVT.    Time: 2016-3-14 21:50
Xixi778 replied at 2016-3-14 10:18
Wu and wei are not allying because it is pointless. even with 2 countries we still cant beat shu in  ...

oke.. lets merger with s44.. sure amazing merger
Author: Fentje    Time: 2016-3-14 22:27
Merger it with s1 please GM

Is funny to see wu and wei crying LOL
Author: Fentje    Time: 2016-3-14 22:29
The mighty skuele and beamto is crying over shu

I hope all shu can go to donxing everyday 24 hour and get them retired

Author: affanz    Time: 2016-3-15 09:12
only wu people is crying on forum, ur like a girl, be gentle, face it, live with it,,, so the real looser is that person who crying everyday, day by day on this forum, he is busy to find a mistake of shu, please, find ur mistake first after u judge of someone mistake....
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-16 00:54
Nakan replied at 2016-3-13 19:03
if u dont like it just move to another server its simple bro, no offense..

If i don't wanna ?   What will you do ?
Are you an administrator that giving orders ?

I just give my advice to GMs and i hope they think about it and find a real solution
but until now, they only ignore it
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-16 01:01
Nakan replied at 2016-3-14 11:35
bla bla bla

ooo Nakan , you just show your true identity
Just another Filthy Trash too

Yeah i agree with you too Xixi , it looks like GM didn't care about our complains when we talk about Shu
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-16 01:06
Edited by Skuele at 2016-3-16 01:17
Fentje replied at 2016-3-14 22:29
The mighty skuele and beamto is crying over shu

I hope all shu can go to donxing everyday 24 hour  ...

You aren't updating about the latest info ?
They already retired dude

Farm all Wu's and Wei's Capital everyday 24 hours please
i hope your wish come true

Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-16 01:16
affanz replied at 2016-3-15 09:12
only wu people is crying on forum, ur like a girl, be gentle, face it, live with it,,, so the real l ...

Wow another fake Wiseman  but still you are just another Fool

It's a real matter that i always pointed on this forum
I am not to busy to find it because it happens everday
You thought i fabricated it ?

Go using more of your accounts to post on this forum and defence your Shu's buddies
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-16 12:36
Skuele replied at 2016-3-16 01:06
You aren't updating about the latest info ?
They already retired dude

Oh I didnt know they retired because Skuele and BeamTo are pretty much active and coming to shu very often every day. By the way, it will be fun farming wu and wei capital 24/7 and if that is going to happen, I can assure you that it will be my great pleasure to post screenshots in here for you to see on hourly basis.

Cheers mate!

Author: affanz    Time: 2016-3-16 12:46
bro, dont u forget when shu ppl complain about allied wei and wu, that make shu sufferd more than 2 months, GM replied that's is a strategic of war, can't blame the allied, so when shu now after merger more powerfull than before, why ur complain?? why u can accept it? ur the only one only wants to win, nener want be a lose position
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-16 13:23
KM™ replied at 2016-3-16 12:36
Oh I didnt know they retired because Skuele and BeamTo are pretty much active and coming to shu ve ...

Please do that kongmimg...i would love to see that

Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-16 13:24
KM™ replied at 2016-3-16 12:36
Oh I didnt know they retired because Skuele and BeamTo are pretty much active and coming to shu ve ...

Please do that kongmimg...i would love to see that

Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-16 14:06
Xixi778 replied at 2016-3-16 13:24
Please do that kongmimg...i would love to see that

hehehe i would love to but it is impossible for shu to do it cos wu n wei are strong. the server is pretty much in balance in my opinion.
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-16 21:51
KM™ replied at 2016-3-16 14:06
hehehe i would love to but it is impossible for shu to do it cos wu n wei are strong. the server i ...

As usual, smart boy with smart answer...lol
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-16 23:06
KM™ replied at 2016-3-16 12:36
Oh I didnt know they retired because Skuele and BeamTo are pretty much active and coming to shu ve ...

Maybe they inherit their account to other player

Shu always make green dots on the map and farm at both countries capital
It's already happenned everyday since merged dude
Why you didn't posted although you said it's a great pleasure ???

Still a Mystery
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-16 23:20
affanz replied at 2016-3-16 12:46
bro, dont u forget when shu ppl complain about allied wei and wu, that make shu sufferd more than 2  ...

Surely I must complain about it , just as i said before on this forum
Even Wu and Wei are allies , Shu still can overcome it
But Shu choose to act like a weak vermins to tricked GM And their act was succeed

Just Don't jumping in the middle of a conversation if you didn't know the very first initial of a conversation
Please read all my replies on the previous pages , i am lazy to explain it again  
Author: Xixi778    Time: 2016-3-17 11:24
Skuele replied at 2016-3-16 23:20
Surely I must complain about it , just as i said before on this forum
Even Wu and Wei are allie ...

Chill bro...this is just a game and we play to enjoy it as it is intended to. Its useless to talk here although it is clearly unbalanced, GM wont do another merger in such a short time. And I believe even with a new merger, shu will just keep increasing in power.
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-17 18:16
Xixi778 replied at 2016-3-16 21:51
As usual, smart boy with smart answer...lol

Thanks for compliment my dear wu friend! I am speaking the truth only as u know. No point of acting since we are all grown up, aint we?
Author: KM™    Time: 2016-3-17 18:20
Skuele replied at 2016-3-16 23:06
Maybe they inherit their account to other player

Shu always make green dots on the map ...

To the best of my knowledge that (farming) has not happened since merge. Probably I was not online to witness any kind of shu farming both wei and wu. Wei has monster Sugar to guard most of the time. Wu has skuele and few other gangs especial lordpat (never mind his gens) to guard like 24/7 from Guiyang. Kindly enlighten me if i am wrong.

Cheer mate! btw new server is out... be happy to move if u feel shu is too strong for you at s41
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-18 19:17
Xixi778 replied at 2016-3-17 11:24
Chill bro...this is just a game and we play to enjoy it as it is intended to. Its useless to talk h ...

Yeah , What an useless GM
Full of discrimination inside the game
Dissapointed 5 stars
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-18 19:24
KM™ replied at 2016-3-17 18:20
To the best of my knowledge that (farming) has not happened since merge. Probably I was not online ...

Are your statements true ?
Wu's people defend Guiyang ?

Should i post an actual Screenshots ?
You said you are speaking the truth ???
You must already get drunk by now
Author: Skuele    Time: 2016-3-18 19:27
Need more Wu's people and less Shu's people with their clones
Divide Server and Banned all Clones , i thought is the best way

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