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Title: Merge S48 please !! [Print this page]

Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-3-15 09:21
Title: Merge S48 please !!
Server : s48 True Faith
Ing : zIzKai from Shu
Dear GM
S48 now totally dominated by Shu, the map always green, also in Wei land and Wu land. It maked us feel no fun, no motivation to play. Many top players from Wei and Wu moved to new severs, I don't want to fight with guards all day all night. So pls, secure this server. We need merge with another server where Wei and Wu are stronger, for example s49.
Pls respond.
Thank u

Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-3-15 09:52
Edited by MsKitty at 2016-3-15 09:56

Server: 48 WU
Ign:  FieldKitty

Yes i agree that we need a merge, the only reason i keep playing on S48 is hoping for a merge some day, just trying to do the daily kill chests and level up best i can while all i can do is mostly sit back and watch shu get stronger and stronger everyday farming all of the iron on the entire map every hour like clockwork.  We in WU lack player base as alot of our players have left and even when we manage to keep shu off our land we can only watch the entire Wei map turn green, i really feel for Wei, they have it worse then we do at WU, we don't even have the player base to finish a barb event.  We really are in desperate need of some kind of a merger.

Also we almost always have that extra exp from the WU/Wei alliance that the system gives us because our map is forever green.  We don't need the extra exp all day and night, we need a more balanced server so all country can have fun playing, that extra Wu/Wei alliance exp constantly should tell the GM something is wrong on the server.

And the GM should know that even when they give the map 4 iron mines, shu is so greedy they have all 4 of them always, its a rare rare day that anyone but shu would get an iron mine.

we should say, iron mine?  what is that?

Author: raziljim    Time: 2016-3-15 12:19
S48 wu travis992. Ya def need merger we dont even have all our titles filled up that short of people. We still have fun in wu without all the people but for alot of events you need peps dont really care what server they merge just need more peps in wu/wei
Author: animasi    Time: 2016-3-15 13:04
u crying a lot when u lose stupid, all map is green thats u want right , and u can fast farming exp get all iron why still cry? master of clone on shu side at s48
Author: animasi    Time: 2016-3-15 13:05
u all shu never conscious has many player and still use many clone and blame others can playing clone. STUPID EASY CRYING N BLAME OTHERS
Author: dieucay555    Time: 2016-3-15 14:57
Edited by dieucay555 at 2016-3-15 14:59
animasi replied at 2016-3-15 13:05
u all shu never conscious has many player and still use many clone and blame others can playing clon ...

So what u want us to do? Lol. Bully u, u scold us, want the server become more balance, u also scold us, and all the Shu are bad people? Did I do somethings wrong when choose my favourite country in Three Kingdoms? Or you want all of us retire? This type person like u never grow up. sorry for the straight words
Author: Styp    Time: 2016-3-15 17:40
My ign STYP from shu
im agree with that, please chen merge us with another server,
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-3-15 20:47
I agree with the merger...not sure how other Wu and Wei players are made up but S48 Shu is made up mainly of ex S46 Shu players because of Wu's sexy dominance in that server.

To me winning the events or country wars is secondary,the most important thing is having buddies alongside with u...anyway i feel S46 Muqua is sexier lol.
Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2016-3-15 20:56
animasi replied at 2016-3-15 13:05
u all shu never conscious has many player and still use many clone and blame others can playing clon ...

hey bro,calm down...no doubt there are way too many S48 Shu players but we cannot control the whole population right(just like you cannot control people from leaving)

Using clones?not from the players I know of because we did lose some events due to these so called unknown players who anyhow lure (or perhaps they r clones) in country wars
Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-3-15 23:38
Hi Stupi...lets put facts together, what lvl vip are you?...I can myself, be the biggest pimp on the server but i choose not too, I OWN an automotive shop here in California, cashflow i havebut at the same time im a cheap pimp and im vip 4, I can whoop most of shu on s48...its called playing smart...understand?...now with the clone issue, i wonder why clone master CantiQ got locked....enuff said, there is no denial Wu is too sexy...
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-3-16 01:46
honestly if it wasn't for Mushu keeping WU having so much fun i would of probably left this server already

Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-3-16 01:55
glad you enjoyed it Kitty.
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-3-16 11:21
Edited by MsKitty at 2016-3-16 11:30

well Mushu i can't believe me and you the only ones online in WU for the event and here is SHU people keep pm us and laughing at us because the map is all green.  It seems they think they are all strong invincible in numbers but me and you keep on trying.  Its sad they can't see its 2 against an entire nation? yet they have to throw in comments to us.  Really sad that they need to feel like this on an online game, they must really got no life haha

CONGRAGULATIONS SHU u made everyone quit playing

Author: shahin    Time: 2016-3-16 13:00
Edited by shahin at 2016-3-16 13:09
MsKitty replied at 2016-3-16 11:21
well Mushu i can't believe me and you the only ones online in WU for the event and here is SHU peopl ...

is wu have lack of ppl in s48? so sad we were face same situation in s44... just 2 regular player... now after merge not better but we find few more ppl with us.......

lol i tried for a acc but no new acc allowed for s48 now...

Author: Whalr    Time: 2016-3-16 16:00
the map is green because its spring time, we watered the trees in event remember Kitty?. these shu thinks its green cause they are there?. they are there to work for us as gardeners. we hire them to trim the grass with scissors, to pick the fruits and feed the sex slave in training... anything green is shu?. hahaha i know shu turns green, specially lion and the queers when they see the us rolling around...all they want is to freeload the iron and crying bout the merge. good night Kitty...the fun just began...
Author: MsKitty    Time: 2016-3-17 01:11
Whalr replied at 2016-3-16 16:00
the map is green because its spring time, we watered the trees in event remember Kitty?.  th ...

lol this is why i still play at S48, because at least we have fun and don't take the game so serious like others do
Author: mioom3    Time: 2016-3-17 15:02
hahahahahaha.......no merge still happy
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-3-23 02:29
Merge S.48 with S.50 please GM. I will like to see how strong S.48 Shu are! Even know S.50 is 6 weeks behind.

S.50 Wu BrownJosep
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-3-23 02:33
By the way. I play S.46 Wu and own S.46 Shu Everyday before S.44 merger.

Also S.46 Wu Muqua

lol here is your match S.48 Shu.
Author: hoho    Time: 2016-3-23 14:10
someone want to fight clone
but also crying to gm to have it banned
Author: Doe    Time: 2016-3-23 14:33
Colons only exist when you weak!
Author: Amanda    Time: 2016-3-24 18:02
Doe replied at 2016-3-23 14:33
Colons only exist when you weak!

yes shu hve too many clones

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