Heyshell Games Forum

Title: 【Server merge】(s8-s10)【Mar 25th】 [Print this page]

Author: Brass    Time: 2016-3-17 14:46
Title: 【Server merge】(s8-s10)【Mar 25th】
Server merge
Dear players:
In order to maintain a high level of game play across the Soul Sword, on Mar 25th 10:00, Soul sword will begin consolidating the following servers. These merges are scheduled to occur 2 hours

s8 Buring XinyeMar  25th 10:00-12:00(GMT+8)
s9 Eternity Legend
s10 Armor Manual

1.  After merge, all the players keep their country.
The original nation main quest will be cleared, after server merge, players need to receive the new country main quest.
The original emperor quest, guild quest and national quest will be cleared, players can get new emperor quest, guild questand national quest after merge.(quest times will be reset)
2. After merge, if player use same accountcreate game role in s8-s10, the system only list the top six high level roles,players can only choose three of them, please choose the game role carefully.(The not chosen role will be deleted forever, the gold and item in the deleted rolewill be cleared together.)
3. After merge, player can login from the pervious server name, serverlist will not change.
4.If there are two players have same name in the merge server, the system will add distinction after players name.(ExamplevBu s9)
5. After server merge, all the rank will reset. Include level rank ,force rank, copper rank, guild rank, Soul towerrank, arena rank.(Please get the reward before server merge)
6.The kings, title and reputation rank willbe cleared, and at the 00:00 of the second day, reputation rank and title will reset. The kings need to be voted after server merge.
7. If the players don’t join any country before server merge, they can join any country after merge.

1. After servers merge, all the guilds willbe kept(include numbers, guild level and fund), and the nation will be changed to the merge country. Guild area will be cleared.
2. If there are two servers have same name guild, the system will make a distinction between the two guild. Example: victoryguild (s5)

Special rules
1. VIP level and gold will not change.
2. After server merge, players can choose the original server to recharge.

Merge login pack
Event time: Mar 4th 12:00-Mar 13th 23:59
Details: the first time players login tothe game can get copper*200k, Soul Package*2, Agate*30, Lv1 Enhancer*30,Improver*1

Merge consecutive login pack
Event time: Mar 25th 12:00-Mar 31st 23:59
First day100 gold
Second day100 gold
Third Day150 gold
Fourth day150 gold
Fifth day250 gold
Sixth day250 gold
Seventh day500 gold

Soul sword operation team
Mar 17th 2016

Author: 安安    Time: 2016-3-27 14:24
GM where is our consecutive login pac......
Author: jawer    Time: 2016-4-2 10:59
Bang gm bisa log in fb d ganti email.. Tolong d bales.. Tq
Author: PowerBlack    Time: 2023-11-15 19:44
Подсел в последние время на ставки на спорт и понял, что нужно еще правильно выбирать букмекера. Вот на этом сайте рабочее 1хбет зеркало нашел обзор по рейтингу. Так что сейчас изучаю эту инфу.

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