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Title: s15+s12= CLONE WARS LOL, petty grudges [Print this page]

Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-6 10:52
Title: s15+s12= CLONE WARS LOL, petty grudges
yay attack of the map war clones . thanks GM what a joke . i want to fight real people not clone army . give me a server where i can develop against real people ,not dead accounts. IT LIKE STAR WARS MOVIE , dam

ANYONE FROM S12/S15 i dont want to fight the map war its boring and its been going for years what is the point ?? supression ? wise man said to me live and let live .learn to share and no more food problems ,and more vc for our server if we have ro's and food to burn for events. this petty war weakens us all.

Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-3-6 13:12
I'm really curious how the map looks like LOL
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-6 16:05
What ever u say house....we farm exp from wei i see wu can enter wuyang but
U lucky u country not farm by shu ask to s12 wu before merger lol....so stop tell boring play bla2...
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-6 17:48
redz225 replied at 2016-3-6 16:05
What ever u say house....we farm exp from wei i see wu can enter wuyang but
U lucky u country not fa ...

Thats completely true.
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-8 09:21
redz225 replied at 2016-3-6 16:05
What ever u say house....we farm exp from wei i see wu can enter wuyang but
U lucky u country not fa ...

how about you give a thought to royal wrath guan yu and blur guy our top 16 players , witch you have frozen our champions growth . your clones suck arse . why cant we all share eachothers 50% there is no real reason we cant ,other then being pig headed . fact is your making us weak for what??? pride .
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-8 09:21
redz225 replied at 2016-3-6 16:05
What ever u say house....we farm exp from wei i see wu can enter wuyang but
U lucky u country not fa ...

post a reason for your war
Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2016-3-8 11:49
clone country speak a clone contry,
shu 12 is a real player,.. why?  you can see in event wealth ...  shu is leading more and win easly, beaause a real player, wei and wu always lose in event wealth, because you are clone country ...

and clone country will ally with clone country to to fight with a real country, no problem we are warior from shu will fight will honour, to again ally s12 wu and s12 wei ...
MillAdela S12 shu, and real player
Author: G-F-man    Time: 2016-3-8 15:31
IwanSudjatmiko replied at 2016-3-8 11:49
clone country speak a clone contry,
shu 12 is a real player,.. why?  you can see in event wealth .. ...

stupid u shemale thinking. the one i hate animal is like u, only big mouth talking. u think u can beat other country without your clone n your master CHEN? better u go get your wet dream
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-8 17:18
IwanSudjatmiko replied at 2016-3-8 11:49
clone country speak a clone contry,
shu 12 is a real player,.. why?  you can see in event wealth .. ...

i have no allies i dont choose sides , its just personal growth for me . and your not all real players dont talk shit . you talk of honour as you tell lies . just be honest no one really cares mate all 3 countrys use clones atleased we dont lie about it as we preach about honour .if you read post properly you would notice i wanted 50% for you as well as wu and wei. my goal is strenght for the new s12 . lets unite
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-3-8 17:54
Guys I think the best solution would be permanent deal similar to MoH event. Shu farms Wei in three cities, Wei farms Wu in three cities, Wu farms Shu in three cities. The deal would not be effective during daily event times. This would be the best for all people on server and we all can grow strong faster.   
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-9 05:49
Corvinus replied at 2016-3-8 17:54
Guys I think the best solution would be permanent deal similar to MoH event. Shu farms Wei in three  ...

this would be great but we need all major players to agree on this . if this way is for you speak with your country .
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-9 11:45
HouseVT89 replied at 2016-3-9 05:49
this would be great but we need all major players to agree on this . if this way is for you speak  ...

Never allies again in moh....if want go to wei coz shu mever want ally in moh share 50%.
Tell to ppl wu if want fully nar moh.
Me the first reject amd most shu ppl never accepted this proposal.
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-9 11:52
HouseVT89 replied at 2016-3-8 09:21
how about you give a thought to royal wrath guan yu and blur guy our top 16 players , witch you ha ...

Why..want the answer?
1.before merger with s12 we bully wu coz 2 personal proboem ryian vs itj23 always shu go farming wu u know my mean personal problem,
2.s14 shu amd s14 wu have more problem coz shu 14 get bully by wu before merer with s12
3.s12 shu and wu 12  make a deal ally but i dont know who the first broken the deal this not 1 time happen so more amke deal and broken.
Why we make 1 country weak not hard this answer  only 1 hapoy look 1 country everyday bully and slowly growth
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-9 11:53
HouseVT89 replied at 2016-3-8 09:21
how about you give a thought to royal wrath guan yu and blur guy our top 16 players , witch you ha ...

Why..want the answer?
1.before merger with s12 we bully wu coz 2 personal proboem ryian vs itj23 always shu go farming wu u know my mean personal problem,
2.s14 shu amd s14 wu have more problem coz shu 14 get bully by wu before merer with s12
3.s12 shu and wu 12  make a deal ally but i dont know who the first broken the deal this not 1 time happen so more amke deal and broken.
Why we make 1 country weak not hard this answer  only 1 hapoy look 1 country everyday bully and slowly growth
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-9 12:08
if that happens i will do my best to help the weaker country . its only fear that divides us . royalwrath is our most feared ,but no one fear him why do you think that is ????

ill tell you its because he goes straight to 50% and doesnt bother anyone he doesnt place lubu aegis everywhere . he is by far the fairest player i know . so if someone that strong can be fair and kind why not the rest of us. our server doesnt need or want supression . dont fear who you dont know they might just be kind , that goes for all of us even me
Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2016-3-10 11:35
HouseVT89 replied at 2016-3-8 17:18
i have no allies i dont choose sides , its just personal growth for me . and your not all real pla ...

maybe if you can command wu player attack wei country, so shu s12 can go wei... we dont distrub wu ... is a win win solution
Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2016-3-10 12:41
Why mad pigeot??

for what you mad??
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-10 13:39
IwanSudjatmiko replied at 2016-3-10 11:35
maybe if you can command wu player attack wei country, so shu s12 can go wei... we dont distrub wu ...

its only a win for you isnt it . same old fear eh
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-10 13:42
PanerBruno replied at 2016-3-10 12:41
Why mad pigeot??

for what you mad??

i take it you mean me ?? im not mad . i think you cant read properly. pigeot an insault? lol waste of words . your the clone master i take it . good luck with no real power of your own .queen of clones
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-10 14:42
I stooped from this game last night delete this apk gibe to anotjer plyer.
Take back too rest...what happen now i dont wamt thingking.
War amd just war no peace again for 3 country domt dream in s12  coz s12 hot area hahaha....wu wei i sure become ally shu have weak point...if open 50% all plyer  go to this example dongxing..who want siege closed every way  no coz every ppl try reach dongxing so easy to stopped.
Poor shu i think no change situation before amd after merger
Author: KeigoMaximus    Time: 2016-3-10 15:10
Lets straighten this problem,who using clones and what's mean clones war?since wu and wei from former s14 beginning ally,shu never using clones to war,but yes we resting our main id to save food and using unuse id to hold you both for reaching our 50%,2 way come for us from wu n wei its make shu holding them both cost a lot of food.
Why this happen?because shu population is lot than wu n wei,but our high vip player not like wu n wei instead.
Since this merge wei afraid of shu power,not just from now,it happen since s14.
Actually this merge not benefit shu at all,it benefit wei n wu more powerful because of u both allying.both wei n wu have high vip player,
So why afraid and posting rumor about clones war?
We shu s14 now s12 is usually fighting both country from beginning ,n we use to play like that.
Talking about fair play n real player,lets not ally each other,each other can attack anyone.
But it certainly wont happen,reason from wei ally with wu is to balance this server.its definitely unfair indeed.
So do not put any rumor that is a clones war in s12,i think its good for us to play as usual without allying each other,shu can go wei n wu,n so on....it definitely can make our s16 top player leveling without any of weak country being bullying...wei n wu both ally also make shu RoyalWarthdifficult to lvlng...but yes it three kingdom game..anyone can ally,but cannot blame each other or put any untruth rumor

Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-3-10 18:38
s15 Shu deserve to be bullied in my honest opinion. As soon as s18 merged into s15 they farmed us at Wei for months and months and there was nothing we could do. I have nothing against any of them personally but it's only fair that they experience it for themselves. Royal was fair in s15 under certain circumstances - he only wanted iron but he would always block us from moving. Blurguy or Blurbot also farmed us with his bot for months by taking our 50% cities everytime the guards were refreshed. I honestly didn't care if RW farmed iron or if Blurguy farmed xp but with both of them attacking at the same time they reduced Wei to 3 or 4 cities at all times unless Guan was on.

Bottom line is: just play the game and accept the fact that COTK isn't always fair. We were being destroyed for months by Shu and Wu before merger, I don't see why Wu are complaining now that Wei are a fair bit stronger.

I respect all opinions so I invite you all to discuss this with me.
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-11 05:32
and befor that both you farmed wu , so what that is the past . wei choose to almost wipe wu out . took us a year to recover and a merge befor we were strong enought again . use your head we need 3 strong countrys not 2 . so if it come to worste case 2 can stand against 1. afrooo your surpression is over , just like ours ended . be happy now for the change has finaly come for you guys .
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-11 05:37
you all bring up the past , i will be blunt i dont care about the past just the future, look foward not back. all need to understand to my wu , shu and wei had done bad things to us . so bad our wu all but give up i rc many players for bribe just to stay with us . but we put it in the past and moved on. so i hope you find it in your hearts to do the same.
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-3-11 14:22
House, I am happy that the suppression is over; I wasn't directing my complaints to the present s15/12, just the past. Having said what I said, I don't really care about the country was anyway. I'd be happy to share 50% cities but that's not exactly how the cookie is crumbling right now. If you haven't realized, a lot of players from all sides have retired and I could name nearly all of them. I say this because I doubt the reason they retire is because they're being suppressed. Wu now has 24/7 access to Wooyang so I don't see why you're making such a big deal about not being able to share cities? You said you have no interest in country war at all so that again contradicts your statements and intentions. I don't mean to sound disrespectful in any way, I just don't see what you're getting at.
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-3-14 02:30
KeigoMaximus replied at 2016-3-10 15:10
Lets straighten this problem,who using clones and what's mean clones war?since wu and wei from forme ...

afraid to shu are u kidding me? when event drop shu never go to wei, when moh shu only focus block wei and let wu farm shu, is ok at least our friend country can reach 50%
we are wei and wu simple target only shu that all dont care what event
about allied wu and wei not because shu so scary like u say we ally from beginning so will ally till the end
about clone yeah we know shu have big populations but really old server still use red gen and i saw yellow gen too
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-14 10:48
Ic3....u look the map lol...shu easy to wu like wu easy to shu..
Wei easy to shu shu long time reach to wei so far. From map u wei so benefit got 4 exit way like wu habe 3 exit way...shu only have 2 way exit wooyang and mianzhu...yes poor shu onoy have 2 exit way...shu s12 strong coz deff from 2 country if wei do like shu??? I sure u big mouth will closed maybe retired like s19 shu wu ally farming every time in wei...
Oh ya in moh better let wu take wooyang coz we need mianzhu always clear so we can auto atck wothout stuck in Mianzhu...oh shurikendo i hear from some plyer the traitor shu got rc from ppl wei ya...ic3
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-3-14 12:00
redz225 replied at 2016-3-14 10:48
Ic3....u look the map lol...shu easy to wu like wu easy to shu..
Wei easy to shu shu long time reach ...

is it? so why shu wc and say dont gift banner to wei
u hear to much but all wrong information hahaha
shu s12 strong hahahaa is shu 15 strong not shu 12
i never regret move to wei u know why?? wei is like family very good relationship we never look who strong and weak players is no different and all wei players i can trust to them almost all player know my id and u know what happen is safe not like shu specially redrose sell id to catheryne you're own country and hack it back
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-14 13:50
Ha3...u say s12 weak ic3...about merger s.15 wei always farm by shu amd wu i think not s12 want merger but gm look so sad wei s15.
After merger we still can farm exp yes the fact we cant party to u country...i think wei realy sad coz ally with wu xixi...dont tell wei stronger than  shu and wu loo...u take benefit from ally without ally wkwk where is u xountry in elit tourney? Never seen only 1 times i think 8t s luck6
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2016-3-14 16:20
KeigoMaximus replied at 2016-3-10 15:10
Lets straighten this problem,who using clones and what's mean clones war?since wu and wei from forme ...

actually no one fear shu power now cant you tell. and it was shu didn't want free trade with wu and wei we worked very hard trying to convince shu it was in royalwraths best intrest and shu's to make peace. so we all could live free and grow, you all voted and refused a fair offer. so I say again to a shu player don't lie . we did all we could to help .if your not happy put pressure on your fellow players to try for free trade .
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-3-14 16:22
I'm not say we more stronger i say we never afraid to shu btw who are u red? Another ant in shu lol

Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2016-3-14 16:36
Hawkx replied at 2016-3-14 16:20
actually no one fear shu power now cant you tell. and it was shu didn't want free trade with wu an ...

hawk u wasting you're time talk to them
they only kid who stuck in old memories haha
only few shu player so gentle like RW,Konya,etc
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-14 16:39
Shurikendo replied at 2016-3-14 16:22
I'm not say we more stronger i say we never afraid to shu btw who are u red? Another ant in shu lol  ...

Hahahs,,,who i am?
We try to p6sh lveling wei long time not party in wei.about wu let they take a wooyang we deff as long posibble.
Shu now not more pol aktive and rarely not use pc...u wei using pc so 1 ppl can handle 3/4 id  when ee less ppl than wei we just deff..but want see power shu s12 look in night 08.00  until reset time we fuuly team not matter how much wei wu try closed shu.
We prioryty now to wei coz why dont ask to me i just follow our commamder
Author: redz225    Time: 2016-3-14 16:41
Forget...about me better ask to shu s12 who i am hahaha.....i am real plyee lol not like u using more id  workig id (left by ppl have original)..
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-16 08:50
redz225 replied at 2016-3-14 16:41
Forget...about me better ask to shu s12 who i am hahaha.....i am real plyee lol not like u using mor ...

I class an old dead account as a clone , its just a stronger clone , so what if you didn't create the acc .you use it as you would a clone . so by definition its a clone . as for the comment you rest your main account while using these clones some may , but I see the clone masters running them . and fighting in front of them.and so we are clear I don't want members of shu to retire , just be more reasonable towards others wu and wei to
Author: sebastiane12    Time: 2016-3-18 15:39
Haeehh,,u guys talk bout 12/14/15/18,,,where is our from 19/20,,,lol
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2016-3-19 09:11
wei you should think about sharing the food swop city , believe me its in your best intrest to share . you claimed over half the map . if wu not help you its over for your country . you cant bully both. were not the old wu and you made no allie pact with me , just forced me to do as you want. some of us not happy with this arrangement . what harm would it do to share ?

I'm asking to share
Author: Andy8877876    Time: 2016-3-19 15:09
U are the big idiot one wu and Wei ally now u talk real fight
Author: sanada    Time: 2016-3-21 13:13
Thats right house
ZhugeLiang s15
Author: caocao91    Time: 2016-3-24 15:38
shu got so many clones, they even use it at Elite Tourney

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